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When I finally got up, once again thankful for my life mana, it was already well into the day. The sun was high in the sky.

I kept my eyes closed, patting around me expecting to find a soft body, but only touching sheets. I cracked my eyes open, realizing I was alone.

Throwing on my robe, I felt Phoebe’s ring pulse. I sensed around us to make sure we were safe, and determining we were, I released her.

She stretched distractingly in her red dress. “Ah, fresh air. Yes, this is lovely.” She started walking around the room immediately, taking things in.

“Did you just want out for a breather?” I asked.

“That and get to know you better. So far, all I know is you seem to have a knack for surrounding yourself with women. Don’t think I’ve failed to notice that not one of the mana beasts in any of you or your wives’ rings is male. It’s like you cheat.” She squinted at me.

“Godbeast of luck’s bloodline.” I commented. “Helpful for things like that.” At least that’s what I always attributed it to.

She snorted, bouncing her eyebrows. “Oh, you are lucky alright.”

“So, how old are you? Did you actually know the legendary beasts that make up all of these bloodlines?” The amused look she gave me almost made me put my foot in my mouth. It probably wasn’t polite to call out her age so soon.

But then Phoebe gestured at herself and spun around. “Considering I’m one of them, duh. Although I have mixed feelings about some of them. As you can imagine, powerful beasts and such; it wasn’t like we all got along. My father is actually the one the Feng Family descends from. And he was also a royal ass.”

“Was there a big club or something?”

“No, more like rulers of different areas. But that meant they met every now and then for important discussions that affected everybody. Xiaobai’s mother and my father were neighbors to a certain degree, although Xiaobai is quite a bit younger than me.”

I nodded as I got dressed to head out of Wenxi’s home. It was a bright sunny day, and the last thing I was going to do was stay cooped up indoors.

“How does everything feel compared to then?” I asked for her perspective.

“Busy. So much busier. Humans learning to cultivate was a major turning point.” She poked a plant, tore off a leaf, and sniffed it before shaking her head and tossing it aside. Apparently, it wasn’t what she thought it was. “Humans are pretty fun, though.” She added, looking over at me and winking.

Changing the topic. “I think mana beasts aren’t what they used to be.” I had a feeling that Mana beasts used to be something more in her time.

“Correct, but that’s all ancient history.” She waved the topic away. “Now, take me to wherever they serve delicious food.” Phoebe was at times casual, yet other times held the air of a princess. Like she often lived in two different parts of society.

I gestured for her to follow me and led her outside the Su Family estate. She tried to head over to the first stall we found, but I pulled her away, wanting her first taste to be amazing.

Walking further, we found a stall selling sweet rolls. “Here, try this.”

Phoebe eyed it for a second, sniffing at it in question before she stuffed the whole sweet roll in her mouth. She chewed it for a second before her eyes lit up, and then she chewed it quickly, swallowing. “Fantastic. Can I have another?”

“You can, but you probably shouldn’t eat too many. You may feel sick.” But then I realized I wasn’t sure if that was a thing for mana beasts. “Here. But don’t blame me if you’re holding your full belly later.” I bought her a dozen more, and we continued strolling through the city.

Phoebe slowed down on her second one, starting to take smaller bites and slowly chew, savoring the icing covered cakes. “You know, thousands of years in isolation will really teach you to savor the small things.”

“I imagine so.” I kept the conversation going. There was no frame of reference for me. She had been in that tomb far longer than I’d been alive.

“So, it sounds like we should go meet this Ming that you gave my blood essence to. Your mana beasts wouldn’t stop talking about her, and I kind of want to meet my successor.” Phoebe tore into a new sweet roll. “Didn’t get a chance while I was saving your asses from the shard.”

Phoebe was getting plenty of looks as we walked through Blueheavens, but she didn’t seem to notice much. The fiery wings coming off her back definitely drew attention, but she was also putting off the potent aura of her phoenix bloodline.

