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Past the entrance, the building was all one big room. Within it, there was a single white cushion, which I assumed was for me, and a divider curtain. I assumed the elders sat behind the curtain.

With how the light shone into the room, I would be well illuminated, but those that stayed behind the curtain would be hidden from me.

Sitting on the cushion, I made myself at home. Looking relaxed for the elders, who were clearly trying to put on a show.

No one showed up, so I let my mind wander to fill the time.

My wives would no doubt be settling in as well. I trusted that my mother would keep them safe, and they weren’t wallflowers. If they were put in danger, I had no doubt that I’d be able to hear it from where I sat.

Mainly Lanhua and Phoebe. Lanhua, being willing to reject her revenge to stay with me, opened my eyes. I wasn’t strong enough to tell Phoebe that I would put off my original reasons for searching for her.

Xiaobai had told me that Phoebe would be able to solve my mana beast’s ability to have kids, and I wasn’t going to give that up. It was just too important for me.

The strength that Lanhua showed in offering to give up her revenge was eye opening.

I would give her a chance, even now I was relishing the idea of her touch. The pleasure she gave through contact was a rush, something that I wouldn’t mind feeling more of.

Of course, while I was accepting Lanhua, Phoebe was accepting me and the risk that came with it.

There were so many strong women in my life and I was blessed. It only seemed that more were joining me on this adventure.

I would need to become stronger for what lay ahead. Closing my eyes, I began to cultivate on my own, biding my time for the elders to come.

I cleared my mind and tried to be present in the moment, not thinking of the past or the future. I grounded myself, focusing on the feeling of the pillow under me and the air surrounding me.

Taking deep breaths, in and out, I let myself sink into the moment.

I started cycling my mana, following my original Seven Hell’s Meridians technique. It was old, but it was my foundation, and it was still capable of refining immortal mana from the world around me.

“He has a mind for cultivation and a good sense of patience.” A motherly voice spoke not long after I started cultivating.

Another rougher voice grumbled. “He is ignoring us. I don’t like to wait.”

I cracked my eye open; seven silhouettes filled the other side of the divider. “If you wished to start, all you needed to do was speak.”

The motherly voice laughed. “He sees right through your charades. Why play games?”

I understood already that they were testing me. They wanted to check my patience and my temperament by being left to wait for them. Such methods seemed childish to me, but I had done some interesting things in my time as a sect leader to test the waters of new disciples.

“Boy. Rumors of you using two bloodlines have already begun circling. Please show us and banish any doubts from those present.” The largest silhouette spoke with a deep yet calming voice, like the gentle roar of the ocean.

Knowing there was no reason to keep hiding, I activated the Yunpi bloodline and the nine-tailed fox once again. “Maintaining this for long is difficult on my body.”

“Of course it is.” He spoke slowly. “Two bloodlines will clash and slowly damage your body, even at the sixth rank.”

I didn’t correct him. There was no reason for him to know my full power, and I wasn’t sure correction would be something they would take well. So I stayed quiet.

“Why have you come here now?” The gruff voice asked.

I felt like protocol was for me to bow as if I was honored to be asked questions by this group of elders, but the screen already separated us. I found myself uninterested in bowing. “What boy without a family doesn’t dream of finding them one day?”

There were several snorts at my answer, and the motherly voice spoke next. “From our reports, you’ve done well to make your own family. What need do you have to seek ours?”

They wanted to know why I had come to them, and clearly my first answer wasn’t satisfactory. It gave them no clear power over me.

“I was born in the mortal world; my mother left me at the age of five. Finding her was one of the driving forces behind my focus on cultivation. Once in the immortal world, I became stronger, wanting to one day find my ancestors. However, I must admit, I am less than thrilled at my reception. I hadn’t expected my elder ancestors to be too afraid to show me their faces.”

“That lack of respect for your elders would have never occurred if you were raised here. No child of the Yunpi would speak to us like that.” Grouchy snapped back at me.

