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“You what?!” Tuomo raged. He charged me again, but Elder Su wrapped him with his domain and held Tuomo still.

“After a fair duel, this is all put to rest. Our family honor is restored. Agreed?” He spoke to Ming.

She reluctantly nodded. I had a feeling if this went in Tuomo’s favor; she wanted to interfere. “Men, seal the area so their duel doesn’t destroy anything.” Ming scowled down at me for some reason.

I felt domains expand and wrap around the buildings in the Su Family compound, even covering the ground under my feet.

Each of the domains was hardening the structures to prevent damage. It was an impresssive use of power.

The domains being established seemed to draw everybody in the surrounding area in. Anticipation of a fight between high-ranking cultivators filled the air as dozens and soon hundreds of bodies floated up from other ancient families. They waited to watch the conflict from afar.

Tuomo’s bloodline flared to life. I’d already decided before I headed to see him. I would not hold back. My Pixiu bloodline rode just under the surface of my mind. I was ready to embrace my power.

I tested my Pixiu bloodline. This time, it no longer felt marked by fate. I smiled, tapping into the power, letting the bloodline of the godbeast of luck flow through my body.

All around me, I could hear hisses as people drew in sharp breaths. I released the full extent of my bloodline.

A white beast appeared behind me with the antlers of a dragon, face of a lion, the talons of a bird in front and the claws of a tiger in back, the scales of a tortoise and the wings of a kunpeng, and all of it covered in white fur. It was a magnificent yet eclectic beast.

My body wrapped itself in splendid white armor.

“Yunpi.” Ming realized before shaking her head. “They didn’t participate in the tomb because they have no juniors with a bloodline. It would seem they are wrong.”

“Sorry to mislead you.” I said without turning. Tuomo was dirty enough he would attack if I did.

I’d known releasing the bloodline would attract attention. Word would travel fast, and my mother’s family would soon know I was here. But I was done hiding. I had my father by my side and was now at the sixth rank. While there were cultivators stronger than me, I felt comfortable that I could defend myself and my family.

There was just the matter of getting rid of those who already opposed me.

I met Tuomo’s eyes, waiting for him to make the first move. It didn’t take long before he charged me.

Tuomo blurred forward as if he’d merged with the wind itself.

I could see his next move, so I sidestepped his attack and grabbed his arm, blasting his elbow with claw-like hands.

Using my own force against me, Tuomo spun, slamming this other fist into my ribs faster than I could react.

Something sharp pricked my ribs, and I let loose a flare of fire around me to force him back. When he jumped back, I pulled a dagger from my side.

Despite seeing that attack coming, it had been too fast for me to react. My opponent smirked, twirling another dagger in his hands. It was a cocky display of his knife skills.

I should have known the slippery bastard would fight with knives.

Using void mana, I appeared before him, throwing everything I had at him.

Shockwaves filled the air; our exchanges were explosive. While I couldn’t react to all his moves given his speed, I still had the luck within my Pixiu bloodline to guide me.

I continued to be forced to block and endure cuts and bruises on my forearm in order to soften the attacks.

But I also managed to land some powerful hits. My martial arts cut through his knife fighting. I landed firm blows repeatedly to his midsection until I felt his ribs snap, and Tuomo broke off the fight, landing back on the ground.

I was happy to take any delay I could get. I used the moment to pour Aurora’s life mana through my body, healing my damaged forearms as much as I could.

Tuomo winced and spat out blood, his arm wound around his waist.

I could practically see the wheels turning in his head as he tried to figure out how to beat me. My superior bloodline was giving me the advantage in the fight, despite him being higher in cultivation than me.

When Tuomo smirked, I only had a moment to react before he was at my side with his knives again. This time, I knew his moves and had my counterattacks at the ready.

As I blocked his hit, the frustrated look on his face told me he had been banking on that quick strike working. I was pleased that was the best he’d managed to come up with in the momentary break he took.

I was going to win this fight, and I had no need to draw it out further. Ready to end it, I merged my heavenly dragon bloodline with the Pixui. Word would already spread of my dual bloodline abilities after the shard. I might as well use them to destroy Tuomo.

All the cultivators watching in the air started shouting in surprise as both bloodlines appeared on my forehead.

I roared, pushing Tuomo off me. Then I went on the offensive. My hands blurred as I hammered punches into him, like a punching bag, using my domain to keep him from flying away. Until I released my bloodline and hit him a final time sending him soaring backwards. I flew after him, finishing the combo with an uppercut that sent him flying straight up.

