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10 December 2022



Awesome reaction guys! Please watch Capote (2006) or Foxcatcher (2014) both directed by Bennett Miller.

Lorenzo Baxter

Great reaction but you guys missed something a lot of people seem to miss and it's always a head scratcher to me 😅 When Arthur is writing "People expect you to behave as if you don't" it clearly shows him writing above it at the start of that scene with his dominant right hand, "The worst part about mental illness is that" and then switches to his left, which is why the writing looks atrocious below. How do people not read directly above, I'll never know lol but the entire saying is "The worst part about having mental illness, is that people expect you to behave as if you don't." Which couldn't be more true. You were even talking about it earlier. If you don't fit in to what society deems as acceptable, you're shunned, deemed the weirdo. We need to start being kinder to all really, but especially those who struggle. They don't control what they think or feel. They just need sympathy and help if their behavior is unhealthy for themselves. And yes Ash, Arthur does feel the kicks, how could he not? 😅 You don't always need to make sounds to indicate you're being hurt lol. The first two people he killed were honestly self defense. It became murder the second he chased down the guy he injured. But you're allowed and should be encouraged to defend yourself if you're being attacked. And yeah, he's had a bad life. All it takes is one bad day of course. But poor Arthur has had no good days, and its heartbreaking to watch. That darkness exists in all of us though. It's not exclusive to "evil" people. We're all shaped by our experiences, and those of pain, it can very easily turn dark, become a shadow version of yourself. I saw the dancing scene as him soothing himself, not a scene of euphoria. Could be both, but it definitely involved him calming himself down, his hands were shaking as he ran into the bathroom. Yeah and that photo of his mom is meant to leave it all up to interpretation. Not one is more true than the other. Maybe Penny was a terrible mother, who is a huge reason why Arthur has suffered so. Or maybe they had a fling and Thomas decided to keep it all quiet, and used his money to keep her in an asylum. It could be either or. Randall wasn't bugged, but it was obvious he wasn't there to help Arthur, he was there to help himself and maybe even throw Arthur under the bus. This Joker is not really a part of DC. So seeing other versions of Joker aren't meant to be connected to this one. Its not the same backstory. Joker has a mysterious backstory, and this is an outlier, where there is a small backstory to a vesion of Joker. But no, this is not the same Joker as other movies where Joker fights Batman. Yeah you talked a hell of a lot lol but its fine as long as maybe you have subtitles, so that you make sure to not miss anything. At the end, that wasn't even him laughing with his illness anymore, that was him laughing sincerely, cause he's actually happy. Will not take this, Batman was not boring at all. 🤷 You dont know real Batman if you thought the 2022 Batman was boring. It was PURE Batman. And The Riddler was literally incredible. Joker isn't the only amazing Batman villain. So that's completely debatable which is better.