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I pulled up to North Root Healthcare and darted inside, finding suite 202.

As I opened the door, I found Kelly grumpily sitting in a chair. She looked pissed, arms crossed, her legs tight together and a cute little frown on her face.

“Kelly?” an attendant asked from the other side of the room before I could get her attention.

When she got up to follow the attendant, I strode quickly across the room and caught the door, following behind her.

She looked over her shoulder and then did a double take, blinking several times. “Zach?”

“Sorry I missed the first few. I just got back. I’d like to be here now, if you still want me here.”

The smile that spread across her face was priceless. “Yes! Thanks.”

“Oh, you must be the man.” The attendant greeted me. “Here, both of you wait in room five here. The doctor will be in shortly.” She closed the door behind us. It felt all rather familiar, the same as any doctor I would have seen before I became part of the paranormal world.

“I didn’t think you’d make it.” Kelly said, sitting down in one of the two chairs that weren’t the awkward patient seat. Neither of us really wanted to sit there.

“I told you I would. Morgana and I just got held up a bit. So, what are we doing?” I let her take the lead.

“You’ll need this.” She pulled a sample cup out of her bag.

I was about to correct her when I realized it had already been filled. “That’s disgusting. Did you just hand me a cup of semen?”

“Grow up. Just do me a favor and pretend it is yours. It’s from a beta back home.”

At least the cup was clean.

There was a knock on the door. That thankfully pulled my attention away from the cup as I set it on the counter.

“Come in!” Kelly said, seeming happy that I didn’t have any more time to rethink the cup of semen.

A tiny lady about two feet tall floated in on pixy wings and landed on the counter beside us, washing her hands as she spoke. “What can I do for you two today?”

I did my best to keep my jaw from dropping. It was all so casual; it took me by surprise seeing the little pixie doctor.

“We are interested in options. There’s a problem in our pack, and I was wondering if it would be possible to get a beta to be fertile.” Kelly gave the doctor her best smile.

“Interesting.” The pixy noticed the sample cup next to me and opened a drawer, pulling out a brown paper bag. “Put that in there. I’ll have someone take a look at it. We don’t get requests from werewolves; their pack normally takes care of everything.”

I stuffed the cup in the bag, glad to be rid of it.

“It’s a unique situation.” Kelly hedged. “Generally speaking, what kind of options are we looking at?”

“Why don’t we get this started, and we’ll have some more definitive answers after I run through some of the scenarios?” The pixy picked up the brown paper bag and fluttered out of the room for a minute before returning.

“Now, scenarios. I’m not sure there’s much, or really any, literature on the nature of beta male reproduction. But there’s likely either little or no viable sperm in the betas. Which means your options come down to the problem itself. We’ll need to determine why the sperm isn’t volatile. If there’s no motility, then we can fix that with some medical intervention. If there is some deficiency in them, we can fix that. The biggest struggle will be if there aren’t any sperm at all.”

“Then what was that?” I gestured toward the door and the jar she had taken away.

“Semen is more than just sperm. That could just be a mixture of other parts of the secretions. If there’s no sperm at all, we’ll have to figure out another solution. There are drugs we’d have to test on werewolves for the right dosages that could help.” The Pixy doctor explained.

Kelly let out a heavy sigh. “With our metabolisms, that’s going to be a rough process, isn’t it?”

Thinking about how much she had to drink to even hold on to a buzz, I suddenly understood why that might be a problem.

They would have to take an unholy amount of any drug to correct the problem.

“We have a lot of options to explore here. I am optimistic we can figure this out.” The doc came over and patted Kelly on the shoulder.

Kelly sagged a bit. I knew it was weighing on her that her pack may not be able to have children. They would likely do everything they could to remove her as alpha if that were the case.

A knock at the door made the pixie flutter across the room. When she opened it, an orc in scrubs handed the doc a sheet of paper.

“That was quick! Let’s see…” she trailed off, hiding herself behind the piece of paper as she read it. Then she turned to us. “I’m afraid I have hard news.”

“What’s the damage, doc?” I asked.

“I’m afraid to say that there are zero sperm in your semen.” She gave me a pitying look that would have withered my balls if it were really my problem.

I felt for the beta men. That was rough.

“So, meds are our best approach.” Kelly said. “Do you know of any para meds that might help?”

