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“Take your clothes off.” Des demand. Still holding the candle and in the otherwise dimly lit room it put a lot of light on her exposed chest.

The purple nightgown she wore had her pale cleavage completely exposed and it was distracting me. The things, I could do to those.

Get your head out of the gutter, Ken. I reminded myself that I just was on a date with Charlotte and I had told Harley that I wasn’t making a harem.

“Uh what?” I pulled my head out of the gutter and back to what was happening. I hadn’t come for some midnight sexy rendezvous, we were here to get me a second class… I think.

She held up a candle that had been in her hands. “I need to dribble wax on you for it.”

“That’s not the problem Des.” I backed up, but I had nowhere to go.

Maybe Harley was right, and I was blind.

“Aren’t we doing something for my secondary class?” I had trouble lifting my eyes from her chest on display.

She smirked and walked up to me pressing me against the door with her chest as she leaned forward looking me in the eye. “Do you want this?” Her voice just a soft whisper against my skin.

I swallowed. Not only did I want this, I needed this.

“Yes.” Up close she looked pretty, and I was half tempted to kiss those lips of hers that were so often quirked up in a knowing smile. They looked soft and inviting right now.

“Then come.” She grabbed my hand and led me over to the bed. “Strip, but you can leave on your boxers and then lay down in the center.”

“Maybe you could walk me through this?” I was struggling to keep up. My lower brain was taking up too much of the blood flow. Her assets were out on display, and they made me interested in a way that was going to be awkward when I got my clothes off.

Despite Des’s no-nonsense personality that made her unapproachable, she was incredibly beautiful.

She thought about that and nodded, lifting the candle to show me the rest of her room. “We are summoning a demon inside of you tonight. It will be an actual monster from the dungeon, and you’ll have to battle it in your mind. The demon will try to take over. In the event it does, I have prepared some emergency plans.”

The bed had a ring of salt around it, and the walls were painted with dozens of pentagrams.

“That looks like overkill. What are the chances I lose?” I got everything but my boxers off and the tent in them was obvious.

She looked down at it and smiled with a raised eyebrow. “Good chance you survive. Just don’t be stupid. Demons are powerful monsters. There might be other ways to win than just going at it with sword and knife.”

I nodded, taking those words to heart. “Okay, uh. What do I do next?”

“Lay down, relax. I just need to finish the ritual. We’ll put you in cuffs to protect us both.” When I laid down, she came and sat on my hips.

My erection brushed up against her ass, and it only got harder.

Desmonda was light as she sat on me in a strange, delicate, and sensual way. Suddenly, I was focusing on and feeling the warmth where she sat on me and picking out her scent over that of the burning candles.

I tried to distract myself. “What are you wearing?” It had been bothering me.

“This is what I sleep in.” She frowned at me. “You are likely going to be passed out dealing with the demon for a good chunk of the night. I’m going to sleep once this starts.”

“Ooooh.” I exaggerate the word as if it made perfect sense. “Yes, that makes sense.”

“Why did you think I was wearing this?” She smirked and raised a brow. “Did you think something else was part of this? That this was for something else?” She ran her hand down her side. “Silk is lovely to sleep in.”

“No. No, I just thought it looked nice. Maybe Charlotte would like something like it.” I reached for some excuse and came up with something rather lame. Bringing Charlotte into this made my heart beat fast. She would not like it if she knew what was happening, but it was just me getting a secondary class, not anything more.

She frowned but leaned over me, giving me a full view down her front and latched both of my wrists in the cuffs, before moving onto my ankles as she turned around and somehow still managed to brush up against me as she worked.

It was too much.

“Okay. Wax time. We need to put the final mark on you to focus the ritual.” She flipped around, her babydoll catching on my erection, and she paid it some attention for the first time, running a delicate finger between it and her sleepwear that made me shiver.

“You okay?”

“Cold.” I lied as I resisted the urges my body was sending me to thrust upwards right now.

She nodded. “Don’t worry, when it starts, you won’t be cold.” Tilting the candle, Des dribbled hot wax on my chest.

It stung just a bit before cooling on my chest, leaving me with a strange feeling of wanting it again.

