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I set the invisible carriage down in the loading bay of Obsidian’s lair.

Mona had known where I was going and as I entered, I dropped the invisibility for a dark void color and watched as my gathered ladies all became more animated.

Emma was trying to pretend to be casual as she leaned against a crate yawning, but her cat ears perked up out of her ruby red hair, giving her excitement away. My previous mentor had come for me as soon as she was out of prison.

Angelina encouraged me to think of her as ‘my cat’; she wasn’t going anywhere, but I certainly couldn’t control her. The way her emerald green eyes tracked the carriage despite her relaxed posture spoke volumes.

And my lovely therapist was standing next to Emma. Her outfit shifted under the lab coat as I approached, turning into a tempting lavender lingerie set as she watched me with reverent eyes.

The woman was fluid in every sense of the word. Her real form was lost in a chemical accident; now she was more like a lavender and green paint when she lost concentration. But she held herself together. She was fluid for me in a more mental way, helping me keep this harem together with her therapy.

Next to her was Obsidian. I was assuming it was a prime Obsidian, given the number of clones milling around behind her. She had the ability to make clones out of shadows and control said shadows and clones. She had lost her past and was still struggling with the question of what to do with a frozen version of herself that had a chance to have her memories.

Obsidian did what she wanted, which was mostly mercenary work and whatever she needed several floors of office space for, but her clones were organized in a corporate structure with the prime clone at the top.

Obsidian watched me put the carriage down, her black painted lips curling up into a broad smile that just begged for me to come do something about it.

But I couldn’t forget to give a smile to Mona.

My fated, as much as I love you staring at all of us, get out and let them hug you. They’ve missed you greatly.

I dissolved the carriage.

Emma sprang forward from her relaxed position first, wrapping me in a hug and rubbing her face on the side of mine as a purr vibrated between us. “It’s been so boring without you. Kim and Beatrix have had us doing such mundane tasks.” She wasn’t normally one to complain.

“Angelina, did you try to stop her ability to come into the bureau late at ten?” I asked the second woman to reach me.

“Maybe?” She was shocked.

“Stop. Emma’s laziness can’t be forced away.” I laughed as Emma’s purring redoubled.

“I knew I trained you best.”

Angelina couldn’t wait another moment and pushed her lips to mine as they melted against me like warm chocolate, and a slimy tongue pushed its way into my mouth, leaving behind a taste like multivitamin gummies.

We broke the kiss and I quirked a brow in question.

“There was no way you were getting ideal nutrition while living with Stella in that undeveloped city.” Angelina held her stance on trying to keep me at the peak of my form.

“Thank you.” I kissed her forehead, and she melted a little before making way for Obsidian.

Obsidian didn’t say anything. She just pulled me close and kissed me, dragging her nails along my scalp and grabbing one of my hands, pressing it against her breasts.

After a moment, she pulled back and gave me a look full of challenge. She knew how to get what she wanted, and I could tell at the moment that was a little bit of punishment. But it would have to wait.

Mona just wrapped my mind in a hug before leaving an idea that she wanted some time alone in a few days. Something about a concert hall.

“No cute little Ivanna or Amelia?” Stella pouted. The two trainees recently added as full members of our team were absent.

“What am I? Chopped liver?” Beatrix held open her arms as she stood back a little from the rest.

Untangling myself from the others, I stepped over and lifted her with a hug at her hips, kissing her softly. She was the most normal of the girls, but that was a fairly low bar.

Kim cleared her throat, but I didn’t quite feel comfortable kissing her.

I had felt closer to her as Void, but now that he was gone, there was still a mental block between us.

I could see a craving in her eyes. She wanted the same level of welcome, but it wasn’t going to happen. At least, not yet.

Kim stormed over and got in my face pressing her body to me, her nose brushing mine. “Welcome back.” There was an intensity in her eyes, as little sparks jumped about her hair.

She was practically begging for me to kiss her, but I dodged her lips and just laid a chaste peck against her cheek. “Thanks, Kim. It was a nice break, but there are things to do here too.”

Kim seemed happy enough with the peck and picked up my cues not to push it. I had a feeling the other women would step in soon if she continued to try to take more than I was willing to offer.

“Miles. Skel.” Doctor Wells had an operating mask and a face shield on as she walked into the area. She was clearly ready for the procedure. “Would you like to follow me? We are all set up.”

I nodded, the joviality from being reunited faded, and the reality of what we were about to attempt sobered me up. “Let’s do this. We’ll all catch up after.”

Mona was the first to fall in step behind me, with Stella bouncing into her place at my right side.

“Since you were gone we installed elevators.” Obsidian pointed to the passage where I had previously floated people up and down.

We all crammed into the elevator and Stella started to squeeze my ass.

“Really?” I raised a brow.

