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Have in mind that it may take a bit to get used to new model for me 



I have just begun a slow transition to genesis 9 from 8 but even I recognize that it is not necessary at this point. I have much more use for Genesis 8 than anything else :)

Undercity 4

You can't expect vendors to keep up with Daz's greedy money hungry bulls-. They can't even get the models to bend realistically. I think INN is fine creating for Genesis 8, the only people who care about all these dumb "new" gen releases are people that think the latest "newest" thing always equate to the greatest, and that's just false on so many levels. Genesis 9 is no different from Genesis 3 but Genesis 8 was a slight improvement over Genesis 3, but then they come out with Genesis 8.1. and the only difference is the model is taller and uses PBR skins which can be applied to Genesis 8 as well so Genesis 8.1. really wasn't necessary. Daz isn't doing anything but stressing people out and generating plenty of hate toward them since most people I know are sick of these annoying Gen releases. Daz already get criticized on a number of forums as it is, especially for how inferior their software is even on high end machines.


You think that Gen 8 was better than Gen 3 at the initial launch of Gen 8? No Gen 3 was late in its support cycle. Gen 9 is no different, I don’t who these people are you speak of that think the latest and greatest thing is better? My point was about first party vendor support and I specifically mentioned that it is early in the Gen 9 cycle so no need to start the conversion now. Inevitably INN will have to start supporting Gen 9 as more folks switch over, as what happened with Gen 3 and V4… I think we are 6-12 months away from the market dollars migrating from Gen 8 to Gen 9 and adoption reaching a critical mass where vendors can’t ignore it anymore. If you have a particular issue with how DAZ runs their business you’ll have to take it up with them. I prefer to be an early adopter of the inevitable change myself.


No. Gen 9 is overhyped garbage. There isn't even enough content converted to Gen 8.1 yet.


I would say wait until the gen 9 library is big enough in a few months or year because most of our stuff is in gen8


I'd rather you still did converts for G3 or even 2 for that matter, but I'm never one for keeping up to date.


I hate it when vendors spend so much time supporting the last gen that by the time they move to the newest gen DAZ releases a new one. People need to get with the program that no matter how much they “vote with their wallet” DAZ will continue to release new genesis versions. Getting off my soapbox and answering the question, right now there isn’t much content for Gen 9 so you don’t need to today but I would think you would want to start doing the conversions in the next 6 months when development of Gen 9 content will ramp up with the tier 1 DAZ partners will be releasing content regularly.


I'm not the one putting in the work, but I think the best option would be to from now on, slowly and at your comfortable pace, start doing the conversions for both figures if you can. First, it would help you capitalize on its novelness and getting more people to join your patron since there are next to none items for the next generation. On the other hand, not many people are jumping top the new figure, so you shouldn't leave them hanging either, and the new figure does have auto-fit capabilities to the previous generations, so it's covered if needed.


i think you probably will need to do this at some point. and it maybe with something to put a few things out there in the 9.0 area since the field is wide open. (i came here to basically agree with Saturday Morning Renders apparently )

Black Knight Alex

I say give it some more time before you make that switch.

Peter P

Yep, I'm in favor of waiting a bit. In time convertors will pop up anyway


Personally, I'm not spending the money on it yet, so no need on my account.