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I walked along the edge of the underground river, Bubbles, as I’d come to name the pink slime that reminded me of soap bubbles from some overly feminine bath bomb I had totally not tried.

Okay, that was a lie.

But Bubbles was a pink bubbly slime, and it fit.

Since the siren or whatever Svet had been, left I hadn’t seen another living thing.

I kicked a rock, and it bounced several times before splashing in the river. The entire cavern echoed with the sound, because other than the sound of my footsteps, the wet noise of Bubbles was all there was down here.

I was going crazy enough from the silence that I started to talk to Bubbles. “You know, I wish this was like a game sometimes. With a quest arrow and maybe some glowing effects to really point me in the right direction. Something precious from her origin…”

“Given that it was for a ring, I assumed it would be some kind of precious stone.” My eyes scanned the wall of the cavern. “But would I find it inside the rock?”

The idea coming to fruition; I sent pulses through the earth scanning for a shift in density that might indicate some sort of mineral vein. But it all seemed to be just rock. Lots and lots of rock.

Bubble’s popped several bubbles at once, and it almost sounded like a word.

“I know. Me too. I don’t know how you live down here, Bubbles.”

A splash from the river made me jump, and I readied my magic. Seconds ticked by and there was no more noise. The dimly lit cavern was playing hell on my imagination. The shadows playing tricks on my eyes.

I was more than a little jumpy and feeling judged by Bubbles.

“Don’t give me that, Bubbles. You aren’t the man in a world full of monster girls. Not that they are all bad, but some go well past the fun kind of crazy to the ‘she might actually kill me’ sort. You know?”

“I’d totally do a slime girl, but Bubbles, you need more of a… feminine form.” I waved my hand in an hourglass shape.

The blob of slime bubbled up more, almost as if she understood me and was a little angry at my description of her. But unlike some slimes I’d seen on the surface, Bubbles was just a blob. Not in any body shaming sort of way.

She, I assumed all monsters were girls, was a slimy sphere scooting along the ground, following me like a lost puppy.

I tore off another patch of glowing fungus and gave it to Bubbles. “Thanks for sticking with me, otherwise this would be a long lonely trip.”

More splashing from the river and I didn’t hesitate this time, sending blades of air slicing into the river where I thought I’d heard the splash.

Pausing, I stepped toward the river and peered in to see if I had hit anything.

The dark water erupted as a long sinuous form launched itself from the murky depths. A maw of several rows of sharp teeth yawned open as it came at me.

I back pedaled and fell backwards, dodging a serpentine monster girl. Drawing on my magic I spiked earth in every direction, piercing her several times over.

The monster girl writhed on the spikes even as blood pooled down between them. Unlike lamia I’d seen on the surface, this woman seemed more monster. She still had a hauntingly attractive body, but her face was sharp and alien to me. Not to mention her eyes were a creepy milky white. Not unlike Svet, she had teeth that looked like they were for eating people.

Apparently, down here, the monster girls were a little more monstrous than I was comfortable with.

But why?

Why would they be more like monsters than girls down here…? Unless…

My thoughts spun in circles, coming up with the only reasonable answer. Cleo. Something about her rule of Verdant didn’t allow for such savage monster girls. I thought about the massive angler fish monster.

Those that couldn’t play nice had been pushed out of Verdant. That was what made sense.

I looked back at the monster girl. No. The monster writhing on the spikes of earth. She might look like a lamia, but where they might have aggressively tried to fuck me into submission, this thing went straight for the jugular.

Those teeth had lunged first, and they didn’t seem like the kind to just poison me.

At least this is how I reconciled, killing her as she went limp, but her body kept thrashing far more like a snake than I was comfortable with.

Bubbles was already flowing forward and stretching, trying to get at an arm that dangled down from one spike.

“Hold on, I’ll lower her for you.” I shifted the spikes back into the ground and pulled the remainder of the monster’s tail out of the water and turned away. Slime eating wasn’t exactly pretty to watch.

But as I turned, a primitive-looking dart lodged itself right above my collarbone. I only managed two stumbling steps before my muscles locked up with some sort of paralytic.

Svet came padding over as she stood over me and looked off to the side, watching Bubbles for a second before turning to me with a finger pressed to her pursed lips. “Shh.” Her needle-like teeth showing with the sound.

Not that I could make any noise, that I was still breathing, seemed like a miracle.

Svet grabbed my arm and slung me over her small frame, grunting as she hauling me, my feet still dragging on the ground.

It wasn’t till we’d gone for a distance that she spoke and then only in a whisper. “Going to take you back to my nest. You’ll be safe there.”

I wanted to argue that I didn’t feel very safe. But my jaw wasn’t working. Even as I tried to use my magic, the paralytic seized up my jaw.