Assuming she was part of the Feng Family, nobody tried to mess with her in the city.

I looked around as I realized I hadn’t actually walked to the center area of the city before. I’d always ridden in a domain. But my gut said flying in wasn’t going to end well, so we walked.

I was pretty sure there was a main gate that I had seen from the air.

Taking Phoebe’s hand, I pulled her along with me as we made our way around the central ring. Finally, I found the gate I was looking for, walking up to the guards.


“Isaac.” They greeted me by name and even gave me a small bow. “You are welcome in the Feng Family. May we ask who this is?”

“A friend.” I kept it vague.

The guards her over and frowned as he too sensed the phoenix bloodline. “Sure.” He was confused about how there was a member of the Feng Family that he didn’t recognize. “Allow me to guide you in. I believe Ming is having lunch with guests, unless you came for someone else?”

“No. Lead me to Ming.” I said, waving him forward. If he was going to make it easy, I wasn’t going to object.

The guard stepped in, and once again, I took in the ugly trees that made up much of the Feng Family Estate. Why somebody would be proud of those, I still wasn’t sure.

“Ooh.” Phoebe said, looking at the trees. “My family liked those trees. We didn’t set all the leaves on fire when we landed.”

The guard did a double take and then frowned as he continued forward.

I did my best not to laugh. “Is that why? I think they are ugly.”

“Oh, they are hideous. But sometimes function is more important than form.”

“They serve no function here, though.” I pointed out.

Phoebe gave me a shrug, as if to say she wasn’t the one who planted them. “The allude to the phoenix, something important to this family.”

“Sorry.” The guard interrupted us. “You are talking as if you ARE a phoenix?”

“Pleasure to meet you.” Phoebe lifted her nose. “Yes, I’m a phoenix. Ming Feng took my blood essence from the shard of the shattered world.”

She said it bluntly, ignoring my quick attempt to stop her.

The guard’s mouth gaped open like a fish for a moment before he laughed. “That was good. You almost got me.”

As he turned back, Phoebe looked pissed, but I put a hand on her arm before she did something rash. “Not now.”

She rolled her eyes and stuck her nose up, strutting around the guard as he opened a door that led to an open-air courtyard.

“Did I do something wrong?” He asked me.

“Don’t worry about it. She’s just getting used to things again.” I patted him on the shoulder and followed her through.

Inside, a long table was being set up by the servants, as a few dozen people lingered talking in small groups. It was a full party of young cultivators. The Feng Family had put out a wonderful spread for them.

I instantly recognized many of the visitors from the tomb.

“You made it.” Ming saw me and gestured me over to a group where Wenxi sat.

“Ming.” I nodded to her before turning to my wife. “Wenxi, I didn’t know there was a party.”

Wenxi gave me a sheepish look. “You were dead asleep, and it just came up this morning.”

“It’s no wonder with all the wives he has around him.” Phoebe laughed, drawing Ming’s attention for the first time.

Ming did a double take, staring at Phoebe. “Who are you?”

“Ming, this is Phoebe. Phoebe, this is the woman that inherited your blood essence.” I introduced the two.

Ming’s eyes went wide. “This is the phoenix?”

“Sort of. This is a projection of my soul, bound to Isaac.” She patted me on the shoulder. “A marvelous technique, if I’m honest.”

“I saw you summon those half beast women in the red desert. With the phoenix core, you were able to do that same thing to the phoenix?” Ming put two and two together, a look of awe on her face.

Wenxi nodded. “Correct. He and his wives all practice the technique. It is part of how they cultivate in the world he’s from.”

“But you are from the Yunpi family.” Ming seemed baffled, staring wide eyed at Phoebe. She must still be processing that she was standing before an actual phoenix.

“Born out of wedlock and hidden away in a mortal world.” I filled in the final few pieces for her.

Ming’s mouth made a large ‘O’ in understanding. “Then do you have her bloodline now, too?”