But the pixy shook her head. “No, sadly, this sort of deficiency in humans is because of a structural issue or severe hormone imbalance. It’s a symptom of a larger problem. We can try to fix it as if it is a hormone imbalance, but we’ll need to schedule some blood work.” She finally sat down at the computer and started typing by banging her fists into the standard sized keyboard. Apparently, there weren’t pixie sized keyboards, or the clinic didn’t splurge on them.

“I’ll just be a few minutes typing this up. You can schedule a blood workup with the front desk.” She commented before going back to hurriedly pounding the keys.

Grabbing Kelly’s hand, I led her out of the office. “Was that about the same as the first one?”

“Yeah. The second one too. I was kind of hoping all three of the guys wouldn’t be complete duds.”

I frowned. I hadn’t realized she’d had three different betas checked out. The pattern was hard to ignore. “Then we’ll keep trying. Maybe go see a wizard about a fertility spell? Something must exist.”

She considered it. “They probably use an alchemist of some sort.”

I paused, turning to Kelly as she sparked an idea. “Kelly, we happen to know the craziest alchemist and his daughter.” I was nearly brimming with excitement for her. Surely T or H could help us.

“Wait, you want to use Morgana’s friend to try and solve this?”

“Why not?” I pressed her. If the answer was an alchemist, we knew some of the best in the world.

Kelly sighed. “Sure, but I’m not sure what sort of crazy concoction they’ll brew up.”

When we exited the office after most definitely not signing up for blood work, Jadelyn’s driver was still waiting in the parking lot. I walked up and waved before getting in the back.

“Could you go to this address?” I held my phone up and dropped a pin in the street behind Grendal’s Grog. It was about where H had taken me.

“Sure, buckle up. That’s not far.” The driver pulled out.

“Are you sure she’ll help?” Kelly asked skeptically. I understood her hesitation, but I knew H would at least hear us out.

And if she didn’t agree, I’d see if Morgana could get her to help us. Morgana may not be besties with Kelly, but I was fairly sure she’d help keep the entire pack from falling apart.

Deciding to get ahead of any problems with H, I pulled out my phone and gave Morgana a call. “Hey, Morgy. I’m going to visit H. Is there a safe word I need or a favor she owes you that I can call in to get her to help Kelly?”

“What does Kelly need from her?” Morgana asked, sounding a little annoyed at my use of ‘Morgy’.

I looked at Kelly, but she shook her head. “Sorry, you’ll have to talk to Kelly about that one.”

Morgana sighed, but answered me. “Just don’t startle her. Tell her I sent you.” Morgana said. “Oh, and don’t drink anything in her house, ever.”

“Roger.” I didn’t have any intention of drinking anything she served me after she managed to slip that truth serum into my drink at the bar.

Morgana hung up on me, and I put my phone in my pocket as the driver came to a stop.

“This the place?”

Looked right. “Yep, thank you.” We both got out of the car.

“I’ll be around the corner. Come over when you want to head back.”

I almost argued, but I knew he was operating off of Scarlett’s rules. There was no sense in trying to break them.

Checking the door again, I was trying to remember if it was the right place. I hadn’t been paying as much attention, my mind focused on what I’d say when I saw Morgana again, last time I’d been here.

Finally deciding it seemed right, I stepped forward and knocked on the door.

But nobody answered.

“H, open up. Morgy needs a favor.” I said, knocking again.

The lock clicked and H peeked out the door at me. “What does she need?”

“Can we come in?”


“Please, it’s important.” I pressed up against the door and pushed.

H offered little resistance and grudgingly let me in. “Fine, just come in, I guess. Morgy told me not to mess with you.”

“Of course, she’s my mate.” I smiled back.

H nearly choked. “Mate?”

“Yeah, we resolved some things on our trip.”

She grumbled something before speaking up. “I can’t even imagine Morgana letting a guy touch her. But she was surprisingly amenable to you last time.” She looked me up and down. “She’s better? What does she need?”

“Yeah, we got to her tree and got her all healed up. Thanks for all you did to protect her up until then.” I gave her a nod of thanks. A hug seemed like far too much for H.

“And in terms of the need, it’s more of a favor for a friend. This is Kelly.” I pulled her through the doorway; she’d been hesitating outside.

“I mean you no harm.” Kelly held her hands up. “Alchemists are terrifying.”