“Don’t you worry. That puffer girl venom in you will keep you nice and quiet. Except the good parts.” Svet’s voice caressed my ears, and I hated it. Because I could feel one part of my body not locked up by the paralytic.

As she spoke, my erection stiffened uncomfortably in my pants.

Damnit. Stupid goddess-blessed cock, behave.

But it was useless as it rose to attention, ready for its duty even as my logical brain demanded I not give in.

Svet dragged me into a tunnel in the wall that wound around. My hips bouncing with each of her steps and my cock tapping her back.

“Soon. I can feel how warm and vigorous it is.” As if to signal it, Svet’s tunnel opened up into a larger cavern.

It wasn’t big, but it was enough for someone to have made a home here. Dried plant life was crushed and matted down, making a large nest/bed ordeal. Glowing fungus grew in what looked like purposeful clumps hanging overhead.

None of this really mattered, though, because the most important and terrifying detail was the bones.

So many bones, most of which looked human. I shuddered to think about who they belonged to. Over the years they had been pressed into the bedding and I could see a long femur sticking out, the end covered in small sharp marks that looked like they were made by Svet’s teeth.

Maybe she just liked to chew on them…

Or I know, maybe she just liked to find and collect bones. Yeah, that must be it.

Certainly those can’t be… the bones of other men she’s dragged back here.

But my view of them disappeared as Svet rolled me off her shoulder and tossed me on the matted plant life. “Good, yes? Man likes his new home. I can tell already.” Her hand found the bulge in my pants and caressed it tenderly.

I hated that it twitched happily.

Svet wasn’t unattractive. She had long dark hair and pale blue eyes that matched the scales that dotted her face like beauty makeup. Her face was longer, sharper than felt human. It gave her an alien beauty that at the same time seemed to spark off warning instincts in my brain.

Of course, when she opened her mouths and those needle-sharp teeth presented themselves… well, I felt the warning instincts were entirely justified. Add in the bones and the lovely secluded murderer spot, and I was pretty sure I didn’t want to stick my dick in this level of crazy.

Even I had standards.

So when Svet straddled me and whispered that lovely voice into my ear, I tried to think of anything else. “Don’t worry, I’ll work that poison right out. But by that time you won’t want to leave.”

“No one ever does.” She flashed her teeth in a way that gave it an entirely different meaning, one that I didn't exactly appreciate in the moment.

Svet’s hands worked to get my belt off. Lucky for me, my locked up body wasn't cooperating with her. So, as she failed to get my pants off, I noticed Bubbles coming up behind her.

The pink slime slowly inched her way up behind Svet as she struggled with my pants.

She just got them down in time as bubbles reared up and consumed the back of her leg

Now Svet was in for it. I wished I could have turned away, instead I was left watching the horror of a slime digest a siren.

Svet’s leg was stripped of its flesh as Bubbles rapidly devoured the siren. But Svet didn't hesitate, her claw-like hands slashed through bubbles amorphous form but that did very little good except get her claws stuck and Bubbles foamy surface.

Bubbles’ form seemed to lean back, pulling Svet off of me. The siren came off, tumbling into the full body of the slime. Bubbles had no issue wrapping up Svet’s entire form.

Now came the gross part. I watched as the Svet’s hair disappeared, the edges of her fin like ears dissolved down to cartilage. It was like watching something being unmade.

It was both extraordinarily interesting to get a first-hand anatomy lesson of a siren and entirely too grotesque. My eyes wouldn’t even let me close them.

I watched as bubbles devoured the siren. And then, with horror, Bubbles moved on to me. I tried to scream and shout, tell Bubbles that I wasn’t dead. But of course, I was still paralyzed and could only watch as her pink form slid over me

But instead of my flesh disappearing, only my clothes dissolved off me in a foamy bubble that joined the rest of Bubble’s foam.

I could feel pressure on my erection as bubbles probed the tip of my dick and I could feel the Slime squeeze out a few drops of my pre-cum.

Whoa, whoa. Bubbles, what do you think you are doing?

We aren't like that. I thought we were friends.

But the slime didn't seem to care. After one taste, the pressure around my balls became an effervescent tickle that coax me to full mast and I could feel the rest of the slime pulse over the head.

I had never felt anything quite like it and I after a moment of thought; I decided I liked it. Svet had said that she needed to work the poison out and implied she was going to work it out the same way Bubbles was. I decided this was just Bubbles’ way of helping, massaging the poison out.

Leaning back, I relaxed and enjoyed the ride. I mean, it wasn’t like she was a woman or anything. She was just a slime.



Your imagination is incredible, a sex scene with slimy bubbles, just amazing!


Thx for the reposted chapter

Daniel Glasson

In Monster Girl World, bubbles blow you. Please don't hate me, I'll see myself out