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I let Trina pull me into the room, and she stumbled for a moment. Apparently she’d expected me to resist a little more. But I was more than happy for this moment with my soon to be mate.

Grabbing her, I caught the dragon and spun to push her against the wall.

“Close the door.” She bit her lip.

The copper dragon blushed as I had her pinned up against the wall.

Her usually messy braid broke free and her hair spilled out over her shoulder.

I pushed the door closed with my foot and returned to the lovely dragon in front of me.

She licked her lips as she gazed up at me.

“My king.” She closed her eyes, her body open to me.

Not needing any more clues, I bent down over her and kissed her offered lips. My hands wandered from when I held her arm down her shoulders and around the curves of her chest.

I found my fingers getting caught in the folds of her shirt where she’d tied it into a knot, and I shifted them under it, sliding along the smooth skin under her breasts.

She kissed me back hungrily, her eyes fluttering open. Her warm chocolate eyes were filled with warmth and need.

I grabbed her hip and lifted her up, pinning her against the wall as she wrapped her legs around me.

Locking her ankles together to keep her in place and her arms around my shoulders for stability, she began rubbing herself along me, moaning in pleasure.

She leaned away, gasping for breath and exposing her neck to me. “My king. I needed a moment to speak with you.”

“Oh? You’re not doing much speaking.” I kissed her neck, and the beast inside of me awoke sharply, my jaw crackling with the urge to shift.

Trina moaned, still clinging to me. “Getting hard to think.”

“Ah, that’s too bad. Well, see if it comes to you.” I breathed down her neck, her skin becoming rough with goosebumps and I nibbled on her clavicle, trying to find the perfect spot to mark my newest mate.

I smiled, very ready for a release of the tension coiled inside of me after battling with Helena. Summer had tried to help, but this felt like a far better way to let go of that frustration.

I pressed Trina to the wall and ground myself against her.

“My King, don’t tease me.” She breathed heavily. “We don’t have much time.”

I growled at being rushed.

“My king.”

Growling again, I licked her neck.

Finding a spot that made my dragon pleased, my jaw crackled and reformed as my magic gathered. “My mate.” I stated forcefully, before biting her clavicle as magic seared a glowing scar into her.

“Yes.” Trina bucked against me. “My king, my mate.” Her own jaw crackled and she bit me on the opposite shoulder, tearing my shirt. I gave zero shits about that shirt at that moment, my dragon instincts going wild.

I had claimed her, and now I was going to enjoy my new mate.

She released my shoulder from her mouth, bringing her face back in front of mine. I kissed her deeply as she continued to grind against me.

Trina groaned in frustration before she pulled back. “I’m sorry, My King. I failed to tell you what I’d planned to. Your mates know of the journey. They are upset that you didn’t tell them last night.”

Like a cold splash of water, her words sobered me.


“Sorry, My king.” She tenderly kissed my neck again where she had bit. “You need to go talk to them.”

Now it was my turn. I groaned as I ground myself against her. “Is it that bad? Maybe it can wait just a little longer.”

She chuckled. “I wish. But it was pretty messy. You distracted me this long, but the mark cleared my head a little.”

I grumbled. My head was the opposite of clear, but I acknowledged she was probably right.

I lifted her down off of me, preparing to head their way but pausing when she stayed behind.

She gave me a smile as she traced my mark on her with her finger. “Go ahead. I need to change my underwear or they will all smell my want on me.”

I laughed. She was right. The other dragons at minimum would know and might cause a small riot. “Fine. Rain check.”

“Oh, I plan on more than one raincheck.” She turned, swaying her butt a little extra as she walked away.

I let my head loll back. “Fuck.” I tried to think of other things, needing my body to soften before I took on my other mates. The monster in my pants was far too obvious at the moment.

Taking deep breaths and tensing my thighs, it went away. I could finally step out of the room and head down to face off against my brides.

I walked down the hall towards the dining area, finding all of them gathered.

Scarlett was the first to notice me, her ears perking up and her three tails swishing as she turned with her arms crossed. “When were you planning on telling us?”

I cleared my throat.

Even with all of my ladies there, I wasn’t about to be intimidated. This was my harem.

A low growl rumbled in my throat as the beast agreed with me. “Today actually. I didn’t want to ruin the mood last night. It was important to me that we had at least some time as a full family without any worry.”

The girls actually seemed a little shocked at my tone.

“I’m going with Maeve to find her mother. While our wedding is important, solving the crisis of the missing fae queen is critical to the world. I will fulfill my duty as a leader of the paranormal and Maeve’s friend. You will all do an amazing job planning our wedding, and I will be back to take vows with each and every one of you. But make no mistake, you are already mine.” I looked into each of their eyes.

One by one, they softened.

Jadelyn sighed. “Did we all really expect our mate to sit still for an entire month?”

Several of them laughed, but there was melancholy to it.

“No. But a girl can dream.” Yev rubbed at her stomach. “You’ll be back? Promise on your first child?”