H smiled, seeming to like Kelly more after that. “So, what do you need?” She clarified.

“My friend here, and likely future mate, is the world’s first female alpha of a wolf shifter pack.” I said it with a heaping of pride as I pushed her forward and clapped my hands on her shoulders. “But that causes a gigantic problem with her pack's fertility. If all the males are betas, none of them can have kids. We went to a fertility clinic with some samples, and they all turned up a big fat zero for sperm count.”

H gave a sympathetic hiss. “So her pack is doomed to be barren.”

“Yeah, unless we can find something to get her betas locked and loaded. And that’s where you come in, or I can ask your father when I go back to the states.”

“My father won’t help anyone.” H said with certainty.

“He gave me your location. I think I get along with T pretty well.” I did my best to keep a friendly smile on my face. Sure, it might cost me a few nail clippings or locks of hair. But T would do it.

“Right. First Morgana, and now you’re telling me you won over that crotchety old fossil?” H snorted, but she made her way back to the kitchen where it looked like several herb bundles were freshly hung to dry. Cabinets were left open, letting the hanging herbs dry in the open air.

There were so many scents in the air that it was overwhelming, making my eyes water.

“He likes me, but that’s another story.” I pushed forward with the issue at hand. “What do you think about the werewolf beta issue?”

“There are a few problems.” H picked up a handful of fresh herbs off the table and wrapped them in twine before moving to hang them. “First, you’ll need something to kick up the libido and boost the swimmers. That’s pretty easy. Old wizards have been using it for ages.”

“Great.” I encouraged her, only for her to give me a sad smile.

“But.” She emphasized the word. “There’s not a recipe for werewolves, and they are notoriously hard to drug with their regeneration.”

“So we give them a shit ton.” Kelly said, rejoining the conversation with a little edge of desperation in her voice. “Trust me, these guys will chug a gallon of anything that you tell them makes them an alpha in the bedroom.”

H paused, blinking several times. “First, eew. Second, it isn’t that simple. It needs to be more potent, not more quantity.” She fumbled around in her kitchen for more herbs, gathering them in bundles. “And I know what you’re going to ask next, but making it more potent is also going to make it much more expensive. The options to make it potent are pricey. Most alchemical recipies can be upgraded through higher quality material subsitutes.”

“Okay, so what do we need?” I was getting impatient.

“I mean, the recipe is simple. You use the semen of another creature for reference, some dryad leaves for life, crushed oyster shells, some fugu, maybe a few other ingredients for an extra kick. Crushed Viagra works well.”

A laugh escaped me, and I earned an unamused look.

“Modern medicine goes great in alchemy, too. The problem is, there aren’t many upgraded agents for what I described. We should be able to get some really old dryad leaves, but on their own it won’t do much. I don’t know of any paranormal upgrade agent for fugu or Viagra. That really just leaves the semen.”

H shook her head in disbelief at what she was about to say. “To really get the potency you need, you’d need the strongest kick out there. Dragon semen. Which means you’re screwed. That stuff is worth several times its weight in gold.  There are less than ten living dragon males in the world. Fuck, they even suspect that the stuff extends lifespan.”

She started getting lost in thought. “People have been watching the Bronze King’s wives, and a lot of them aren’t aging. Which has started a bunch of gossip and has made what little stuff there is on the market go way up in price. I mean, to extend life! Do you have any idea how amazing it is… the alchemical properties required for such a feat…”

H started speaking faster as she got lost in her work, describing the suspected alchemical properties of dragon semen.

I traded an awkward look with Kelly as we both came to the same conclusion. I tried to jump in, but H just continued talking.

Finally, I had an opening. “Look, I know it’s expensive, but if we could get you dragon semen, would you be able to do it?” I asked.

She stopped and stared at me like I was an idiot. “It would be a real waste to use it to let some beta wolves have kids. You’d be paying out the wazoo for the entire pack.”

“I’m married to the Scalewrights. Money isn’t the issue.” I lied. “How much do you need?”

H snapped her jaw shut and stared at me. “For enough for the pack?”

I could see the gears turning in her head as she tried to think through how much she’d need and how much she wanted.

“A liter. That would get you nearly a barrel of the potion. Is that enough for the wolves? They’d only need a few drops.” She licked her lips, and I knew she was already calculating what else she could do with a bit of the dragon semen that would likely not make its way into the barrel.

