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My frustration formed into a plan, and I reached into New Haven with my power. I grasped around the temple for my ladies and found them standing and talking.

All of them were jerked to me in a shell of kinetic energy to protect them.

Stella blinked at me. “Master!”

“Not now. I need you girls to hunt the city. Someone hid the Fenris Wolf’s puppy within the city.” I glared at Stella as she batted her eyelashes, not taking the situation seriously at all.

“Puppy?” Stella said hopefully.

“Yes. I’ll even let you keep it if you find it.” I teased her, not mentioning that the pup might be a ghost.

Stella saluted immediately. “Fluffy, you are with me. I bet you are good with dogs.”


I waved and silenced the side conversation. Daeva was still flying us to beat the Fenris Wolf to the city. “There’s going to be a swarm of monsters attacking the city, and likely some military armed citizens trying to cause chaos. Do what you need to do.” I looked at Stella, Melody, Pollen and Vaash in turn. “I’ll cover anything if you go overboard. Just save as many people as you can.”

Stella’s goofy attitude vanished and she nodded. “Send us in, Master.”

I nodded and threw them back to the center of the market as Daeva shot over New Haven.

The Fenris Wolf was closing in quickie, but we’d be able to meet it before it reached the city.

The titan howled and millions of ghosts rose behind it like a tidal wave.

“This should be fun.” Daeva stopped a mile outside the city. “How do we stop it, because it doesn’t really look like it’s going to stop.”

From what we knew about how I wounded it with water, I needed to try and create something that was difficult and energy intensive.

The Fenris Wolf was almost to us, and its eyes were locked on the city behind me.

I wasn’t sure if Stella had just filled me with too many voidcakes, but that was al that came to mind at that moment. And I didn’t have time to question it.

Pancake batter splashed out the side of the Fenris Wolf and kept coming, tearing a huge slash along its side as pancake batter sprayed into the air like a comical interpretation of blood.

The titan skidded to a stop, lashing out at me with its tail.

I saw it coming, and I did not intend to find out what it would feel like to be hit by its tail.

Throwing myself to the side, I dodged it and another explosion of pancake batter flew from its back. I’d decided to attempt to sever its spine.

But the move wasn’t enough to stop it. The Fenris Wolf rounded on me, snapping its jaws inches from my face and following up with two paws. I had to fall backwards to dodge the hits.

Daeva threw herself at the Fenris Wolf, but it ignored her, keeping its eyes fixed on me as it bounded forward for another shot.

“Help the city with the monsters.” I shouted to Daeva as I rolled away from another attack and drew the Fenris Wolf back into the wilds.

Daeva floated there, hesitating for a second before snapping to the side and getting to work. We didn’t have time to argue, and she knew as well as I did that the city needed her.

The titan howled in challenge and the wave of ghosts surged ahead of me, rising high into the air and threatening to come crashing down.

A blade of ki swirled in my hand and as the wave of ghosts came, I swung the sword of ki and cut the cords of the Fenris Wolf’s power around me.

A pocket of ghosts in front of me puffed into the air. The wave began crashing over me, but I harmlessly slipped through the open pocket and rounded on the wolf, spraying more pancake batter out of its back and moving up to its neck.

I didn’t have much of a backup plan, so I was pleased as it started working.

And I certainly kept its attention and the wave of ghosts twirled into a cyclone and the bulk of them rose into the air, sinking into the clouds above.

The Fenris Wolf glowered at me and sank on its back legs like it was about to charge forward.

Floating down to the ground, I raised a hand and pointed at its nose.

Pancake batter exploded and shredded its nose.

It burst through the batter, charging me with eyes that looked like they were burning with the fires of hell. The green flames seemed especially eerie in the darkness, as dawn began to rise up behind the titan, a fiery orange spreading across the clouds.

I slammed a bundle of force into the ground, launching myself up high even as the titan jumped for me.

I moved beyond what it could reach, filling its mouth full of pancake batter and leaving large rents along its cheeks and down its throat.

None of the batter stuck, landing harmlessly on the ground, but the titan looked in poor shape. My power had left deep open wounds in its ghostly form.

They were healing, but it was happening slowly. The number of wounds seemed to be making it harder for the titan to heal.

The titan howled and the clouds lit up with eerie green fire before burning ghosts rained from the sky.

“That’s not good.” I didn’t have a direct path between the Fenris Wolf and the ghosts to cut through as they blanketed the sky.

