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This is the final video for how to paint Morgok from Morgok's Krushas. The video looks at how to paint the kill trophies he wears and also the finishing touches to the armour.  

The following paints were used: 

Games Workshop: Cadian Fleshtone, Balor Brown, Morghast Bone, Kantor Blue, XV-88 (Or Balor Brown mixed with black), Rhinox Hide 

Vallejo: Neutral Grey, Pale Grey Blue 

P3: Morrow White 


Morgok (Orruk) Final Part

This is the final video for how to paint Morgok from Morgok's Krushas. The video looks at how to paint the kill trophies he wears and also the finishing touches to the armour. The following paints were used: Games Workshop: Cadian Fleshtone, Balor Brown, Morghast Bone, Kantor Blue, XV-88 (Or Balor Brown mixed with black), Rhinox Hide Vallejo: Neutral Grey, Pale Grey Blue P3: Morrow White



Every model you create a tutorial for makes me what to have a go at it! They all look so good. Sooo excited for the chrome project!! A few questions, will you be doing any more Nagash videos? And will you be returning to Necrons for any larger models, like the reanimator?