“How much would be left over for your personal use?” I asked.

“Only a little. There’d be no need for payment either.” Her eyes were lighting up now. She was at least excited about the prospect.

“Deal. We’ll get it to you… soon.” I didn’t like the idea of being milked for this, but it was for a good cause, and I owed Kelly. I had made her the leader because I believed in her, and I needed to help her keep that position.

And I was sure my women could help make the process of getting it enjoyable.

H held out her hand. “Gimme your phone and I’ll put my number in.”

I handed it to her, and she quickly put her number in, texting herself for my number.

“I can see how you won over my father if you are willing to go to such extremes.” She said, handing my phone back.

Shrugging, I took it back. “My mates and my friends mean the world to me. There’s little I wouldn’t do for them.”

“Tell Morgy she should come by soon.”

“You could always come over. We are staying in the city for a little longer.” I offered.

She looked uncertain. I had a feeling she enjoyed staying in her safe houses as much as she could. “I’ll think about it.”

I nodded, not wanting to push too much. “Well, if you do, we are at the Scalewright home here in the city.” I texted her the address.

Kelly came up to H and grabbed her hands. “Thank you so much for helping my pack. I thought I failed them by becoming their alpha.”

“Don’t thank me yet. You are going to be hard pressed to get that much dragon semen. Even if you can afford it.” H dropped Kelly’s hands.

Kelly nodded, doing a poor job at a poker face to hide her confidence and excitement. “Don’t worry. Zach will get it done. He has a way of things.”

I felt a blush on my face at how sincerely she said those words before I pulled Kelly away and out the door.

We walked a few doors down before Kelly spoke. “Well, it seems you are going to have to get to work. After all, you caused this whole mess.”

“You don’t need to push me. I’m happy to help, but I’ll need a hand for a whole liter.”

“I’d suck you off until my jaw cracks. Maybe even keep going after.”

Giving her a side glance, I smirked. “Is that a promise?”

Kelly did a double take. “Excuse me?”

“A pack’s alpha needs to provide for her pack, right? This is the least you could do.” I teased her.

She stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. “Stop fucking with me.” She frowned, but I could see the vulnerability in her eyes.

“I told you once I figured out Morgana, there would be capacity for me to think about other things, including us.” I said clearly. “Morgana is figured out, for the most part, and I’m not blind.”

Kelly paused, looking at me for a moment, before a small smile spread across her face and a flicker of hope lit in her eyes.

“I mean, you are still my alpha.” She stepped up, running a hand along my chest, waiting to see what I did.

Stepping forward, I pushed into her touch. “I’m not your alpha.” I growled.

“If you say so. Then what do we call you? Master?” She toyed with my shirt, looking up at me seductively.

A sigh slipped out of my lips.

Kelly was a werewolf, creatures that drew very specific lines in their relationships. They were either dominant or submissive. Even within the pack, there was an established pecking order.

Despite how aggressive she was to her pack, she considered me her alpha.

“Fine, you can call me alpha, but just in private. You have an image to keep. I’d hate to take away your thunder as the world's first female alpha.”

“A girl needs a break from being the boss every now and then.” She said as we turned the corner.

The driver was outside, his black SUV leaning against the door.

As soon as he spotted us, he stood up straight and did a small sweep of the car before letting us in. I had to admit, having a personal driver didn’t suck.

“Where to?”

“Back home for the day.” I said, finding it strange to call one of Jadelyn’s houses my home. But in reality, anywhere my women were would be home to me. And it was time to face what I’d done to Yev.

AN - Of course the answer is have more sex with a dragon ;)


DJ Johnson

Lol great chapter really like kelly and cant wait for her romantic and sexy moments this book is looking to be even better then book 1 and 2. The pack better never ask where the potion came from XD. Also is it a one time thing? Or a makes them fertile for a set time?

Jeff Ford

Time for some single player sex, time to flog the dragon, choke the dragon, go one-eyed dragon wrangling, play Hands Solo, polish the goldenrod, perform a 5 finger dismount, practice his hand to gland combat, and of course in his specific case… Zaching off.

Daniel Glasson

Teaching the cyclops the lambada, squeezing the happy lumberjack, having a date with Rosy Redpalm and her five sisters