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Hello everyone, it's time again for an update.

I just wrapped up Mana 4 with 32 chapters, did my final editing push and got it out to my editor. So, it’s queued up on Patreon for a chapter a day to finish it out for you guys.

Normally, I’m more like 10-15 chapters ahead of patreon when I do the final push. I lost a little ground with the wee one. The stress around him coming, however, was far worse than any disruption he’s actually causing now that he’s here.

Some of you may have noticed, I’m responding to messages at late hours, that’s because of the lovely flexibility I have now as a full time author. Thank you all for helping make that a reality. I’m taking the ‘night shift’ and letting my wife get a full night's sleep. It’s working well and I’m still hammering my keyboard to death with him strapped to me.

So words per day have picked back up and I hope to regain my lead so when I come back to edit for you guys I have gotten a little further in the story and can make sure all the little details are right.

Also, to give myself a little buffer I’m going to put out a few Monstrous Horizon chapters after the end of Mana 4. I might also do a few MH chapters on weekends to pad things and bump it back into the cycle I had before Mana 4. Mana 4 and DJ2 were/are 6 week projects instead of my normal 4 week project cycle, which I liked how I had lined up.

DJ2 has already started. It starts with a fun scene of him and Morgana hunting down swamp trolls which will be a recurring monster in this book. They are migrating from the great lakes region to Florida and pass through Philly as part of a yearly migration. The whole para community wants them to pass through without issue… and well… they are about as dumb as a box of rocks and causing trouble this time around. We still have the big bad revealed at the end of the last book and he’ll play his part and we’ll start to understand more. Zach this time around is working on unlocking his ability to shift, but he’s frozen out Kelly and has been dodging Jadelyn. So there’s some fun romance planned as Scarlett waves the white flag and admits she can’t tame a dragon’s labido on her own.

But I’m excited for it and a major reason why I’ve decided to push Dao 3 out a month. That and I’m giving Dao audio a little time to catch up. I love BB’s voice, but she’s slow as hell.

On the topic of Audio. Jessica Threet is working with me for Dragon’s Justice. Boucher is unavailable, but she’s promising this other guy is great and I’ll trust her.

I made some adjustments to Patreon and I’m not sure what it is going to look like from your end. One, I clarified the $2 tier that it is only ⅓ of the book. Two, I moved Monstrous Horizons to the $2 tier as I’ve started to post it on Scribblehub, but intend to keep Patreon ahead of publicly posted chapters. Third, I changed the payment method to prepaying for the month starting on the first rather than post paying the previous month. This was to allow me to offer annual membership at a discount.

Finally, I have a big question. Do I offer NSFW art? It seems like one of the 'big things' that people want and are offered at higher tiers for other authors. I've checked with my cover artist and he's happy to do it. Excited even, as he'd love the work.

Anything else you are looking for on Patreon, let me know.



First of all, super congrats on the baby! Secondly, you probably earning massive husband points with the wife for taking the night shift.. that's epic. The full time effort is really paying off imo, as each new book keeps getting better and better. As for NSFW.. I'm always for more artwork, nsfw or otherwise. I think I would prefer getting character portraits normal/nsfw over sex scenes, as I like having that visual image of them. If the artist is excited, that's typically a good sign and leads to some great stuff.

Daniel Glasson

I agree. NSFW stuff is fun, but love being able to put faces to the names for characters that couldn't make it to the covers


This i a bit late lol but I'm all for more art. Regular and NSFW tbh like someone else said it can get a bit dull so maybe like a 75 25 split. I doubt this will happen now if it hasn't already but ehh. ill live regardless


Caught this in the flood that is my notifications. I haven't been able to settle with a single artist, biggest problem is price. The quality ones I'd want for NFW can be pricey. Though I do know the cost of getting my cover artist to make NSFW versions and that is actually better for me. We he goes fulltime on artist, I hope to start getting a NSFW version of covers.