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Hey yall! We're moving swiftly towards the end of May, which means its time for another of these lil text posts

June will mark the start of this Patreon in earnest, bringing with it monthly illustrations AND the limited sketch commission tier!

Monthly Illustrations: At the top of the month I will make a post with a particular Theme, at which point all $5+ patrons can submit their ideas! These submissions will of course be subject to my usual commission rules, particularly no underage characters

$25 Sketch Commission: This will roll out June 1st! I'll be putting up 10 slots for people to grab~ At the start of the month I will make a post linking to a Google Form (much like my commission form) for you to fill out with the necessary details and references!

As always, I am looking for feedback as to the direction of the $10 tier. Atm I am considering a monthly poll for to upgrade a $25 sketch comm to a full illustration, exclusive to $10 and $25 tiers which would kick off in July

Aaaand that's all I can think to address at the moment. If you have any questions, concerns, or feedback please reply to this post or DM me and I will do my best to answer!



what time will the new $25 slots go up? i definitely want one but i'm a little paranoid they might get snapped up while i'm asleep if it's like...midnight (EST here)