“I promise on our first child.” There was no doubt in my mind I would do everything to get back to her. “Do you really think anything could keep me from coming back to all of you?”

Morgana snorted. “Such a sweet talker. I assume you have a team picked out?” She leaned forward, an eyebrow raised.

Tyrande made an understanding noise. “That’s why he mated Polydora.”

The rest of the group suddenly understood, and they focused back on me.

I cleared my throat. “Poly, Trina, Helena, Maeve, and her assistant will come with me. I was going to ask Kelly, but you’re far from your pack.”

Kelly crossed her arms and sighed. “I’m not very alpha this far from my pack. Blueberry can’t go either. The faeries hate her, but she’s badass when she’s not a pain in the ass. It’s more the land that I worry about; It’s not a big fan either.”

“As much as I hate to admit that Furball is right, she is in this singular instance. Congratulations.” She smirked at Kelly, who playfully preened at her victory.

Scarlett’s face had been shifting all around throughout the short conversation. I knew that she would have a mix of feelings around her commitment to the wedding, her protection of Jadelyn, and her desire to run off into the adventure with me.

“My first mate is far too busy. If I brought you, I feared that the wedding would be in jeopardy.” I put on my best smile.

“Don’t be too smug.” My kitsune narrowed her eyes at me. “You’re going to make this up to me. And don’t you dare make me come hunt you down.”

“Deal. Want me to put some kits in you? We can spend a few days in the horde when I get back.” I tried.

She winced. My kitsune did not have the regeneration of many of my harem.

“Or maybe a nice date and evening after?” She smiled up at me before turning a serious face to Maeve. “You’ll take care of him?”

“Of course.” The blue fae nodded eagerly. “I’ll die before he does. The wilds are a dangerous place, but we have the dragon king himself.” She tried to reassure the others.

“Why can’t Summer go?” Tyrande asked with a frown.

“Because the Wilds would swiftly take the land if Summer left.” Evelyn replied. “It is the queen’s strength that holds the Wild back. It’s why they only leave the faerie realm when their counterpart is at their strongest.”

I could see Maeve struggling with the information, and I was understanding more and more about the pressures that would fall upon her shoulders if she were to take up the crown. She would be locked within the fae realm for three quarters of the year.

It also explained all the cycling of who was sitting on the council.

If she took up the crown, she would really lose her freedom.

“Don’t put any more pressure on our dear mate.” Jadelyn replied, gathering the girls back from where they were starting to gossip. “Zach Pendragon, I expect you back in three weeks. If you do not return by then, I will send every siren I can muster into the wilds.”

Morgana snorted. “If he’s not back by then, you need not send for reinforcements. I’ll go in myself.”

“Like that would do any good Blueberry. My pack will be far ahead of you, tearing the wilds apart.” Kelly promised.

I smiled, warmed by their concern. “Don’t worry. Apparently, I’m a compass that’ll point towards the Winter Queen.”

“And a magnet for trouble.” Yev crossed her arms.

All the girls nodded in solidarity with her statement.

Trina came into the room, breathing heavily. “Oh, darn. Did I miss it?”

“Oh, look who’s marked now?” Yev turned to Trina and her nostrils flared before she narrowed her eyes at the copper dragon. “But not mated. Oh dear, it must be irritating.”

“I will survive.” Trina replied, but as she sat, I noticed she wiggled a little in the chair like she was filled with need.

“On that note, how about we get going, Maeve?” With my mates in agreement, I didn’t want to give too much time to wallow in my departure.

“Yes. But don’t we need Helena?” Maeve looked around for the final member of our expedition.

Rather than go hunt for her, I lifted my head and shouted. “Summer!”

“You called?” The motherly fae queen appeared in the doorway almost instantly.

It had been what I’d planned, but it was still crazy that it worked.

“We need Helena. Could you get her to meet us outside?”

She playfully pouted, but then disappeared again in a flash of light.

When I looked back at my mates, they were staring at me oddly.

“Did he really just use the Summer Queen at the height of her power as an errand boy?” Larisa looked stunned.

“Not only did he, but she actually followed his request.” Morgana looked baffled.

“Huh.” Kelly was speechless.

I jerked my head to the side and waved to my mates, blowing them kisses. “Love you all!”

Hurrying out, I tried to avoid more conversation. I was already itching to shift and get flying.

Walking with long strides, I found myself out the front doors in short order.

The others had jogged to keep up with me.

Tossing my clothes off, and into my bracer, I began to shift.

“Eager?” Poly joked.

“Yes.” I said, my voice deepened as I spoke. “We only have three weeks, and I’m going to be missing out on valuable down time with my mates.”

I turned to Maeve as my neck elongated. “How do I become a compass for your mother?”

Maeve stepped up to me and took out a little contraption made out of silver.

As soon as she pressed it to my arm, it spun, pointing a specific direction. “This. It is an attempt to scry my mother. It would work without you if she weren’t in the wilds. But with your connection to her powering it, it should even work in the wilds.”

“I don’t like the ‘should’ part of that statement.” Trina commented as she caught up.