She held up both hands. “I didn’t do anything.”

I frowned around the elevator until Obsidian started laughing.

“If you are mad, you can punish me later.”

“They are quite sexually charged.” Skel observed to Wells. “Is there a power at work?”

Wells shook her head. “I believe it is raw charisma from our patron here.”

The elevator ride was blissfully short, but not short enough that we didn’t start to have to play ‘whose hand is groping me’.

I used my power and filed us all out into a clean white lab.

Wells took a package from Skel and the two doctors fidgeted and adjusted everything to their liking.

“Mona, I’m going to lay down. Help me get ready and test this out.” I ignored the two mad scientists and laid down on the steel table that looked far too much like it belonged in a dissection lab.

“What is he doing?” Kim asked the scientists.

I answered instead. “I’m going to use my powers from Mona’s body. Past attempts to manipulate my own power have all failed. But we recently discovered that I could use them from Mona’s perspective, and at the very least, I should be able to manage to prevent the undesired side effects of Monster Fruit.” The steel table was not as cold as I had expected, but it was still uncomfortable.

I tried to push away thoughts of dissection and being constrained, reminding myself that I was in control and surrounded by people protective of me.

Laying down, I closed my eyes and felt Mona pull me through our bond and opened my eyes again, seeing myself on the table.

“Let’s see.” I mumbled, weirded out by hearing Mona’s voice instead of my own.

My ‘vision’ of powers was a sense that my brain interpreted as a visual, but I knew it would work through Mona’s eyes.

The world became brighter as all of the women’s powers came into view, but the brightest light came from me.

Seeing my own powers was interesting, and it was different than I’d expected.

I lifted Mona’s head to view the giant loop of power that expanded outside my body and criss crossed across the room, the edges bleeding out through the walls and ceiling. Most of it wasn’t even in the room with me.

More importantly, it wasn’t staying still like other powers. It was slowly twisting around itself. There was no way for me to copy this and it explained why my attempts to try to enhance my power had failed, it was a moving target.

“What is it?” Wells asked.

“My power is much larger than I ever guessed.” I managed to say, still slightly in awe of my power.

Skel followed my gaze. “It goes outside your body?”

“It’s bigger than the room; I can only see part of it.” I explained.

Skel was quick for her spare hands to jump onto the keyboard. “How big is it compared to a titan like the Fenris Wolf?”

“On par, maybe slightly smaller than the Fenris Wolf’s power. It’s about two stories tall and twice as wide.” I explained. “It starts in my head though. Not surprising, given it is a mental power.”

“That suggests that it should be stronger than we’ve seen.” Wells was also taking notes.

“It might be limited by his own mind. Your early notes suggest that he became stronger when he passed mental blockades.” Skel started chatting with Wells.

“I agree.” I said. “That’s why I’ve chosen my power. Let’s proceed with this.”

“Wait, aren’t there more precautions we need to take? Discuss what power you are planning to take and possible side effects?” Kim started, but the doctors were getting to work.

Wells put down her pad of paper and grabbed a pair of forceps while Skel inserted a feeding tube down my throat. Then Well’s pulled out the new variant of monster fruit and just plopped it down the chute without any formality.

“Hey. Wait a second.” Kim moved, but two Obsidians grabbed her arms.

“Don’t interfere.” Angelina scowled. “Miles does what Miles wants.”

“Calm down, all of you.” I scolded them from Mona’s body, feeling more than a little nervous.

I watched as the monster fruit started to branch, my nerves spiking as I watched carefully.

My power did something I’d never seen another power do, it moved, ever shifting.

Monster Fruit could influence powers, but that came later.

My power wasn’t in a fixed state like the other’s I’d seen, and I hoped that I’d be able to do everything I had planned.

I’d find out soon; the monster fruit was taking hold.

I coughed in Mona’s body, feeling a sudden object in my throat and the desire to itch every part of me as its tendrils spread out.

This is quite unpleasant. Mona just shunted off the sensations, helping me block them. There, my fated. Now you can focus.

The complete lack of boundaries I now had with Mona aside, her help was pretty useful.

You are welcome.

My power seemed agitated at the invasion of the monster fruit. It started to squirm, and an arc of lighting shunted off of it and blew out one of the lights, plunging the room into darkness.

Kim made balls of fire to give us light. “What was that?”

“My power, is… having a reaction.” I kept my eyes glued to the table as another jag of lighting blew through cabinets in the room. “You might want to back up. All of you.” I clarified.

Kim snorted and stepped forward in defiance.

Not a foot from her, a kinetic force slammed through the floor.

“Miles. Is everything okay?” Wells asked, furiously taking notes.

“Monster Fruit is beginning to interact with my power and it is not… happy?” I struggled, the idea that it had its own emotions was concerning. “This is a new reaction. My power is currently extremely fluid and whipping about the room. These are just bits of ki that are being pushed out and converted into another form of energy.”