“Yes.” I said simply, watching Ming’s face as hope bloomed in it.

I knew what that look meant. She had a new chance to pursue something other than a loveless marriage. I was that chance for her.

“I get married tonight.” Ming blurted out. “My family sent the invitation out while we were on the shard. This gathering is meant to be a pre-wedding celebration.”

“Oh.” I said flatly, unsure how to answer. “Congratulations.” It was the first thing that came to mind, and I immediately wanted to kick myself. “I mean, is that what you want? You didn’t seem particularly excited about it before.”

Ming licked her lips in hesitation, like she was waiting for me to say something else. She searched my eyes, but at that moment, I choked.

I just couldn’t say what she wanted me to say.

“Would you two let me have a moment with my successor?” Phoebe butted in, breaking the moment of tension.

“Sure.” I backed up and let Phoebe do what she wanted. And I was glad for the momentary respite.

Wenxi grabbed my arm and pulled me away. “What are you doing?” She hissed.

“Contemplating breaking up her wedding.” I spoke the truth that I had been unable to say a moment ago with Ming.

“Of course, but why aren’t you jumping on it?” She pressed me as we began to draw the attention of my other wives.

I paused, wanting to answer her, but I wasn’t sure why I was resisting taking action for Ming. I certainly had many women already, but I wasn’t sure if that was it. Or maybe I wasn't sure about taking her on my trip out of Blueheavens?

Blueheavens was always a transient stop for me. Despite the promise with Wenxi and the Su family, it was always a pit stop.

Ming would always be grounded to Blueheavens. She was her family’s future. She didn’t like being called a princess, but it was close enough to where she fell in the city.

I was hesitating because I wasn’t sure how a relationship with her would fit between the two of us as we’d be pulled in two very different directions. Most likely I’d be pushed to stay in Cloud city where I could support the Yunpi family and help them reestablish their bloodline.

She would have the same pressure but staying here in Blueheavens. What would that mean for the two of us?

Were we just not meant to be?

Michelle nudged me out of my thoughts. I realized that I had the full attention of all my wives. “Where’d she go?”

Casting about, I didn’t see Ming anymore, but Phoebe was walking back to my group.

“Where’s Ming?” I asked her.

“Ah. One of her elders took her away. Apparently, it’s time for her to get ready. You missed your shot.” Phoebe replied simply.

I glared at her. She was fitting in a little too quickly with my other wives. “Fine. Tell me where she went.”

Phoebe shrugged. “I can’t track a seventh rank immortal's movements.” She made a fluttering motion, suggesting they disappeared.

“Fucking great.” I was pissed, mostly at myself for missing the moment. “Alright, we are heading back. Get dressed nicely. We’ll be back for the wedding.”

“No.” Wenxi said in disbelief. “You wouldn’t. During the wedding?”

I rolled my eyes. “Yes, during the wedding. Seems like the last opportunity to save Ming from a life she doesn’t want and at least give her another option. After all, we’ve been through, it is the least I can do.” Next time I wouldn’t choke. I couldn’t, not for Ming.

Rounding up my wives, I ushered them back to the Su Family Estate, pausing and turning as I reached the entrance. “We don’t have invitations, do we?”

“Nope.” Michelle confirmed. “Though the Su Family might have gotten one.”

“You girls check on that with Tianxi. I have another trip to make.” There was one person in the city that I was sure had an invitation to the biggest social event of the city.

Turning around, I went towards the nine layered structure that stood out of the otherwise low city. The Orchid Pavilion.

I knew without a doubt that Lanhua would have an invitation to the Feng Family wedding. And she also wouldn’t miss the chance to mingle with the other powerful families and network.

As soon as I stepped into the building, a woman manning the front desk recognized me. “Isaac. The Madam said you were to go to her office if you arrived.”

“Thanks. Ninth floor on the left?” I asked not bothering to think much about Lanhua leaving standing orders should I come.