“I am fairly sure it will work.” Maeve corrected herself. “I just can’t say it doesn’t until we get into the Wilds. Otherwise, there is a very small chance I lie.”

The dragons shrugged and hopped on my back. “Aight, let’s all saddle up! Where’s the grumpy angel?”

“She’s not an angel. She’s a nephilim.” I quickly corrected her..

“Uh huh.” Trina didn't seem to care about the distinction.

I sighed. “She’ll probably join us once we are in the air.”

“Or we could wait. I’m happy to ride you as long as you’d like.” Evelyn climbed up on my back.

“Why are we taking the nymph?” Polydora asked.

I had to crane my neck around to see that I had all four passengers.

The nymph in question was batting her frosted eyelashes. “Because nymphs are the best, aren’t they, dragon king?”

Maeve spoke over her. “Nymphs are actually quite adept at navigating the wilds. For whatever reason, they just understand the twisting chaos better.”

“It’s just as twisted as our minds.” Evelyn winked at me. “We know how to do very naughty things.”

“Can you stop?” Trina grumbled, and I could smell her scent as she straddled my back. She was still very much horny to seal our marking with a mating.

Evelyn chuckled, seeming to understand exactly what she was doing to the poor dragon.

Looking to move the conversation on, I started walking forward. “Everybody hold on! Maeve, point us in the right direction.”

My wings beat against the wind, lifting us slowly into the air.

Just as I crested over the ridge of the chateau, a pair of white wings caught the sunlight as Helena joined me up in the air. I had a feeling she would be too proud to ride me.

“Where are we going?” Helena asked.

I turned my head to look at Maeve as she pressed the device against my back.

“Right eighty degrees.”

Turning back, I got a good landmark and leaned forward as I beat my wings, purposefully sending enough wind to knock Helena’s flight askew.

“Oops, sorry about that.” I smiled over at her.

“Shut up and watch where you are flying.” Helena scolded me and recovered, flying above me.

“You could just ride me.” I offered innocently.

“No.” She had to pump her wings to keep up with me, and I let myself glide lazily even as I accelerated.

If she was going to be stubborn, I was going to make her regret it.

I was going with Summer’s approach. I’d meet her where she was at. Right now, she was treating me like a rival, and I was rather ready to play.

“You're too fast.” Helena grumbled. She flapped her wings harder, barely able to keep up with me.

Maeve made a rope with her magic and grabbed the nephilim. “Stop. Save your strength for when we’ll need it later. You have nothing to prove.”

Helena took the rope and pulled herself onto my back. “Fine. But only because the stupid dragon thinks he’s in a race.”

“My mates only gave me three weeks.” I replied.

“Three weeks?” Helena sounded surprised. “I thought this would just be a few days. Don’t you have a compass?”

I shrugged. “Who knows? The faerie wilds sound like a confusing place.”

“Left fifteen degrees.” Maeve corrected my flight. “See that lake up there? Keep that heading.”

“Can do.” I adjusted my flight, swinging towards the lake and pumping my wings for a little more height before I dipped slightly again. I let gravity and the wind do the work as I shot across the faerie.

The land was beautiful; everything was in full blossom of summer.

But further up ahead, I could see the forest that seemed to go on forever. It reminded me of the oceans back home. There was just water and horizon.

“How big are the faerie wilds?” I asked the two fae on my back.

“No one knows exactly.” Evelyn said quickly. “No one has explored it all, and it’s impossible to map. It’s also easy to get turned around and double count.”

“Can I not fly over it?” I asked.

“Uhhh. No.” Evelyn looked at me as if I was stupid. “That’s a great way to get dead. We’ll have to land and walk it.”

“Why? What’s going to stop us from flying?” Poly asked before I could.

Evelyn looked at Maeve like she was asking permission. Whatever response she got let her continue. “There are lots of nasties out there. The types of nasties that could take down a dragon or a dragon king. The wilds are their territory. They have whole villages and cities of lost people, old gods and more. Flying over the wilds would be like being a pig, and slathering yourself in barbecue sauce as you walk into a rib shack. They’d love to get their hands on dragon parts.”

I blinked a few times. Hearing a fae nymph use those words was odd, to say the least.

“But I’m the dragon king.” I replied, a little annoyed that they were downplaying my strength.

She patted my back. “Yeah, you are, tough stuff. Once upon a time, everyone might have come together to defeat the Wild Fae Queen, but they certainly never defeated the wilds.”

“If anything, the wilds have become stronger with her absence.” Maeve added.

With a sigh, I angled down towards the tree line. “Then walking it is. Flying is a last resort.”

“Please don’t fly above the wilds.” Maeve quickly stated. “I would not want to go back to your wives with my hat in hand, I would most likely lose my head. Or worse.”

“And ours.” Polydora said quickly. “It is our job to protect you on this trip.”

Grudgingly, I agreed. “Fine. I won’t fly over the wilds.”



Was Sabrina supposed to join?

Some BS Deity

He is totally going to fly over the wilds