Which meant that it was time to see just how far I could push my mind.

I imagined a blooming flower, each petal made of ki. I pushed the tips out and severed the strands of ki between the Fenris wolf and the ghosts above.

The burning ghosts twinkled out at the edge of the effect and like a ripple, and the ripple continued. Ghosts blinked out as the flower expanded and the edges made of sharp ki cut the cords.

Unfortunately, ki was difficult to hold sharp and solid as a cutting implement.

Petals faded into mist as I continued to expand; holding my focus on them was difficult, but would have been impossible before.

The titan charged me, trying to get me once again.

I took a risk, packing my void arm with energy and expanding it into the arm of a giant.

The Fenris Wolf touched it and I let the sensation blossom in my mind as it went into overdrive. My power provided sensation, and I pulsated the arm through several frequencies and energies.

Suddenly, one came into actual physical contact with the Fenris Wolf. The frequency suddenly caused my arm and the Fenris Wolf’s body to compete for the same space.

Unfortunately,my arm lost, exploding and tearing more chunks from the Fenris Wolf, but I could see the sudden realization in its eyes as my arm reformed to its normal size.

I grinned and wound up a punch.

The titan ducked its head to take my punch on the hardest part of its skull.

There was just a faint breeze that kicked up from the contact, yet it was the collision of two titans.

The frequency I was using with my arm seemed to barely interact with the physical world.

Something tore in my shoulder, and I realized my mistake of putting my physical body into the swing. I shifted my focus entirely to my arm and tried to push the wolf off.

But the titan ground his head against my fist, trying to push me down to the ground.

I knew that if I ended up on the ground, it would be easy for the titan to swipe me with its paws.

My power strained and all my focus was the point between my fist and the Fenris Wolf’s head, even as the rain of fiery ghosts continued and threatened New Haven.

I might have been imagining it, but I swore the titan grinned and pushed harder.

I sank a foot, then a second foot in the air.

But I’d already found my advantage. If I could match the Fenris Wolf’s frequency, then I could hurt it.

A dozen fragments of my power hovered over me and formed into blades at this frequency before tearing over the titan’s body.

It lost its concentration and my fist broke the deadlock, pushing it back as it howled in pain.

I spun up into the air, sweeping through the connections right next to the Fenris Wolf and severed all of the streams of ki between it and the ghosts.

I had the titan’s number.

Giant swords of my power vibrated to its frequency and stabbed down into it, pinning it to the ground. The titan was a mess of wounds and glaring back to me defiantly.

“Not so tough are you?” I smirked before it opened its mouth.

I almost forgot about its death fog.

The purple cloud expanded out and I shot away, using kinetic force to contain the cloud and keep it from rolling into the city.

The swords I had stabbed through the titan broke, and I braced myself for it to come charging through the cloud.

But instead, the cloud dispersed and the Fenris Wolf was gone.

I instantly flew higher. I wasn’t about to have it pull another stunt like before and come charging up out of the clouds and trying to snap me.

Though, this time maybe I could defend myself.

I made tendrils of my power at the same frequency and stuffed them into the ground around me, making a barrier under me.

I braced for it to hit the barrier, but moments passed and nothing came.

Had it run?

It was smart enough to know it was beaten, but still, a titan running wasn’t something I’d expect, especially when it had come to get back its baby wolf.

Keeping the barrier beneath me, I hurried back to New Haven.

The city was roiling with monsters.


“Master says we need to get the puppy. Find the puppy, Fluffy.” Stella had a serious pinch to her brows, but with her normal attitude, it was still hard for her to maintain such a serious face.

“I’m going to help with the monsters.” Melody floated up. “My power is too destructive in the middle of the city. You got this?”

“Shoo.” Stella waved her away. “We’ll get the puppy for master.”

“Where do we start looking?” Fluffy asked as Melody shot off and Pollen hovered nearby.

Stella sighed. The two of them were too weak. “Honey, can you call your bees from here? Master is probably going to level the forest outside the city and if he doesn’t, Daeva or Melody probably will.”

“Honey?” Pollen quirked a brow at her.

Stella crossed her arms. “I say what’s on my mind. Besides, master is busy, so I’m in charge right now.” Stella knew the woman’s name, but Honey was easier.

“Okay, working on it.” Pollen closed her eyes. “Want them to look for this puppy?”

“Yes! That’s exactly what I meant.” Stella nodded while hiding that she mostly just wanted to make sure she had more syrup for victory voidcakes. But it wasn’t a bad idea, so she went with it. “Let your bees loose in the city and find the puppy.”

