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More from the collab story I'm writing with another TF writer :3


The invading persona was beginning to wrestle with Waver's own, not even seeking to replace it but instead pulling it in the proper directions to intensify ever so greatly the desires it wished for this body to have. Waver's chest began beating harder, feeling like it'd pop right out of her chest, her tongue lolling out of her mouth to reveal itself as pointy and almost apex-like in nature. Waver's canines creaked and chiseled themselves, growing in their enamel thrones to become sharper and pointier, as if attempting to drive that meaning ever farther in by solidifying this predatory appearance.

Her hands twitched as bones cracked and creaked, skin tearing at the tip as dull nails were pushed out by sharper and whiter counterparts. In contrast, tan muscly digits burst right out, both hands going to meet each other to tear apart any remaining unsightly skin to finally let the bronze colored beauties out! As soon as her hands were properly ripped out, they shot right to her new bulging cock, an almost inhumanely powerful strength gripping the appendage to fry the stimulated nerves even more. Waver's eyes twitched in ecstasy, her teeth gnawing together as a wide grin adorned her new face alongside a trail of drool sliding down her fattened lips, it was becoming impossible for her to even consider going back. Her mind was now constantly yearning for even more of this amazing body that was shredding her old one apart, completely uncaring of the consequences and even wishing for them!

In her search for even greater ecstasy, her grip began to thrust around her cock. Nerves formed, wove, and fried in rapid succession, the dick beneath her own bulging with muscle growth as it began to tear away at their old one. The sharp nails began digging into the gland, clawing away at the old to bring in the new pulsating organ. Her eyes almost turned in her head as she struggled to fight against the unstoppable growth, the veiny tanned cock twitching in need as her new balls churned in activity. The newly grown cock was almost twice as big as her previous one, with the balls to match too, and perhaps twice as needy as well.

Carnal desires filled Waver's head as she continued her thrusts, her arms bulging and twitching as she sought a release that stubbornly refused to come. Protruding muscles tore away at the remaining loose flesh, sending bits of useless skin flying everywhere as they became even more pronounced. The beast attempted thrusting savagely forward in the air, fluids dripping down on her scaredy cat of a cat down below. The brutality and roughness of the move made her shoulders explode outwards, a clear show of the impressive build the new woman was sporting.

"Fuckingggg~... Come on~... Come the FUCK ON BABYYYY~!!"

She could feel the end coming, could feel the woman Asher coming! That is who she yearned to be, who she was! But her old body was still in the way, her chest way too tight and flat for what it should always have been! But with each thrust she was growing closer to where she could finally be freed from this useless fleshy prison of an even more useless person that only held her back! She'd make sure that her good friend could witness her final release too, instead of attempting to scamper away like a little cricket~

Matt tried crawling away but was gripped by one of Asher’s free hands. She flipped him around and shoved him against a counter, making him stare once more at her burgeoning form, more specifically at her cock, which had the old one on the ropes. Waver’s dick was hanging on by several threads of flesh, and their heads was bloated and leaking, Asher’s cock crowning out the head. The skin on her chest was also opening like a boob window, revealing stark cleavage beneath and plush breasts jiggling to life through several expansions of feminine fat.

“Where are you g-going little one!? Hooooh YEAH! D-Don’t you want to see M-MAAAAH! MYYY! RELEEEEAASE! AAAAAAAHN~!”

A cacophony of moans, ejaculates, and ripping flesh cascaded onto Matt’s ears as he saw the remaining remnants of his friend turn into tatters.  Massive tits ripped away Waver’s chest like a disguise being discarded to reveal the truth beneath. The enormous girl dick knocking at Waver’s door smashed through the head of his cock, jettisoning through it like it was nothing more than a cheap cock sleeve. Following the final tears came another one between Asher’s legs, a wet, squirting slit opening for the newly born woman just beneath her tennis ball sized testicles. All the copious amounts of fluids and remains rained down onto the quivering Matt.

Asher snarled and basked in the aftermath of her explosive orgasm, her grip unwavering in its hold on Matt, who was at a total loss for words over what he had witnessed. Feeling a rustling on his tummy, he looked down to see the completely forgotten gooey substance that had fallen on him earlier. It was somehow still stuck to him, and as he watched the falling spunk from monster woman fall onto it, it seemed to wiggle in excitement.

Matt's eyes quivered in a mix of fear and confusion, absolutely stunned trying to process what had just happened to his friend. They had been ripped apart like they were a cocoon, leaving behind one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. Her well chiseled body looked like a bronze statue, her muscles worth making bodybuilders envious of! And now the same woman was looking at him with a burning passion in her eyes, one he almost recognized as... Lust?