She smiled at something and continued to dribble it in a circle before making a practiced pentagram in the center and then tracing it two more times. “Alright, now for the last ingredient.” She pulled a small vial from her CID. “Are you ready?”

“Yes.” I nodded, and she tilted the vial over the pentagram.

Now I knew why she ran the wax over the start several times. It had to hold the demon blood in it now. As she finished pouring the vial, it sat in the pentagram as a pool of blood.

“So what happens—“ The pentagrams all over the room glowed and the one in the center of my chest was blinding before everything disappeared. “—next.”

I was in a black, empty space with nothing but a giant pentagram below me burning like dying coals.


Desmonda watched as Ken passed out amid the ritual circle with a smile. She most certainly did not normally wear this to bed.

But she was very happy with his reactions to it. Maybe she’d have to keep wearing things like it to bed.

The way he couldn’t stop looking and, well, his body was pointedly honest, rather firmly so. It made her smile. She wasn’t some cute girl like Charlotte, who would stand behind him and push him forward.

Her family had raised her to be independent, and always strive to be the best, which meant she would push him as much as he pushed her. Even if Crimson hadn’t taken an interest in Ken, Des knew he’d be a great adventurer one day.

She was still straddling him and reached behind her, holding his erection to her rear and grinding herself against it. She had wanted to do that for the last several minutes.

If only she could have been so bold when he was awake.

She stopped after a moment, that he wasn’t awake soured any fun it would be to tease him more.

Maybe tomorrow she should wear something a little lower cut.

Ken was out cold. The blood in the pentagram had absorbed into him and swirled over his body. It would eventually solidify into some sort of tattoo based on the type of demon that he fought.

The empty vial of demon blood drew her eyes. “Just what did you make me do to him, Crimson?”

Her mind went to what happened earlier today as she slid off of Ken and got ready to go to sleep.


Desmonda’s area for the fights was being proctored by a teacher she hadn’t seen before. She couldn’t help but wonder where Crimson was since she wasn’t at any of the fighting areas.

As if summoning the devil herself, Desmonda felt like she suddenly was training back home, with weights on her shoulders, ankles and wrists.

A glance over her shoulder confirmed the woman was coming her way.

Even from a distance, the pressure that Crimson put on everyone was terrifying.

Desmonda had no idea how Ken talked to her casually. Even if she became slightly annoyed, it felt like everyone around her would be reduced to puddles of blood.

Her father was only a few levels below Crimson, and she’d seen the power of such an adventurer and the power of their displeasure.

The Renard family did not accept failure.

Already she was walking a tightrope with her family by coming here. She needed something to prove to her father that I was worth it.

Maybe she had made a mistake, but Ken, the boy that Crimson took under her wing, was too much of a curiosity. Not to mention the ability to learn under Crimson herself.

She was the only person her father ever talked about respectfully. When she passed him in levels at half his age, he had been furious and demanded to fight her for himself. After that day, he did a complete one eighty and gave the woman nothing but respect.

That told Des all she needed to know. Crimson was on a completely different level.

“Desmonda Renard.” Crimson came up to her and it felt like she was standing before a floor boss, ready to crush her into paste with the slightest wrong move. “Come, I want to talk.”

Des held her head high. She was a damn Renard. “What do you need?” Crimson wouldn’t have come to her over something small.

“Perceptive.” Crimson said, letting silence linger for a moment as they walked away from the group for a small amount of privacy. “I need your family’s ritual.”

Her heart skipped a beat. “What ritual?” Her family technically had dozens, but she had a feeling which one Crimson was interested in.

Crimson’s eyes flashed blue, and it felt like the woman looked into her soul, tore every fiber of information from her and then put her back together.

Des shuddered.

Terrifying didn’t even quite describe it.

“You have two classes. Just like your father and your mother. Though I knew of your mother before she married your father. It just seems that everyone who gets involved with the Renard family gets a certain type of secondary class.” Crimson gave her a knowing grin.

Des let out a breath. She couldn’t hide anything from this woman. “Yeah. I have the Demon Born class. I cannot give it to Ken.”

