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Hello Yaszies. In case anyone of you noticed the Patreon page getting shut down temporarily, it was due to a violation of the terms of use. I infringed upon the rules for non-consensual and rape-glorification sections of the Patreon creator agreement. I didn't even realise I was doing it as the last commission depicted forcefulness in a jail setting, but that can very easily be interpreted as jail-rape, which is also what I described it as as some point. All WIPs and links for the animation have now been taken down. 

If you're after a personal keepsake copy you can contact me directly via Discord otherwise in the future there might be an edited down version that's a bit more happy and less forceful. But right now it's been deleted for good measure and to stay safe. I will have to think more about the direction of future projects and potential commissions in case they're interpreted poorly, animated works can in this oversensitive day and age be offensive too, not to most, but to some, and it only takes one to fold a house of cards. 

Have a good day and don't stress about this, it was an honest mistake and in the end it's good that Patreon care enough to chase these cases down. Better to be obsessive than careless. 




Hello again Yaszies. I have a quick update and it's not a pretty one. But it has been sorted and nothing further will come from it, it's now fully closed. However the jail scene was never a problem. It was that random catboy thing I used a few weeks back. Turns out he's a character from some series and is still in high school, speculatively making him around 16 years old, or a minor. I was completely unaware of this and reach out my sincerest apology for using an underage character. It was not to my knowledge where this character was from or that he may have been a minor. I have now deleted all traces of ever having worked on this model and have also contacted Smutbase about this issue as they are distributing this model under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License and I felt they need to be made aware of distributing underage content as well as be held accountable for letting this slip through their system. The blame really lies on them now, however I still am sorry for not researching my characters more deeply before using them. It never even crossed my mind that such a model could be downloaded from a place like Smutbase. But mistakes happen, although this is an extreme level one. I hope you can forgive me for this slip up and should know I would never, knowingly post something like this. I post warnings all the time that any type of underage content is strictly banned from my discord server and anywhere else I may reside.