I jumped, appearing above him as he peaked, and before he could regain control. Slamming him down with all my strength, I couldn’t help but smirk.

He hit the ground hard enough to strain the domains protecting the environment. Cracks appeared around him on the ground in the Su Family Estate.

But I wasn’t stopping until he was dead.

Rocketing down, I put my clawed gauntlets through his chest, enjoying the way they slid into his body. Twisting slightly, I pulled them back out, slamming my bloody hands then into his face.

The entire series of hits had happened in the blink of an eye. The crowd caught up, loud murmurs sounding among them as they saw me crouched over his body.

I looked down at the battered, bruised, and bloody Tuomo. He was still alive, but he was not doing very well as he barely struggled to breathe.

Satisfied, I wrapped a hand around his throat and squeezed.

Tuomo tried to break my grip, but I batted his arms away with my free arm. He didn’t have the strength remaining to fight me. He looked up at Elder Su pleadingly.

The old man looked at Tuomo, a hint of sadness in his face as he turned away, heading back deeper into the family estate. He had been abandoned even by his own family, too many crimes stacked up against him. Not even his elder could step in.

The defeat on Tuomo’s face was enough. I drew my sword and cut it from his body. There was no need to draw this out further, and I wanted to insure it was a clean kill. I wasn’t about to risk that Tuomo might find his own way to survive.

Standing up, I felt a breath of fresh air as I released my bloodlines. “Now that is done, I have heard that a party has been prepared. I believe it’s time for dinner?” I didn’t give a shit about the mood.

The rest of the Su Family was torn about what to do before deciding to align themselves with the victor and give me an applause.

Most of the higher ranked cultivators were hushed after the display floating down from their positions in the sky, but my father just let out a deep sigh of disappointment. “A sword is worth more than just the finishing blow.”

I rolled my eyes. The man just never was satisfied with my fighting skills. Although I had to admit, he far excelled beyond me in swordwork. He could still teach me a few techniques.

Ming walked up to me as all the domains retracted, and the Su Family became a bustling hive of activity. “I shouldn’t have doubted you.”

“You were just trying to make sure I survived. It’s hard to be mad at you for that. Do you want to stay for the meal?” I couldn’t help but notice that she still was wearing that Phoenix tear flower that I had put into her hair. It had a glossy sheen to it, as if it had been coated to preserve it. She must have really liked it.

She let out a long sigh. “I can’t. My family has other plans for me tonight. Thank you, though.” Ming turned with a lonely look back over her shoulder before she flew off with the rest of the Feng Family guard.

It was sad to see her so burdened by her family.

“Come on.” Diana pulled my arm and kissed my cheek. “Since you killed the guest of honor, you get to be the new guest of honor.”

“I’m pretty sure that isn’t how it works.” Wenxi added, looking harried after finally escaping her mother’s embrace.

“Nonsense.” Tianxi scooped her daughter back up and squished her cheeks. “When are you two getting married, anyway?”

“Why not just sign the papers and have it done tonight?” I asked, heading to the banquet hall as servants rapidly tried to reconfigure a pair of sculptures of Quixi and Hendrick into ones of Wenxi and I.

There was silence behind me, so I turned, curious about what was holding up Tianxi and Wenxi.

Both their mouths were open, staring at me like I’d grown horns out of my head. “Please tell me that wasn’t how you married all of your wives.”

“No. We just decided we were married. No papers.” I answered, confused about what was happening.

“No ceremony?” Wenxi looked like she was about to cry.

Quickly, I looked for Michelle, Kat, or any of my wives for help. But it would seem I was left to my own devices.

“Uh… no? I mean, I got rings!” I offered. They’d been excited for the rings.

“Those poor women.” Tianxi said and Wenxi nodded. “They never got a proper wedding.”

“What’s going on?” Kat appeared.

I grabbed her and pushed her forward. “They think it’s terrible that you all never got a ceremony for a wedding. Tell them that isn’t how it is back home.”

“Oh, a ceremony? That sounds lovely.” Kat completely betrayed me. “Michelle, come here.”

They were all going to be in on this by the end of dinner. I could tell. Sometimes, as a man with this many wives, you had to know when the odds were stacked against you.

Abandoning what was sure to become a wedding planning huddle, I ducked into the banquet hall.

The Su family had really pulled out all the stops. There was a massive spread, and it seemed almost impossible to be anywhere in the room without wine in reach.

I spotted my father and Breeze already enjoying a glass of wine and joined them.

“Trouble in paradise?” My father asked.

“No trouble, just… complications. It seems they want to throw a wedding ceremony for Wenxi and I.” I downed a glass of wine and poured another.