Quickly growing tired of their haughty behavior, I put my hands on my knees as if I was about to leave. “I came to meet my ancestors, but it seems I’d be more welcome returning to the Feng Family.”

“Of course they would be welcoming. Our blood is coveted. But do not forget your family has found a home here. Your children will be here shortly, and they will be raised properly.” I could almost see the sneer in the elder’s shadow.

There was a loud smack on the other side of the divider. “That is something that you don’t threaten. Boy, your family is safe here; the elders will not interfere with them. I put this to vote.” The motherly voice was harsh.

Five out of the seven silhouettes raised their hands. I quickly picked out Grumpy’s silhouette and the other that didn’t vote.

They would be my problem.

“There you have it. Your family is safe within these walls. Though I do think we will have to discuss your children leaving. Many of them may contain your bloodline—”

“None of them have the Yunpi bloodline; they all were born with their mother’s bloodlines.” I said quickly.

“All of them?” An elder I hadn’t heard from asked in surprise.

“Yes. Each and every one of them was born with their mother’s bloodline.” I clarified. “They have the bloodlines of the black tortoise, the vermillion bird, the yin harmony bird, the white tiger and what I’ve learned are called spirit bloodlines.”

The new elder chuckled. “Do you collect women of rare bloodlines? We, of course, know that you also now have a woman of the phoenix bloodline.”

I didn’t mention that with Leo’s corpse, I could use his blood essence to give a woman another rare bloodline. But for now, I waited. Phoebe had indicated that my power could use up what I’d need to make my mana beasts whole and able to bear children.

“I always assumed it was the luck of the Pixiu that brought them all to me.” I replied, and the elders seemed to settle at that answer. They liked that their blood was given credit.

A few of the elders chuckled, and the newest continued. “So if we gave you a woman with the Yunpi bloodline, do you think you’d produce children with her bloodline?”

“I can’t promise that.” I lowered my voice. “But I’m always willing to try.”

I knew that it would be part of the cost to stay with the family. They needed their bloodline continued, and I brought new genetics into the mix. I was willing to concede to it under certain conditions.

“They must be willing. I will not force a woman. Nor is there any joy for me in a woman who does this out of duty.”

Grouchy grunted as he grudgingly agreed with me. “We’ll have to exclude your mother’s branch family. We might as well just throw all the unwed girls at him and see if any produce the bloodline.”

There was a sputtering from the motherly voice. “Go ahead and call him a stud horse to his face.”

“He brought with him nine wives; he clearly doesn’t mind.” Grumpy snapped back.

“Fourteen.” I clarified. “There are fourteen. And I expected it and agree to do it, but I won’t become a golden goose laid up in a cage for the rest of my life.”

The motherly elder spoke in a soothing tone. “Of course not. But let us introduce you to the women of your generation.” She clapped her hands, and a side door opened up with a dozen ladies in white walking through single file.

I tried to keep my face passive, but I was surprised. I hadn’t expected them to parade women in front of me so soon.

Most of the women were in the fourth rank, with one radiating age and a cultivation in the sixth rank.

“These are the daughters of my branch. They will be transferred to your courtyard to help you get settled in your new home.”

The sixth rank woman glared through the divider. “I am not.”

“You have been widowed for over a decade. I will not force you, Tabatha, but do consider it.” Then she raised her voice. “I will not force any of you, but I ask that you consider the opportunity bearing a child of the family bloodline will bring.”

I frowned, not liking the direction the conversation was going. And it didn’t help that Tabatha was glaring at me like I’d been the one to kill her husband.

“Oh, you old snake. Good thing I was prepared.” The new elder clapped his hand and another eight girls in white walked through the door. “The daughters of my branch’s latest generation.”

The eight girls curtseyed for me, dipping their heads low with sweet, seductive smiles. They moved in unison, the gesture clearly practiced before that moment.

“Pleased to make your acquaintance.” The lead girl came over to the cushion where I was sitting. “Would you like any refreshments? I see the elders neglected to make you comfortable.”

