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This is my 'organization' of characters. Basically if I feel they are significant while writing I throw them in here or add details. It is minimally organized and I Ctrl+F to find what I need.


Sakura - Shrine Maiden, healer, archer. Very strict personality.

Yui - Healer, cleric. Kind/Sadistic switch.

Hemi - Aura Master. Super Sweet Grandmother

Akari - Tank. Bold, takes things in stride.

Grandpa - Assassin. Lewd, the more erotic comedy the better.

Class A

Meredith Crimson - Red dragon leather armor, uses a whip, Black hair, blue eyes. Has skills to see through things, makes her eyes glow. She’s stupid powerful, has skills to clean and repair clothing. She has ‘disarmingly cute’ dimples in her cheeks when she smiles. Eyes of Wisdom allows her to see, Limit Break is her skills that makes her go wild.

Charlotte DuVell - Cute, blushes when they talk about sex, green hair, often in braids, has a rabbit, bun-bun, druid, Heal, Growth. Thorny Ground, cleanse, vine whips

Desmonda Renard - Confident, sexy, warlock, purple hair, often covers one eye, red eyes, tries to seduce ken on multiple occasions. Hex of lethargy, shadow bolt. She’s comfortable with Ken getting new girls as long as she had her place in bed. Her primary concern is keeping the group together. Wracking Pain - a dot

Fayeth Lyntean - Sheltered, oblivious to conflict, all smiles and a housemaker. She keeps ken’s stuff nice and always wants to be physically close to facilitate a belief that their souls will harmonize given enough time. She can make armor of vines around her, irritating spores as an aoe taunt, Root - an ability to hold her still and gives her regen,

Harley Sucre - pink hair with a bell in it, bard, plays a flute. Dating Meridith, aka priestly beauty. Obnoxious, sex on the brain. Haste, Song of Restoration, Dissonance, Refreshing Beat

Kendra - Enchanter

Taylor - Fighter/tank for Kendra’s group. Doesn't want to be a tank.

Bonnie - Healer

Leah - Wizard

Regan - Sharpshooter

Candice - Arcane Weaver, pretty, blonde with blue eyes. Always moves her fingers, creating little purple lines. Her class is known for their adaptability and scaling based on skill.

Myrtle - Earth Guardian - shares earth stomp with Ken, stoic.

Wendy - Beast Master, short and stout.

Meixie - Quiet assassin woman, bob cut black hair.

Selene - Soul Binder, Curly black hair, green eyes, pale and bites her lip a lot.

Class B

Meridith - Blue haired priest, a little curious about harley and a little nervous. Harley dated her a few times.

Penelope - some relation to Meridith, short blue hair, frost knight, strength based fighter with slow debuffs. Frost Blast, Chill Winds. Father is in low 40’s and prideful, yet was surrounded by high levels the time we met him.

Helen - Red haired security council girl, doesn’t like Ken and they have come into minor conflict, he knocked her out once and she’s attacked him for being ‘indecent’. Paladin like class, shield and holy attacks.

Dolly - Masochistic priest. Class unknown. 

Unnamed Hunter - In Penelope/Helen/Dolly’s group.

Eden - Deceased

Class C

Felicity - Elemental summoner, semifinalist vs Desmonda

Outside of class

Headmistress Marlow - old woman, hates letting a boy into the school.

Uzmaki Nagato - Ken’s grandfather

Kai Ming - Chinese descent, tattoo on this back. Big archway with swooping rooflines with a blue and red snake coiling around it. Chinese characters on the side. The rest of the tattoo is black.

Censor Neldra - light hair, almost silver. Light green eyes. Athletic figure. In her 60’s.

Katie - she’s cute with glasses, a mage with a green UG vest. Diving adviser, level 18 ice mage

UG President - Big muscular scarred man. He has powerful short term summons.

Renard Family -

2 older brothers, both aren’t very accomplished.

Arthur Renard - Father, warlock.

Des’s mother - Named?? She’s the only one who he’s had kids with. She has a secondary class of succbus and knows Ken’s parents assassin background, hinted that she’s used them. The other three wives are the definition of background characters. She’s the only important one and clearly in charge.

DuVell Family -

Marcus DuVell - Emerald Knight. Think Taric from LoL. Likes to show off his sword/sharpen it to intimidate men involved with his four daughters.

Each daughter is with one of his harem/party. Each woman is sort of an aspect of ‘Druid’. Shapeshifter, Healer, Elementalist and Summoner.

Charlotte DuVell’s Mother - Storm Caller

Rachel DuVell - 1 year and some change older than Charlotte. Emerald Knight like her father. Taller and muscular compared to Charlotte.

Ariel DuVell - 2 years older, weretiger based class. Small build.

Devon DuVell - Oldest of the sisters, class unknown.

Rebecca, a guard on the Visitor’s Center because of the elves.

Fayeth’s Father - Adeane Lyntean


Thomas Sloan

Crimsons first name is Malinda (book 2 tea scene) not Meredith


Sue is the DuVell eldest sister. Dungeon Diving 103, chapter 8, “…Ariel reported. ‘Sue says when she was little that he accidentally threw the car through the front of the house.’” Obviously, this isn’t definitive, but talking about an eldest sister in this context would make the most amount of sense, and Devon has never been mentioned.