“Can I be in it?” Breeze asked.

“Sure. But I’m not sure what you’d do. Talk to the girls?” I figured it would be one less decision off my plate. “Dad, you should probably be a part of it, too.”

He chuckled, downing his own glass and refilling it. He looked around at all the people staring at me. A few seemed like they wanted to glare, but they were too afraid. “These people don’t seem to love you, son.”

“I mean, I did just kill their leader and admit to killing those that would have taken his place.” Leaning against the counter, I met a few of their eyes. They immediately broke eye contact and darted away.

It was clear killing Tuomo had made me feared. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing yet.

“I’m hoping Tianxi can maneuver herself into leadership and bring Wenxi up to the same level soon. With any luck, they’ll have the family wrapped around their fingers by the end of the week.”

“Excuse me. You are Isaac, correct?” Someone wearing a guard uniform came up to me. His posture was nervous yet polite. They were unsure how to handle me yet.

“That’d be me. What do you need?” I put on my friendliest smile.

“There’s a guest at the gate for you.” He gestured to lead me, and I gave my father and Breeze a nod before following after him.

As we walked, I noticed that the damage from my fight with Tuomo was already partially repaired, and Tuomo’s body was gone.

They worked quickly.

“Isaac.” Madam Orchid, or rather Lanhua, stood at the Su Family gates. “You sure do know how to make an entrance.”

“Ah. I was planning to come see you. You didn’t have to come down here.” I politely greeted her.

“Nonsense. Three of my disciples are here, and they just got back from a harrowing journey. I wanted to see them and hear how they did.” Seeing that I’d acknowledged her, the guards let her pass. She drifted into the Su Family Estate, looking around and clicking her tongue at the damage.

“I watched that fight. Finally, using your mother’s bloodline, hmm?” She smiled at me.

“The Yunpi bloodline.” I confirmed. “I know what family she belongs to now.”

“Ah.” Lanhua made a noise of understanding, walking with me.

I wasn’t in a hurry to rejoin the stifled celebration, and potentially be corralled by my wedding planning wives. So I continued walking alongside her. “So, what else can you tell me about my mother?”

“She’s in a tight spot. If you know about the Yunpi family, then I assume you know their situation?”

I nodded. “They don’t have anyone of my generation with the Pixiu bloodline. And the Leon family is pushing hard to replace them.” I offered up what I knew, hoping she could help piece together even more of it.

Madam Orchid plucked a flower from a passing flower bed and stuffed it in her hair. “Your mother was one of two individuals in her generation with the bloodline. Well, technically there were three, but he died.”

“I see. And that left them limited options for how to keep their bloodline strong. I’m guessing that meant she was put into an arranged marriage with whoever they thought offered the best hope for children with strong bloodlines?” The Yunpi family would have done anything to maintain a strong bloodline and keep the Leon family’s threat at bay.

Because once the Yunpi bloodline officially dwindled, the sharks would move in.

“Exactly. And from what I’ve heard, she is quite resistant to the marriage. She’s constantly going off on adventure in an attempt to stall it.” She looked over at me, a smirk spreading across her face. “One of which ended up being a six-year trip, in fact.” She nudged me.

“You seem to know her well.”

“I like to know those I go into business with. And as I’d mentioned, we had a deal. Although I am afraid it is at an end. You progressed rapidly.” She clicked her tongue, looking me over. “Already in the sixth rank.”

I could feel Lanhua’s cultivation, but the details of her level were still mysteriously hidden from me. “Could you get a message to her?”

“No need. The whole city is already abuzz with the rumor that a youngster with the Yunpi bloodline is in the city. It’ll reach Cloud city and your mother in no time, I’m sure. The only question is what she’ll do once she hears about it.”

“She’ll come.” I said confidently. “I’m more worried about what the Leon Family will do.”

“They’ll send assassins.” Lanhua nodded, agreeing with where my reasoning was going. “Without a doubt, they will hope to kill you. It’ll be part of why the Yunpi family will have to send somebody to protect you. While you’re an unknown, you’re still one of the best chances they have at continuing their line.”

“Thank you for the information and your thoughts.” I had a lot to think about. “And thank you for helping my wives. I know you spent quite the effort in supporting their growth.”

“It was my pleasure.” She did a small curtsey.

“Either way, I owe you.” I told her.

She made a motion like she was snatching those words out of the air, a greedy smile on her face. “I’ll treasure that favor more than gold or mana crystals.” She abruptly changed directions. “Anyway, I was here to talk to my disciples. Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

I paused at the suddenness of her departure. Something in my gut told me that the favor was the main thing she’d hoped to achieve through our discussion.

