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Here is the finished Lucina Tg story. Enjoy!

“You weren’t kidding. This place is huge!”

Jack’s life-long friend James gawked at the massive, sprawling hall before him at the entrance to a giant mansion. There were marble pillars and walls lined with furbished stone. The outside of the dwelling looked fairly typical for a mansion, but the inside had the feel of a rich, castle interior.

“Yeah… my family— left me with a lot, heh.” Jack said while scratching the back of his ear. He was a bit taken aback as well at the sheer size of it all. “I’m honestly unsure what I’m even supposed to do with all this.”

James gave a wide smirk.

“We throw a party of course! Break the place in you know?”

“I’m down. Though, can it be just you and me? I haven’t gotten a good look at the place yet and don’t want anything getting broken or stolen.”

While a tad disappointed James agreed.

“So your parents never told you about this place?”

“Nope! Well-kept family secret I guess. They said they wanted a simple life for me, but were fine leaving any choice on what to do with the place to me should the time come.”

James stared up at a family emblem branded on a shield hanging near the spiral staircase. It looked like the shape of a dragon taking flight.

“So what did your family line do to possess a place like this?”

A bit embarrassed, Jack sat on a step of the stairs and twiddled his thumbs.

“Even I don’t fully believe it, but apparently my family traces back to a group of holy knights who protected the Queen of a long gone kingdom called Ylisse. Sounds like fantasy right? Well, this was supposedly the family’s dwelling during several generations and has been passed down through the family. Though it hasn’t been lived in for a while it is kept up well. Who knows what kind of old treasures are tucked away here.”

“Maybe we can find some type of old sword here, like our very own Excalibur.”

“If we did, we’d have to give it our own name… How about Pointy Demonspanker!”

Jack froze after realizing what he had said. He did it again, delivering another cringe-worthy joke.

“S-Sorry. Gah, I’m such a dork.”

James simply laughed and tapped his friend reassuringly on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry about it man. I always get a kick out of your dumb jokes. They’re kind of endearing.”

“Heh. Thanks…”

It didn’t make Jack feel any less embarrassed. What had he even been trying to do with that joke? His best guess was that his brain tried to tie the humorous name into the whole fantasy element of his family lineage. Regardless, a real clunker as far as he was concerned. But he was happy that James always had his back. He was the best friend he could ever ask for, who always accepted him for who he was.

“You know… if we are going to have a party we need some drinks. How about I go out and fetch us some?”

Jack nodded his head and it was decided. He bid his friend farewell and decided to take the alone time to wander some more of the house he had yet to explore. He hadn’t checked the attic yet and figured that if there were any packed away items from his family’s past they’d likely be there. So he made the unsurprisingly long trek upwards until he reached the dusty, wooden chambers with cobblestone floors.

There wasn’t much to see at first, but he saw another crawl space further down the room. It was a tight fit to get through it at first, even for a man of average height like himself. But once through he found another room. Aged, wooden trunks and old barrels lined the walls--a good sign he was in the right place. Going for the first chest closest to him he blew away the dust. A bad idea that made him sneeze.

“I really don’t think things through enough.” he groaned, wiping his nose on his sleeve. “I’m going to have to kick that dust bunny’s butt!”

A light chuckle masked the awkwardness Jack felt. Another clunky comment from his ol noggin. Whatever, it was time to do some treasure hunting. Wasting no more time he raised the roof of the trunk to reveal what laid inside.

What he found was equal parts ordinary and striking. Neatly folded was a navy blue, ribbed sweater bodysuit lying on top of what appeared to be an azure dress. Pulling the clothing out of the trunk revealed the dress’ splendor, with golden trims traveling around its hems and a popped up collar. The material felt like svelte leather and the surface was spotless--certainly cared for well by whoever owned it. So fascinated was Jack by the contents he pulled out, that he hadn’t even noticed the gold, shimmering tiara lying at the bottom of the chest.