“Bah!” Grouchy shouted. “What is this? We brought him here to be questioned, not romanced.”

“That might have been your plan, but I’m afraid it doesn’t fit my interests.” The motherly voice chuckled.

Another woman spoke. “Sadly, he is of my own blood, so I can’t play this game. But stop being so sour. I know you brought a coterie of daughters, too.”

Grouchy grunted, and in came more women. They were dancing in sheer white clothes, shaking their chests as their bodies flowed across the room.

The elders laughed. “Oh, and you were blaming us?” The elder from my branch laughed. “I see your actual goal. You hope to tempt him with just your daughters because you have no charm.”

I was feeling uncomfortable as nearly thirty women filled my side of the room, all of them vying for my attention in one form or another.

Clearing my throat, I stood. “Are we done?”

Aurora and Mei were hammering in their rings, wanting out, no doubt, to get a taste of these women. But I wasn’t going to show off my mana beasts yet.

“You may take these women back to your courtyard. What happens behind closed doors is up to you.” The elder from my branch of the family replied.

But before I could take a step, a hurtling missile jumped onto my back. “Big brother!” The five-year-old girl from earlier squealed excitedly and clung to my neck. “What are all these ladies doing here?” She asked with the pure innocence of a child.

“They are all your big sisters, no?” I joked. “What’s your name, girl?” I tried to engage her even though I had heard it earlier.

She ignored me, and I couldn’t help but notice that the elders were silent. The little girl looked around, her face turning puzzled. “Why is she wearing clothes that you can see right through?”

Many of the girls present were suddenly uncomfortable and pulled at their clothes, working to cover themselves more as the little girl’s eyes ran around the room.

“It is because she wants big brother to like her.” I said, finding the little girl oddly amusing. And she was providing a great shield from the pushy elders and these women.

“Should I wear clothes like that?” She asked, staring up at me with big, wide eyes.

“Absolutely not. You are just fine in your normal clothes.” I wasn’t interested in seeing a child’s body.

“Good. Those look cold.” She said it so straightforwardly that I couldn’t help but laugh.

An elder cleared their throat. “Xiexie, you should go find your father.”

“He’s boring. Big brother is so much better. He caught me when I fell off a roof!” She continued to cling to me, her little hands grabbing at my cheeks to pull.

“Xiexie, who’s your father?”

When she didn’t answer, the elder from my branch spoke. “Her father is a retired elder living in isolation. All four of his children have the Yunpi bloodline, so there is hope that when she is older, she, too, will have the bloodline.”

I nodded, understanding then why she was given so much leeway. She was another hope of the family.

“Xiexie, we are going back to big brother’s courtyard. Do you want to come?” I teased her, already knowing her answer.

“Yeah!” She pulled at my hair like a set of reins.

I bowed slightly to the elders, careful not to send Xiexie tumbling off my shoulders, and then waved to the thirty women that had been thrown at me. “If someone could point me in the right direction, I assume I’m attached to Lilly’s courtyard?”

“Tabatha, help him find his way to what used to be Elder Xiu’s courtyard.” Her elder said softly.

Tabatha just bowed silently before walking ahead of me.

“She’s kind of snooty.” Xiexie muttered, not holding anything back. Children were vicious.

Tabatha missed a step both otherwise pretended not to hear the little brat.

“You are going to get yourself in trouble if you keep talking like that.” I warned her.

Xiexie shrugged, tugging my hair a little. “If someone tried to get me in trouble, I’d just go back with dad and sit in the boring cave for a few days. This is much better.” She patted my shoulder like a favorite steed. “Onward!” She threw her small fist in the air.

Despite Xiexie’s lovely distraction, I still had thirty new women I was bringing home.

This was going to be a headache. Despite their performances, I was sure that many of them were being forced, or at least otherwise incentivized, to join me at my home.

And they’d all be working to seduce me as I tried to figure out who was truly interested and who was acting on duty. It was like the elders thought I was some insatiable bull that would rut at the first sign of an opening.

