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The next in the video series on how to paint the Death Guard Malignant Plague Caster for Golden Demon as part of a unit entry. This video looks at the rotten belly and maggots!

The following paints were used:

Games Workshop: Bugman's Glow, Khorne Red, Balor Brown, Morghast Bone, Screaming Skull

Vallejo: Ice Yellow, Neutral Grey


Malignant Plaguecaster Rotten Belly

The next in the video series on how to paint the Death Guard Malignant Plague Caster for Golden Demon as part of a unit entry. This video looks at the rotten belly and maggots! The following paints were used: Games Workshop: Bugman's Glow, Khorne Red, Balor Brown, Morghast Bone, Screaming Skull Vallejo: Ice Yellow, Neutral Grey


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