“What does it look like?” Pollen asked.

“A puppy, probably a big one though.” Stella had no idea, but she tried to help them.

A shrill cry came down the street as a bird dove for them.

Stella waited for the dumb bird to come closer; it would be fun to really put some power behind it and send it flying to show the two around her just what master’s favorite succubus could do.

But Fluffy jumped in her way, growing to be a three story tall dogwoman covered in messy black fur.

Fluffy caught the bird midair, and the second her claws wrapped around it, the poor bird was cooked. Its feathers caught fire before Fluffy slammed it into the ground, making it tremble.

“Fluffy!” Stella shouted, her eyes going wide.

“Oh no. You think I’m a monster.” Fluffy hid her face.

But Stella jumped up and grabbed her face, manhandling the giant creature she’d become, nuzzling her into the ground. “So CUTE!” Stella squealed. “I didn’t know you got fluffier!”

Fluffy chuckled and shook her head. “Yes, that’s all that changed.” She tried to rise up, but surprise entered her eyes as she couldn’t even budge in Stella’s grip.

More monsters started to enter the city and Stella frowned at them before glancing at Pollen.

The woman had her eyes closed in concentration.

Stella sighed. “Fluffy, we need to protect Honey while she finds the puppy.” Stella drew a line next to Pollen. “Anything on your side you take care of. I have everything on this side of the line.”

Stella looked around, but she didn’t want to rip apart one of the buildings for a weapon. She’d just have to get her hands dirty as she dealt with the problem. Ah, dirt. She looked down at the stones under her feet and grabbed a few stones, tossing them up in the air as she waited.

Bees started to float by. They would touch Pollen and fly back off.

Whatever she was doing seemed to be working.

Stella looked around, wanting her next monster.

She didn’t have to wait long before an oversized ant appeared. And more crawled around the buildings and started to fill the street.

Stella wound up. She’d played a little soft ball growing up before everything went to shit. Even if that was old Stella, she still could throw.

The rock left her hand and the air boomed as it broke the sound barrier, ripping down the street and shattering bugs with its wake. When it hit one directly, the bug exploded in a boom that broke the sides of the surrounding buildings.

“Whoops. I keep getting stronger.” Her power was bothering her a little lately. It was hard to constantly adjust to it.

The noise from the fighting started to wake up the people of New Haven. They were popping up on the roofs of their homes or flying into the air.

“Honey, where’s the puppy?” Stella turned to ask and watched Fluffy tear apart a few monsters, but most of them wouldn’t get close to her. Stella couldn’t blame them; she could feel the heat from Fluffy from where she stood.

Fluffy was solidifying her place in Stella’s mind as her go to cuddle buddy when Master was busy.

“I’m trying, but there’s a lot of chaos here.” Pollen’s eyes were still closed.

“Try faster.” Stella grumbled. “Master is counting on you.”

The street refilled with monsters, and Stella threw another supersonic pitch that shattered the surrounding buildings causing people to shout.

Stella stuck her tongue out at them and scratched the back of her head. It was really their fault for not getting out of the way.

A roar split the air. Some big monster was scaring the people. It had big moose antlers and lots of sharp pointy teeth. It also had really pretty wings, but otherwise, it was a nasty thing.

The monster tore open one of the girls flying in the air with its antlers and was charging down towards her.

Stella crouched, putting her weight low before exploding upwards and materializing her wings to guide her.

The flying moose rounded on her, but it was too slow.

She’d learned that punching things while flying usually sent her flying too, so she planned to just down the monster.

Stella was on it in an instant, wrapping her arms around its neck and landing on its back before she grabbed its horns with her hands and clamped her thighs down around its wings so they couldn’t flap.

“Down we go, like a rollercoaster.” Stella whooped as the monster thrashed, but she held its head back and its wings down.

It plummeted back down to the street and landed in a crater. Stella felt its neck snap with the fall, a little disappointed she wouldn’t get to slam her fist into it.

She bounded off of it, doing a summersault and landing back next to Pollen. “These things are stupid. Where’s the puppy?”

“I— I think I found it. East side. There’s a big cavern under a building, I wou--” Pollen started.

“Point.” Stella demanded. Using directions was stupid.

Pollen put out a shaky arm in a direction.

“Fluffy, we are going. Bring up the rear.” Stella scooped up Pollen and ran headlong into the direction where she was pointing.