We continued making our way through the area to my new home, and I decided to see if I could find another ally. “Little one, do you think your dad would be interested in meeting with me?”

I could use the support of someone like him. By being isolated but still well respected, I hoped he’d be less interested in politics and willing to help guide me.

“Maybe when he wakes up next time? That won’t be for a few more weeks. ‘Till then, can I play in your courtyard? The elders say I’m not old enough for one of my own.” She paused, resting her chin on my head in exasperation.

“You really aren’t old enough for your own courtyard. But you can stay in mine as long as there is room. Apparently, I’ll have a number of ladies staying with me, and I haven’t seen how large it is yet.”

“Don’t worry. Elder Xiu’s courtyard was huuuuge. He had so many wives. Almost as many as my father.” She said it proudly, like it was a badge of honor. “But my moms stay in the cave with him to cultivate. Always cultivating.” She sighed.

The little girl switched emotions fast enough to give me whiplash. “I also have many wives.”

“Na uh. I saw them. My dad has…” I could feel her trying to remember. “One hundred and thirty-two.”

I nearly fell over. “That is… a lot. But you only have four siblings?”

“Yeah, but they are all out all the time on missions for the family.”

I could tell that the little girl was lonely. Even though she was a little young, I thought Ember might take a liking to her. And my wives always enjoyed the children when they were this age.

“Well, then you can stay with me. I only have fourteen wives.” Using ‘only’ in that sentence felt like a slap in the face. “But you can play with them or any of these ladies if they want to play with you.”

“Really?” she asked.

“Really.” I spoke loud enough for all the girls following me to hear. “A woman who can play with a little girl is important. After all, the goal is for them one day to have a child of their own.”

Xiexie leaned on my head and mumbled something to herself before speaking up louder. “Big Brother, how do these girls become mothers?”

I froze, not even close to ready to have that conversation. Looking over at the closest woman, I stared at her with wide ‘help me’ eyes.

She giggled but took the opportunity, getting very close to me as she spoke to Xiexie on my shoulders. “Mommies need daddies. When a man and woman love each other very dearly, they become mothers and fathers.”

“Oh. big brother, can I become a mother?”

“No.” I said quickly. “You are too small.”

“How big do I have to be?” she countered quickly.

I used the woman next to me as a guide, putting my hand level with the top of her head. “You have to be at least this big.”

The woman gave a big smile, seeming pleased to be used as the example.

“What’s your name?” Xiexie demanded. “How big are you?”

“I’m Ai Yunpi.” She smiled at the chance to tell me her name with a small bow. “I’m 36’ 24’ 36’.” The mischievous smirk on her face told me exactly what those measurements were.

But Xiexie wasn’t satisfied, as she banged on my head with her little hands. “That’s three numbers.” She demanded. “How do you have three sizes? Big brother, make her tell me her size.”

“It’s rude for me to ask a woman her size.” I countered, smiling.

Ai smiled up at Xiexie, giving her a clearer answer. “I’m a hundred and sixty centimeters.”

“No, that isn’t important. What were the three numbers?” Xiexie demanded, going off on another tangent.

“Oh look. Is that Elder Xiu’s old courtyard?” I saved Ai, distracting Xiexie and pointing at a large courtyard wrapped in white, cloud-like walls.

“It is! Hurry up, big brother. These ladies are wearing almost nothing. They really planned poorly. My dad says they need to get inside or they’ll catch a cold. And their mommies and daddies are going to be very unhappy with them.”

Ai bent over with a fit of giggles.


Daniel Glasson

Caught maybe 2 mistakes. Oddly, both concern Tabitha. "Tabitha missed a step both otherwise pretended not to hear" is one. The one I'm not sure about is when she was presented and said "I am not." Should that have been "I will not." or am i just crazy?


Issac says something about having Leo’s body, but I think it’s probably supposed to be Hendricks body.


Ty. Leo was Hendrick's little brother back on the mortal world. Right? Or have I lost it?