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Alright everyone!

I hope you enjoyed AO2. It wasn’t as climactic or individually packaged as something like my DJ books. Yet, I felt if I continued I’d have to start explaining things and setting up for another big section.

All of you would love for me to just make the book bigger, but I made the decision to cut there and the next part is another book. I sort of cracked the world and a greater plot line open by introducing blessings from other gods and including the pirates. Not sure how far I’ll take that for now.

We aren’t done with Avente/Garrish/Zenovia the war still going and Ard is going to step into that at some point. Not to mention we have the duel and Carmilla’s takeover to thwart. (There’s a lot still out there to do here! My notebook for book 3 is stuffed!). In my attempt to make it more 'epic' fantasy, there is a lot happening in the world at large and at some points Ard is a smaller piece of that. I think we'll see some great growth from Ard in book 3 and a triumphant return from his time in the mountains.

That and I didn’t get as far as I was expecting in the series, yet again. However, the journey we are going on is fun as fuck, so we’ll keep going.

That said, I’m calling in the 7 extra chapters I gave you in the last week and having no commitment for chapters this next week. We are heading to the hospital this afternoon and he’s coming out one way or another.

My focus is going to be on them, but I may write, babies and tired mothers nap a lot. I like to stay busy. I have a few small fun ideas that I might dabble with.

On the 16th, I’ll return to Dungeon Diving 201 (book 5) and start posting those chapters for you.

Otherwise, projects are abound, but no significant update for you all.

PS - There's a Community Poll for Reddit and the other communities that Maikeruu manages for all of us. He wants you to vote for the best new reader experience. He shamelessly tried to get me to drum up a competition against Annabelle. Seriously, just vote for whoever you think is the best new reader experience to get people who wander into our communities to stick around.




Congrats on the kid. Hope mom and child are doing well. On the best authors side, I'm really looking forward to the next one by BA Oliver (Hometown Hero). I think his debut book was excellent. Y'all should check it out.

patrick ford

I do have a fun fun ideas for 201 or 202 (Lipstick) suggestion is that let one of (offical) harem members do it on a tease (Charlotte Green pleaae) then the rest get in on it, while Crimson goes overboard (magic version that disappears and reappears, either with Ceimson control or a "mood" of Ken) then turn it into a "guild challenge" with the prize being Ken being transferred to another group for a semester or month. The guild needs to plant lipstick kisses on him and take photos of it, while his current group needs to help defend. No "real" penalties other than crimson special training for harem members failing to protect him from it. (Maybe backroom deal in order for him to expand his group) (penny please.) Maybe 202 him accental use of his portal skill after defending against a massive magic attack on him and his group (maybe the temp group, with Helen to get into glher good graces, maybe to thr Nekodian part of the dungeon, to explore that culture while being disconnected from crimson having to track down the idiot that went after Ken