He laid the attire out on the floor flat to get a better look at it. The turtleneck sweater was definitely meant to be worn underneath the dress. The dress wasn’t all that long and flowing, cutting off at the upper thigh, and it seemed designed to hug one’s figure. It was more of a practical design while still speaking to some form of regality. No matter the simplicity though, he could sense how ancient this attire was, like a familiar buzz in his body speaking to him instinctively.

“This… belonged to my ancestors.”

That much should have been obvious given where it was stored, but Jack spoke more out of a sense of longing. He felt a kindred tug at his heart staring at his family’s history and could almost hear the voices of those long dead chattering in the back of his thoughts as if he were being dropped into the middle of a lively gathering. There was also a compulsion to wear it, that in doing so he would be brought closer to understanding his heritage in a way not even textbooks or any other object within this mansion could provide. He knew it in his bones that this outfit was meant for him.

He wasted no time stripping down to his underwear. After inspecting the inside of the sweater he noticed a smooth undergarment lining within, which meant he should be completely nude. Embarrassed, he removed his boxers, feeling his heart beat nervously. Why, he wasn’t sure. There was no one around and his friend would still be out for a little bit. Regardless, he figured he better make this quick and stepped into the leggings of the onesie.

Jack felt an immediate buzz against the skin of his legs where the fine cotton texture touched. It caused him to slow down, both hands dragging the outfit up leisurely in order to savor the admittedly pleasant sensation. It was like an electric hum was penetrating his body, sending his mind into a slight stupor, leaving him oblivious to the more puzzling events happening to his body. As the sweater slid against his hairy legs it gently yanked the hairs away and sanded the coarse skin until it was baby smooth. The discarded hairs disappeared into the sweater itself, as if being sewn in.

“Oh… that felt nice.”

He continued to pull, slowly but surely, the outfit now reaching his thighs. The bones in Jack’s legs shivered alongside his mind, an enticing warmth rising wherever the comfy attire touched. His bones were somehow throbbing, and his flesh was pulsating within the grips of an ethereal massage. It was enough to make him--

“A-Ahh~. Oh wow…”

A bit of precum dripped from his rising cock. What was meant to have been a quick dress-up had turned into something more intimate. Fetish-fueled feelings towards the clothes he was donning were swirling within Jack’s hazy thoughts, his eyes fluttering in and out of a daydream. His body continued to dress itself and continued to change, with the lower limbs losing some of their muscularity along the way. By the time the clothing reached his waist, he was shaking in the knees and had to back against a wall. He looked down at the progress he had made with a proud smile.

“Time for the top.” he softly spoke with need.

Jack made sure to go slow with the arms just as he had done with the legs, wishing to experience the same blissful hum. It came as expected, along with him, a wet spot forming at the bottom of his waist where his cock was pressed snug against the outfit. While his chunky arms slipped through the sleeves, they trimmed down just like the legs before them, becoming thin, smooth and hairless, devoid of obvious bulk. His thick hands crackled and popped during their descent, undergoing the same treatment. Eventually, the delicate, refined fingers that only a woman could possess peeked out the other side, followed by a pair of pretty hands.

Taking a moment to gaze at his soft, supple features, Jack giggled and then continued to dress himself. All the while, the lively voices in the back of his head were growing stronger. They registered as encouraging, though he still couldn’t make out what they were saying. It didn’t matter; this was nice. His body was feeling nice. His body was becoming nice--the outfit hugging his upper torso so lovingly while he relished in his pecs softening and the broadness of his body shaving away to something more… comfortable.

It was now time for the rest, Jack forcing his head past the small turtleneck of the top. It was a tight fit and took some work, but once it was past his chin he let out a lilted sigh as it stroked passed his neck, his voice somewhat softening. Once it was firmly on his upper body, he moved to the dress top and slid himself quickly into it. The clothing became as jubilant as he was once he was finished dressing, every constricting inch of it hugging him tighter.

Jack collapsed to his knees, his dick fully erect and twitching as it was rubbed by the shifting pants. Everywhere the attire touched was massaging him, his agitated body pulsating unnaturally, flesh like putty within the motions. He was feeling lighter by the second, his body mass had depleted heavily by this point. He had become unexceptionably smaller now, but more than that, the dips and slopes of his form were turning more sensual. If not for his still prominent pectorals, masculine face, and the eyesore of a tent in his leggings, it’d be hard to determine if he was a man or a woman.