Crimson shook her head. “Your mother picked up a succubus secondary class. I know your father works with the UG directly to hide these in your CIDs. So I looked into it. Even one of your brothers had something similar happen to a girl. She gained a demon secondary class.”

“I can’t. My father would kill me. It is for the Renard family only. I already asked the resources I’d need to do it…” Des paused and saw Crimson’s grinning face. She changed her words, feeling as if she had continued that direction she was going to die. “You could easily get the resources for me and I could do it tonight.” She finished instead.

“Of course I can. As for your father’s objection to it…” Crimson tapped her lips. “Tell him I made you do it worst case. Or come to me and I’ll solve the problem. Ken cannot continue to progress as it is right now.”

“You want me to use it on Ken.” Des already knew that, but wanted to confirm. “I could lie to my father and say I was Ken’s woman. That would make it more okay to him.”

At the same time, Des was using this as an excuse. To be honest, she was terrified that Crimson would kill anyone that got close to Ken. She might be training him and nurturing him, but Des wasn’t sure she would take kindly to people getting too close to Ken.

Crimson grinned. “Do that then.”

Des was surprised at how quickly Crimson agreed. But it meant she got something out of this. Ken was handsome, and if he had the potential Crimson saw, Des wouldn’t mind diving into the dungeon with him on a longer term basis, maybe even for the rest of their lives.

“Don’t look like that.” Crimson saw right through her. “Ken is a young man and will have the vigor of a young man. You and the cute druid are free to chase after him. Besides, I hope to introduce him to the elven envoy, too.”

Des swallowed, not sure what Crimson was up to. “Then I’ll need some ingredients.” She had looked up the ritual in the family grimoire, but her father had denied to help. Either way, she had the list and quickly pulled it up on her CID before sending it over to Crimson.

The older woman flicked on her CID through the list. “Doable.” She frowned. “All of these are at least on the twentieth floor or deeper, except imp blood. Why imp blood?”

“The ritual summons the demon into his soul. If he loses, the demon will take his body. That’s why my family does it at a higher level so they can take on stronger secondary classes. I wanted him to face something he could fight.” Desmonda reasoned. It was sound, and it solved Ken’s immediate issue.

Crimson snorted. “No. I’ll supply the right blood. Don’t underestimate Ken. He’ll surprise us both, I’m sure.”

With that, Crimson spun on her heels, her long black hair whipping around.

Des stood there until she was out of earshot.

“I’m sorry, Ken. She’s going to give me some ridiculous blood. I just hope you are strong enough to fight whatever it is.” She murmured. It was dangerous.

But if Des was honest with herself, she was a little excited.

If Ken could acquire a powerful secondary class, then he would only shine brighter in the future.

She bit her lip. He would be more than worth to join the Renard family. Her father was particular about her mother and her brother’s girlfriends. Bloodline was something the Renard family cultivated to make each generation stronger. If he had a powerful demon secondary class and Crimson’s favor, well, then maybe her father wouldn’t outright kill him.

In fact, she could probably use this to her advantage and lay the groundwork to draw him into it. If it worked, she’d tell him about her family.

Des had a girlish grin as she thought about him being a little more devilish with her. Ken was too much of a goodie-goodie. A demon class didn’t change a person, but it could bring out some parts of his personality.

Yes. This would be an opportunity to pull him closer to her.

Charlotte only got a date. She would get more.

Not that she was jealous. Nope, not jealous at all at the two of them holding hands and giggling tonight on some candle lit date.

Des felt her knuckles pop with how hard she clenched her fist. She wasn’t like Charlotte, who could lure men with their bubbly natures. So she would use what charms she did have. Des cupped her chest, thinking they were at least on par with Charlottes, only the cute druid rarely put them to use.

When she was done with Ken tonight, he’d be happy to join her family.

AN - Update on Dragon, I'll get it back Tuesday/Tuesday night. So my plan is to get up to chapter 20 of Dungeon ready so you have through Wednesday Morning and then start putting out corrections to Dragon.



So, no shot that Crimson didn't just give him Incubus powers, right?


I love Des’ “Game on, Bitch!” attitude😋