Though the building was made of different material, the inside layout was exactly the same as the one in Murdock, at least on the first floor.

“Yep.” the lady chirped, gesturing me inward.

Climbing to the ninth floor, it really did feel like the exact same building, even down to Madam Orchid working in her office.

“Come in.” She sensed my presence, but didn’t look up. The room was similarly draped in red velvet with a four-poster bed visible. It was all laid out to ooze sensuality and sex.

“Hey, Lanhua.” I said, resting my hands on the back of the chair on the other side of her desk.

She startled slightly at my use of her real name. “Oh. Isaac, pleasure to see you again. What can I do for you?” Her face lit up with a smile.

I sighed, knowing this one was going to cost me something. “Do you have an invitation to the Feng Family wedding?”

“I do, and I even requested a plus one if I wanted to bring one.” Her eyes bore into me as she waited for my request.

“How about you take me as your plus one?”

“Done.” she said, scribbling something in her ledger. “But I’ll need something from you.”

“Name it.” I was ready for her price. And she was always fair in her dealings.

“You want this for an opportunity. So, I want an opportunity in turn. Take me with you when you go to Cloud City.” She put her quill down and folded her hands as she let me weigh her request.

“Why?” I had the feeling she had her own means to get between the cities, especially if her business spanned all the way there.

Lanhua shrugged. “I didn’t ask why you wanted to go to the wedding, so I’ll turn it around. Why do you want to go to the wedding?”

“To break up the wedding.” I said bluntly, figuring it was probably best if she knew what I’d planned since I was to be her guest.

She only nodded. She’d either expected that answer or wasn’t bothered by it. “I want to go to Cloud City to continue to nurture the few spirit bloodlines you have in your group.”

“Spirit bloodlines?” I asked, confused.

She smiled. “There were more than just beasts that passed bloodlines down. But spirits were rarer after a time; they just didn’t breed like beasts. And there were also spirits that cultivated differently, yet to the same ultimate goal.” She explained.

“The bright hair.” I said, and she nodded, a broad smile spreading across her face.

“Precisely. It is one of the signs of spirit blood.”

I looked at her rich black hair with a frown. “Your hair isn’t…” I ate my words before they came out. Lanhua smiled, reaching over as she took a cup of water and dipped the ends of her hair in it. The water turned it inky black.

She lifted hair that was blindingly silver out of the cup.

“For my own reasons, I keep it black. Plus, black hair goes wonderfully with white clothes.”

“You can’t wear white to a wedding.” I pointed out.

Lanhua gave me a hungry smile. “Ming will wear red. It’s customary for their weddings.”

I paused, realizing that made sense. “So, you want to stick around for the Hua sisters and Rachel?” I stated.

“And the only man I’ve ever seen with spirit blood.” She lowered her gaze at me. “Even if your hair hasn’t changed, I anticipate that it’s just because of the multitude of bloodlines flowing through you.”

I had no idea what a spirit meant, nor what other secrets Lanhua was hiding. But for now, she’d proven herself my ally time and time again.

As for my own uses of the spirit bloodlines, maybe she could indeed help me with those.

Looking up at the ceiling in thought, I nodded. “Deal. I’ll let you come with us to cloud city.”

“Great. I’ll pack my bags before the wedding in case things go awry. Please, do make sure you dress up nicely. It is the biggest wedding of the century and I’d hate to show up with a slob.” She closed her ledger and dipped her quill back into the pot of ink.

Pushing off the chair I was leaning on, I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at her. “Given what I’m about to do, I better dress my best.”


hawkshe .

The fact that it has to happen at the wedding because they were too chicken shit to do anything earlier is so frustrating


Wedding crashing… This is going to be interesting. I wonder if all the other ancient families from the other cities are going to show up.

Daniel Glasson

More dramatic this way. Now everyone can see not only the pure bloodline return but also the return on an actual phoenix. And doing so as publicly as that would make it so no one could deny it without losing face