There was no sense in saying that this was wrong in the moment. In fact, the voices within Jack’s head made him certain within his stupor that this was meant to be. Their presence carried such delight and authority onto his mind, agreeable moans stuttering from his lips after every sentence.

Take this body… Carry the blood of your people…

The outfit clung tighter.

This is a moment of celebration… You will save your bloodline…

The outfit hugged tighter still and Jack’s dick sprayed as his tummy was pulled taut.

You are becoming so beautiful now… Princess of Ylisse…

Jack felt pressure on his sides, the top pressing him within a vice. It was intense, his smile wavering.

Such a good girl…

SNAP! Jack’s sides caved in, giving way to the womanly shape the voices desired.

“AAAGGH! Fuck! What the fuuuuck!?”

Jack had fallen to his hands now, his dick unloading over the raw, stimulating implosion that had taken place. He had been snapped free from the spell, only to be met with the shocking sight of what his body had become.

“What is this?! I-I look like a--!”


The many voices uttered it in unison, their declaration making Jack’s entire body shudder and collapse onto the ground, ass stuck in the air. The word rolled through his brain like a hot iron flattening wrinkles of doubt. His eyes fluttered; every time it was whispered the more it felt like an unmistakable truth.

His ancestors were adamant about the man, certain he was worthy to carry on their bloodline. He just needed some adjustments, and the blood of this lost heritage that ran through his veins was on his mother’s side. So, naturally his ass grew round and rotund, while his hips burgeoned wide and childbearing. It was all in order to make him suitable to bear an heir.

Jack’s blood bubbled in agreement, that this was the right course of action. No matter the worry that still clung to his mind, he could feel a great kinship in what was happening to him, his blood growing thicker with the weight of his royal lineage. And oh what a rich lineage it was--picture perfect recollections of his family’s lost history being delivered as vibrant tales by the voices who once lived them. It was all being entrusted to him… and it was his honor to carry it!

“Oh god… OH GAAAWD YESSS!” Jack shrieked, his voice crackling until it broke into a high shriek. Womanly moans now poured from his plumpening lips, the angelic voice of a woman bashful yet grateful for the gift of responsibility being bestowed upon her.

Jack, no that name didn’t sit right with him anymore. However, he couldn’t think of any other name. It would seem he still needed guidance, yet for now the voices merely continued to drive into him his purpose and deliver upon him his history. The changes continued all the while, with small, supple breasts forming upon his softening chest. His face was the last bit clinging onto masculinity alongside his cumming cock, but both were well on their way. Tugging and pulsating, the face of a Princess pushed against the veil of Jack, and her forming womb, already eager to carry a child, beckoned the unsightly worm plugging it up inward. The soon to be Princess did all she could to assist in their demise, wriggling the features of their face and rubbing at the shriveling member between their legs.

The voices beckoned them on, knowing they were ready to accept their new fate.

Such a good girl…

Let it all go…

You make a beautiful Princess…

Just a little more…

You will do us proud Lucina…


Princess Lucina…

With drool pooling from her mouth and her erupting dick yanking inward, her face scrunched in towards a more cute, captivating visage, and she mumbled and moaned her new name. Each time she said it, her hair turned blue and grew foot by foot down her backside. All that was left of Jack’s doubts swirled into the sea of the woman’s blue eyes, her family crest engraving itself upon one of her pupils.

“Lucina… Lucina… I’m Lucina! A-AAHHN YESSS! I-I’m Lucina! Lucina! P-Princess LucinaaAAAAH~!!”

With a loud, messy squelch and orgasmic shriek, the woman felt her womanhood open up beneath her royal garbs. She made an embarrassing, twisted expression of joy unbecoming of a Princess, but it was hard not to feel absolute elation over what she had become. She had found such purpose and bliss in her awakening! Duty was swelling within her bosom, the will of her ancestry pounding themselves into her through a most passionate deliverance. All she could say through her labored breathing as she recovered was--

“Th-Thank... Thank you everyone.”