The first building came and she launched herself over. “Fluffy, can you follow?”

The giant bundle of black fur jumped into the air and shrank as she landed on the roof and ran along it. “Yeah. I’ll follow.”

“Good.” Stella nodded, satisfied with Fluffy’s performance so far.

“That one.” Pollen pointed to a large stone building that poke over others.

“Ugly building.” Stella muttered, pushing off the roof and unfurling her wings to glide over to it.

Fluffy bounded along the rooftops to keep up.

“Fluffy, catch Honey. I’m going to make an entrance.” Stella tossed Pollen. Pollen let out a little yelp, but Stella didn’t have time to slow down.

Stella tucked her wings in and dove.

The stone of the building wasn’t more than jumping into a pool for her as she became a living wrecking ball, smashing through the building and immediately spotting a huge hole in the floor. She angled her fall to fly through the hole.

The area below was largely dark, but there were a few construction lights pointing up and a generator purring away somewhere in the darkness.

Stella couldn’t see with the lights in her face.

There was a loud boom and something hit her in the chest hard enough to fling her back up.

She rubbed her boob and came away with a little blood. “Hey, that fucking hurt! And you hit one of master’s favorite parts of me.” She shouted and this time she flew out of the light so she could see.

Another boom echoed around the cavern, and a huge chunk of stone blew out behind her.

“Get her!” A guy yelled and Stella saw the group of men holding big giant guns.

But, behind them was most certainly a puppy the size of a car.

She found the puppy!

Now she just needed to get rid of the men with guns before Fluffy and Honey came into the area. The guns managed to hurt her, so it might really damage the other two.

Stella dove behind a pillar before it exploded a few feet above her head.

She needed to get to them, but the first shot had pushed her pretty far back.

Three more shots went off in quick succession, blowing up the rest of the pillar as they tried to find her behind it, but she was already moving, rushing around it.

“I’m pretty sure I hit her the first time.” One shouted and Stella found herself staring down the barrel again. “This time I’ll finish her.”

The gun glowed for a second before another bullet, too fast for her to dodge, hit her.

She managed to raise her arm to take the brunt of it. Pain shot up her forearm, a huge chunk carved into it.

“What are these stupid guns?” She grumbled and kicked hard off the ground, throwing herself in a zig zag towards them.

“Holy shit! She survived a rail gun!” One shouted. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.”

Stella exploded again with another step, her ankle hurting with how much pressure she put on it to sharply change directions, but she was going to take these guys down.

“I’m the God King’s Goddess of Lust.” Stella shouted, getting an angle where she shot towards one of them and got close enough.

The surprise on his face was funny, and she enjoyed it as she grabbed his head and snapped a kick that blew his torso away.

She spun as the other two rounded on her with their guns.

When the first lost his gun to her, his face was priceless, but that only lasted a second before Stella swung for the fences and crushed the other guy’s head with the big gun.

The move left the unarmed guy alone and scrambling for one of the guns that had fallen to the floor.

Stella was faster, grabbing the gun and leveling it at him before it turned his shoulder into a smear on the ground.

Two more rounds and he was gone.

Stella giggled and fired once more into the darkness, away from the puppy. It tickled the way it made her boobs bounce.

She wondered if master would like one of the guns.

“It’s okay, puppy.” She put down the big gun and grabbed one of the lights to shine it above the puppy so she didn’t bother it.

“Stella?” Fluffy’s voice carried down from the hole above.

“Down here. I have the puppy.” She confirmed. “It slept through all that noise.”

Fluffy came crashing down, holding Pollen who jumped out of her arms in a hurry.

“That’s a big puppy.” Fluffy eyed it warily.

Stella grinned and ran her hand along the sleeping puppy’s head as gently as she could. “Fluffy, Honey, your job is to protect the puppy. If this is a titan’s puppy, I want to save it for Master.”

Her two helpers nodded firmly and she was pleased that they were holding up so well.

Stella grabbed one of the guns, but when she tried to move it, she realized it had a long cord connected to the generator.

“Stupid big gun. Honey, Fluffy, use them if you need to. Apparently they have to stay connected.” She rolled her eyes; she didn’t want to lug the generator around too.

No, Stella just wanted to get back to her master.

Crouching low, she shot up through the hole in the ceiling of the cavern.



Fenris probably left to get reinforcements. It may not have needed the rest of its pack before.


Did Stella ever give Melody a nickname?