Pain seared through my leg.

“Tumor.” I wheezed, pointing to my right leg and clamping down on the ki flow.

But ki kept pouring into the tumor.

Monster fruit was interacting with my power, and it wasn’t quite as easy to use it.

“Another.” I pointed to my right arm, but as I did, I realized the tumor was growing in the void arm. There wasn’t a real limb to cut into.

Wells paused with her scalpel and looked at the arm with a raised brow. “That one’s all you.”

Mona was the one to jostle things in the back of my mind, and the void arm blinked out and reformed, but this time without a tumor.

“Good.” Wells frowned looking down as her body was raised up off the floor.

Gravity had lost its grip on the space around my body.

Control yourself, my fated. This is your power.

I tried to wrangle it back, but small bits kept slipping free, sending jags of electricity across the room.

“Stupid thing.” I mumbled.

The monster fruit continued to take hold in my body and my power lashed out, growing larger and thicker, doubling in size as the room was filled with electricity.

The tougher of my women were protecting the weaker ones.

Stella stood tall, trying to drain my ki for all she was worth. Her little suckers were going wild, branching out all around them as she latched onto my power.

My power lashed out at Stella in return, hitting her own power and sending her flying into a dozen Obsidian’s that appeared to break her fall.

Then, unexpectedly, it stopped shooting out electricity and started spitting out streams of ki. The ki swirled over my body and merged with the monster fruit, forming a second power in my body.

WIth the power starting to form, I knew it was time to try to shape it.

My first power continued to pour ki into it, swelling it outside of my mind, trying to join my first power in swirling around the room.

The whole time it grew, it was growing less violent as it began to settle.

“The monster fruit 2.0 should be close to the end of its cycle.” Wells informed me. “Is the situation improving?”

“I have a second power, but it is still forming.”

The new power was much larger than the one I intended to mimic, but I focused on the shape and tried to keep it the same.

My feet touched the ground as gravity returned, and my women started to step up closer to get a look at me.

“Hey. Master, your hair is darker.” Stella commented.

I didn’t see a difference, but I trusted her.

“He doesn’t look much different.” Melody stepped up. “Is it over?”

“Almost.” I could feel the second power stop struggling as my body killed the monster fruit. Unlike the other variant of monster fruit, this one was dissolving into my body quite quickly.

I held the shape of the power until it finally settled, and I breathed out in relief.

My original power continued to shift, only far slower than before. It seemed thicker and was certainly larger by about fifty percent.

Time to see what it can do. Mona kicked me out of her mind and shoved me back into my body.

I blinked a few times, orienting myself before I sat up. The room felt like it was in crisper detail. I didn’t have to look to know where objects were within the room.

There was a confidence in my mind that wasn’t there before.

“Master!” Stella tackled me off the table before anyone could stop her.

As her body tangled up with mine, she rolled us, slamming her own back onto the ground as I landed on top of her. “Are you better? Is your dick bigger?”

The women laughed and I could pick out each of their laughs individually, my mind moving at a much faster speed. I was able to categorize their tone, posture and speed of laughter.

My own mind seemed to move faster than I was ready to use.

“We’ll have to see if it is. My succubus needs to be the one to figure that out.” Before I finished speaking, Stella was ripping my toga off.

“Stella, I didn’t mean right now.” I pushed her pawing hands away.

Wells cleared her throat. “Actually, a sample of your semen would be vital to our research. The goal of this monster fruit was to alter you at a genetic level, to incorporate a power gene onto the Y chromosome.” She grabbed a sample cup she had apparently already prepared.

“Yes, master.” Stella latched onto Wells’ reason. “It’s for science.”

“You’ll taint a sample.” Angelina stepped up to Wells. She took the sample cup and let her stomach become fluid for a second before she pushed it in. “I can preserve the sample much better.”

Stella frowned at Angelina, and I could practically feel the tension between the two of them. But Stella gave in and rolled off of me. “Yeah, have fun with Jellybags. She’s been missing you. I’ve had a lot of fun with master recently.” She handed the baton off to Angelina.

“Thank you. But I think he would love the whole harem to reacquaint themselves.” Angelina raised an eyebrow at me in challenge as she put her heel just above my crotch. It melted into slime and dove into my pants. “That is the proper way to welcome him back, isn’t it?”

“Maybe we should take this down to the play room?” Obsidian suggested, her clones nodding excitedly in agreement behind her.



Maybe the new power is the ability to tell the exact age of cheese from miles away or perhaps he can spontaneously sweat from any part of his body? I can’t think why Miles would give himself that power but side effects happen.

John Duncan

It is Dr. Wells power. He can think much faster now. The clues are in the chapter.