She rose her head, a look of determination forcing its way forth through the still reeling look of ecstasy.

“I will not let you down.”

It was simple enough to state, but who to choose as a partner was another story. She needed one who was faithful and virtuous, one who could respect her station as royalty yet not let it cloud their opinions of her. It made the most sense to have it be someone she was close to already…

Lucina’s eyes widened and her posture perked.

“Gah, I’m such a dummy.” she giggled, before softly clutching her heart as it began to race, muttering the name of the only one who made sense as a partner.



Shoving through the large front door, James rushed back into the mansion, loudly apologizing for being so late. When he received no response, he made his way to the kitchen, figuring Jack might be waiting there. Still no one, and he plopped the beers on the counter top and called out once again, before suddenly being interrupted by the lithe tones of an excited woman.

“Oh! Is that the beer!” she said, partially skipping past the gasping James as he backed out of the way into another counter.

“Hard Apple Cider? You know me so well. Thank you!”

James didn’t know what to make of the situation. Was this some girl Jack had invited over while he was gone? Why was she acting so casually around him as if they were friends? Whoever she was, she was gorgeous--way out of his or even Jack’s league as far as he was concerned. The finest skin he’d ever seen, serene, impeccably kept blue hair, and a delicate, refined body held within expensive, lavish clothing. This woman reeked of royalty.

“Um, can I help--gh, who are you?”

The blue-haired woman spun around, two beers in hand and gave an awkward slouch.

“Oh right, sorry! This must be really unusual for you James.”

She shoved one of the beers into his hand.

“Why don’t we talk over drinks, okay?”

What followed was a long, surprising talk for the confused man, with much convincing needed. By the end of it though he came to realize and truly believe the words of his transformed friend, that she was Jack--now Lucina. By the end of it, both were buzzed and a bit nervous about what might come next. Lucina though, she knew what had nestled itself within her heart, and the promise she had made to her ancestors.

“I can’t believe you are a smokin hot girl now!” James stated, tipping back a bit while trying to avoid eye contact after realizing what he just said.

“S-Sorry. I didn’t mean to make it awkward, I…”

Lucina, a bit tipsy herself, was warmed by the confirmation that he too was interested and took it as her moment to strike. She reached out her hand towards his that was resting on the couch next to her, missing at first, but landing the second time. It felt like such a natural gesture, and she gently squeezed.

“No, don’t apologize. I’m happy to hear it, actually. I’m quite fond of you too James.”

Lucina’s eyes began to flutter and her face turned red, stirring even more of a reaction in James who was trying to keep his prurient thoughts bottled up.

“Jack, do you think we should be--”

“James, please! I’m Lucina now, nothing more. And you have long been my closest companion. It only makes sense for me to harbor such feelings towards you.”

Her cadence was like something out of a fantasy, from a bygone era. He hated to admit it, but it was really turning him on. This was all so unbelievable and happened so quickly. He wasn’t even sure how much of his old friend was truly there within this new woman.

Lucina leaned her shoulder into his, quickly trying to think up a way to move things along. She had to be more flirty she figured, but how? That is when she noticed James’ erection.

“Hmmm? What have we here?” Lucina asked with a sly attempt at a smile that came across as forced. She was clearly nervous too. “Is, is that a sword you are brandishing? Hmph. Challenging me to a fight?

James was sweating bullets as he felt his friend’s soft hand glide over the bulge in his jeans. She couldn’t maintain eye contact with him, but her words and touch were alluring enough.

“I must warn you though James… My sword is as swift as a hummingbird’s wings.”

“Pfft! Ahahaha!”

James burst into laughter, causing Lucina to recoil in embarrassment. She had tried sounding so tough, and in control in the moment, but had stumbled at the finish line. A hummingbird’s wings? What was she thinking? That didn’t sound threatening at all.

James eventually calmed down and patted her on the shoulder.