But he refused to accept his friend had just disappeared to leave in their spot this woman! Gritting his teeth and mustering what little bravery he had in himself, Matt opened his mouth while trying to shrug off the frankly gross fluids!

"W-Waver, get a hold of yourself! You're still in there aren't you?!"

Asher giggled as she heard her friend's desperate plea, how much of an idiot could her partner be~? Of course she was still herself, if only happy to embrace this new side of her to the point of not even acknowledging her old self! Who could blame her? Just being in this body felt so wonderfully good and hot, like all of her nervous system was lit aflame by the blazes of arousal on top of having a body she could have only dreamt of before. That new role was one she was all too eager to embrace fully, and she already had~ Now to make her partner realize how much of a blessing awaited them, seems like they'd need a bit of forceful convincing too.~

Asher stood before her seated friend with a wide-eyed grin, poking her cock against his cheek as he nervously glanced away in a cold sweat. It felt as hard as steel, even the large mushroom head was rock solid.

"Please Waver!" Matt yelled. "You need to get a holds of your--"


The slimy substance that had been sticking to Matt's body suddenly slithered into his mouth and tried forcing its way down his throat. The Aquamarine tail of the slime wriggled outside of his mouth as the man tried biting down to keep it at bay. Asher, seeing the weird goop, felt a tingling in her head. Slowly but surely memories of a woman very important to her came rushing in. Many other memories came as well, drowning out more and more of her past sense of self in the process. She held a hand to her temple, feeling a bit distressed at first, but a curl quickly returned to her face. These memories were pleasant after all, of a rough yet exciting life in Ahten City, on a planet far away. She played in the Pro League of a disk based brawler sport and had so many who cared for her and whom she'd always be there to protect, such as her sisters and her wonderful... lover...

"J-Juno... right. Ahah! You're Juno!"

At the moment of her epiphany, Matt managed to vomit back out the slime creature. He had barely any time to recover, as after a few coughs the Slime was trying to force its way in once more. This time Matt was ready, keeping his lips sealed shut, trying to pry the thing off of his face.

"Hah! having trouble little one? Here, let me help you with that~."

Matt's eyes lit up in fear as Asher's giant cock darted straight for him, pressing against his lips. It was like a slow motion battering ram that needed only one hit to burst open the gates, the hard head parting his clamped teeth with ease. Her cock wasn't the only thing entering him though, as her storming of his mouth let the pesky slime in as well, which wasted no time moving faster than the dick down to his throat. He slammed back against a wall, nearly choking as the goo inside him wriggled roughly down his esophagus. It left the cock behind it lubed up, which was continuing its own forceful push to the back of his mouth. Once there it began to thrust, back and forth, back and forth.

Overwhelmed by the sheer disgust towards having to perform such an act, Matt suddenly got a lot more physical as he gagged on the sheer girth of what Asher was all too satisfied to give him! Noticing that the hunk of a woman refused to move, he did his best to try and push her away, but found that these muscles were indeed not just for show. It was quite akin to having to push a rock way heavier than what it seemed like, an immovable mountain presenting itself before the scared man!

Even worse was how... Flaccid his arms felt. One would at least expect his muscles to contract in the effort, but they instead seemed to relax and make his arms even weaker than they already were! Yet this feeling was so alien to him, he couldn't even compare it to anything close to what he knew! It felt like his arms were empty of muscles entirely, like there was nothing to stress within and as such nothing to draw strength from.

Asher herself was finding herself a bit confused, since when had Juno's throat been so... Passive with her? Usually her partner would give her the treatment she deserved, rubbing the entire length of her shaft while giving some much needed attention to her gland and sometimes even balls... But here she wasn't doing no such thing! Was she feeling a bit sleepy? That had to be it, right! Then she'd wake her up and jog this passivity out of her with some action from her side then! Grunting a little, Asher drove her shaft even deeper inside with one thrust of her hips, slamming her unexpecting friend right into the wall as they moaned in surprise. It might have been a bit too rough, but nothing her malleable partner couldn't handle~ In fact, she was certain she loved being tossed around like the pile of goop she was!

Her eyes lit up as she felt goop suddenly cover her shaft in answer, Matt's mouth finding itself drowned in the same slime that had inserted itself inside just a few moments ago. As soon as it was spit out, it wrapped around Asher's cock, entering her urethra while teasing her gland and rubbing its folds. The woman gave a shark-like toothy grin as soon as she felt it, a familiar pleasure washing over her fogged up mind as she recognized more and more of her friend's habits.


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