I meandered back towards the banquet hall, thinking about all that I’d just learned. The Yunpi family would be here shortly. It was just a matter of who they sent.

Meanwhile, I just put a massive target on my back. The Leon family would be desperate to kill me.

When I entered, I noticed the girls had joined the celebration, and Wenxi and Tianxi were soaking up praises from the other members of their family.

“There he is!” Tianxi pointed me out of the crowd and beckoned me over.

I moved forward, understanding that I had a role to play. The Su Family needed to get used to me.

“Isaac here was critical to the success of the Feng Family in the shard. As my daughter tells it, he won the phoenix blood essence on his own.” Tianxi introduced me excitedly.

“It was a large place, and many people played their part to get me to that point.” I tried to be modest, but Tianxi wasn’t having that.

She pulled me up on a stage. “Regale us with the story of the shard. Come on, the whole family is dying to hear the tale.”

I let her push me along, accepting drinks and questions as I told the Su Family about the shard. The older members asked plenty of questions about the trials, but the younger ones just sat there wide eyed, seeming to idolize me. I enjoyed being something they might want to aspire to, getting more into my storytelling as I went.

After countless drinks and words, my throat was sore. I was about to take a break just as Wenxi stepped up to pull me away. “Thank you everyone, but I think it’s time that we let Isaac rest.”

There were hoots and whistles following us as Wenxi guided me out, the rest of my wives following us out like a small herd.

Seeing them all together, I wondered at what point there would be too many, but so far, our family felt right.

“You did well.” Wenxi said, holding my arm between her breasts. “My family warmed up to you nicely.”

“It helps when he shows that much power. And Ming herself came down to support him. They know they don’t stand a chance.” Kat joined Wenxi and me in the front of the group. “So, what are you going to do about Ming?”

“I’ll catch up with her after this. She can help us get to cloud city to see my mother.” I replied.

Kat just looked at me blankly before smacking me upside the head and walking away, muttering under her breath.

Wenxi laughed to herself, and I gave her a look, trying to figure out what I was missing.

Her laughter died off as she looked at me, a frown appearing on her forehead. “You really don’t know, do you? How can you defeat these impossibly strong cultivators and solve the phoenix tomb and not be able to piece this together?” She teased me, clearly enjoying her moment of power.

“Out with it Wenxi. Is this about the marriage she doesn’t want? You want me to help her? There isn’t much I can do about that.” I sighed. It was plain to me what they wanted me to do. But was it something I really wanted to get tangled up in?

Wenxi stopped her walking, just staring at me.

“Spit it out.” I prodded her.

“The Feng Family said you could have anything for the phoenix essence blood.”

If I had been drinking, I would have spit out my drink. “They didn’t really mean anything. No one ever does. Ming and her marriage is the key to their family’s future. There’s no way they’d risk their bloodline.”

“What if you went there and displayed the phoenix bloodline?” Kat poked my side, reminding me of what exactly I could bring to the table.

“No…” Part of me wanted to reject the idea. But I had to admit, if I went and displayed the rich power of the phoenix, there was a chance it would seem more compelling than whoever she was set to marry. They’d do anything to retain their power.

I thought about the children I’d already had; all of them had inherited their mother’s bloodlines. Not one of them had come out with the Pixiu bloodline. So, there was a good chance our children would in fact continue the phoenix line.

But I didn’t have that bloodline yet. Phoebe needed to give me that, and we’d barely had any time to talk, let alone sleep together.

And based on the way Kat and Wenxi’s hands were roaming up my side, I wasn’t sure I was going to end up sleeping and get a chance to talk to her that evening.

While I wanted to figure things out with Phoebe, Kat knew how to rev me up. And based on the way her hands were traveling my body, she had some serious plans for that night.

“Now, for all that you did on the shard, we prepared a reward for you.” Kat opened the doors to Wenxi’s home.

Within the home, there was a trail of red petals leading up to the bed, where Rachel was bound and gagged like a present.

I turned to Kat, whose mouth was wide with excitement as she gestured to Rachel. “Tada!”

“Please tell me she agreed to this.” I said apprehensively, as the rest of my wives poured in through the door.

“She did!” Wenxi agreed. “Now, you’ve made her wait long enough. Go get her. Then we can talk about Ming.” Wenxi slapped my ass.


Daniel Glasson

Why do I have this feeling that Isaac's mother is going to pull Lanhua into her marriage with his father?

John Duncan

Tianxi might get in there to