“Okay, ya know what, that is the greatest proof yet that you are Jack. Only he would say something as ridiculous as that.”

“Stop calling me Jack!” Lucina sternly shouted. She rose to her feet and gave a cold stare. “To be referred to as such is a slight to my honor and who I am now. I am a woman of sacred blood. My name is Lucina!”

The woman began to walk away and head for the stairwell. She stopped for a moment to stare back at the worried James.

“I am elated that I can still make you laugh so fully. If possible, I’d want us to remain friends.”

Lucina quietly made her way up the stairs. Shortly after, a guilty feeling James followed. It was a bit of a maze with the winding hallways, but he eventually tracked her down in one of the bedrooms. She stared at him with a warm smile, already over their fight. Such a beautiful smile was too much for James to withstand, and he could feel his cock becoming erect once more. The woman giggled and lifted the bed sheets to reveal herself basking only in her onesie turtleneck.

“I want you James. Your choice.”

The sincerity of her voice cut deep into the man and he was smitten for good. His friend, now the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, wanted only him. And he wanted her, his heart beating in such an undeniable manner. This was meant to be.

James casually wriggled free from his clothes as he approached the bed and slid under the covers with his woman. The two embraced and rested their foreheads upon the others. They were so close that they could feel each others heartbeats and the unsteadiness of one another’s breathing. Neither was confident enough to make the next move.

Lucina fidgeted a tad, feeling James jerk slightly in response. This was what she wanted, what she needed. James had always been like family to her; it was time to make him one.

Her lips brushed against his cheek as she guided herself to his mouth. The man closed his eyes and merely waited, still unsure if this was truly happening. It was made ever more real the moment her lips met his own, a peck and a hold gradually shifting to a flurry of open kisses and mingling tongues. The two eased into it slowly but surely, with James eventually growing confident enough to take the next step for them. His hand brushed across Lucina’s tummy, desperately trying to find an edge where he could lift up her shirt, before realizing it was all one bodysuit.

Lucina let go of their kiss to apologize for not being mindful of that and that she would quickly get undressed. But James’ hand refused, gripping the fabric tight and pulling at it. The gesture seemed to indicate that he was done wasting time. This was going to happen and happen now!

“J-James, what are you--ooh? Woah!?”

Lucina was shocked at his rabid strength, his hand tearing open a slit in her attire and creating a larger hole with several forceful tugs. He separated the top from the bottom of her bodysuit and sent his arm up to what he desired, his hand clasping one of her breasts.

“Oh heavens, James. That’s it, t-that’s good… Uhn, oh James~.”

Lucina squirmed and let herself be reeled into more kissing as her man tenderly tweaked her tits. Every moment was bliss. Every moment felt like divine payoff for all the years she and he had been together. Every moment led her closer to reviving the prestige of her long lost family. She had so much to live up to, but with James by her side she was happy to meet the challenge.

The two lovers continued to escalate, starting with James groping at one of Lucina’s ass cheeks and then her rubbing James’ cock between her thighs. It wasn’t long before the foreplay was simply not enough, and Lucina yanked down her outfit around her waist as a signal to James. She was offering her everything to him now.

James excitedly readjusted and readied himself. They both straddled each other from their sides on the bed, and James slowly entered his woman. Drool flew onto his shoulder as he forced himself in, several cute eeps spilling from the princess’ mouth while she clenched through every inch. It was unlike any pleasure she had experienced as a man and she felt blessed to be experiencing it. This truly was the body meant for her, the one needed to carry on her lineage.

And so, they consummated their love through the night, both falling asleep in each others arms by the end.

The next morning, Lucina awakened first. She cleaned herself up and decided to wander back up to the chest that had changed her life. It already felt nostalgic, the light spilling into the room creating a blooming, liminal space. The light also revealed a shimmering object upon the ground that she had missed. A small crown, her crown. She held it fondly for a few moments before placing it on her head. She finally felt whole. This body, this crown…. to have felt her friend deep within her the night before, knowing it would someday lead to carrying the life of a new generation inside her…

There could be no greater honor for her.


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