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Walking out of the Orchid Pavilion, I could have sworn the air tasted fresher.

I grabbed Rachel by the hips and pulled her along as I wound my way through the streets. “So, you never told me what your life was like before the pavilion.” The Madam and her interaction spoke of a closeness I hadn’t expected.

She blinked and looked lost in thought for a moment. “I’ll tell you, but then I want to hear your story. After that talk with Madam Orchid, I suddenly realize that I don't really know that much about the man who I almost threw everything away for.”

“But you didn’t. She told you that you were welcome back anytime.”

Rachel nodded. “And that makes me even more interested in what went on back there. When others leave, she doesn’t do that. You can’t possibly know how… special her offer was. There are pavilions throughout the world. She just gave me a refuge in most major cities, should I need it.”

I nodded along, making a mental note of the influence that the Madam had. I was glad we’d parted on good terms, and she’d seem interested in helping us.

“So, life before the pavilion?” I prompted again.

Rachel fidgeted with her dress as she talked. “My father was a soldier. He left the town for a battle one day, and then all I remember after that is my mom crying over the news that he wasn’t coming back.” She looked wistful. “I never really knew him all that well. He was gone a lot, and he wasn’t an overly affectionate man.”

“And your mother?” I asked.

She shook her head. “Died a few years later. I was eight when mana beasts killed her… or at least, that’s what they said. My mother rarely left the town…”

“I’m so sorry Rachel.” I pulled her close for comfort. There was no doubt in my mind her mother was killed for something else, and the mana beasts were just an excuse. She seemed to have some of the same thoughts.

“It has been a long time. Even once I was old enough to realize what had really happened to her, there wasn’t much I could do except get stronger. By then, I was already in the pavilion. I had only spent a few weeks on the street before the Madam picked me up.”

She smiled at the memory. “Quite literally. One day I was hungry enough to steal bread, and I was running from the market. Well, I ran into the Madam, who picked me up off my feet by the back of my shirt as I ran by. She paid for the bread and promised me more if I came with her. I was so hungry, I didn’t care much about how I got the food.”

“Just like that?” I asked, smiling as her memory reminded me of Thea. My beautiful wife was always collecting little urchins and bringing them back to the sect.

“There were a few more steps involved in getting to know the other girls and starting my cultivation. But, yeah, that’s how it all started.” Rachel rested her head on my shoulder. “So, me deciding to stick with you over the pavilion is a big deal for me. Don’t break my heart, okay?”

“You are a lovely woman, Rachel. Kat seems to have my wives’ approval for you, and we are equals now.” My hand wandered down to her hips, hidden by the crowd, and I gave her a little squeeze. “I don’t see any reason I’d let you go.”

“Equals? You won’t still be my teacher?” She looked up at me through her eyelashes as she shifted to press her chest against me.

“Oh, I’m happy to keep teaching you, but you don’t have to keep calling me teacher.”

Rachel bit her lip and gave me a smoldering look before she said softly. “Maybe I want to.”

For that, I smacked her ass, eliciting a sharp squeal from her. “Don’t tempt me out here in public.”

“Of course, teacher.” She gave me a short mock bow. “I’ll wait for the bedroom.” She straightened back up, smiling up at me. “But tell me about your past. What’s this about your mother?”

I took a deep breath. “My mother is from the immortal world. And she’s part of one of the ancient families, although I don’t know which one. I do know that apparently my extended family wouldn’t be so happy to meet me, so she hid me from them.”

“Why wouldn’t they want to meet you?” Rachel asked.

“I’m not entirely sure, but based on what I’ve learned, I have some guesses. It sounds like I was an act of defiance for my mother. And from what I’ve learned, ancient families take their bloodlines seriously. I doubt they take kindly to bastards.”

Rachel winced. “You aren’t a bastard.”

I shrugged. “My mother ran away from an engagement to have me with my father. Sure sounds like one, possibly one that they would be more than happy to sweep under the rug if possible.” I shook my head. The Madam’s story had finally started to piece together some of my history that had been eluding me. Although there was something she was still holding back.

“But besides that, I’ve lived a life of cultivation through combat…” As we walked, I began telling Rachel all about my journey, starting with when I’d broken through my first ring in a sparring gone wrong accident with Michelle…


Rachel and I had wound through the city instead of going directly for the Su Family manor as I told Rachel my tale. But soon it felt like we were running out of streets to walk as we approached the massive structure.

The Su family manor was a quiet, white marble monster. I was surprised to see that nobody patrolled the grounds; it almost seemed as if no one was home.

The hedges were cut into large swans, and the birds were also depicted in stone guarding the entrance.

I pushed the gate aside and strolled up.

It wasn’t until I got to the main door before someone stopped me.

A tall, thin man bowed at the waist. “I’ve been told to expect you. Please, this way.”

The butler gestured us in, and I let my eyes inspect every inch of him. I was pleased to see that there was no slave device on him anywhere. I think that would have been a deal breaker after everything I’d just gone through.

“Isaac.” Wenxi called out from a room as we passed. The room was a semicircle, with the curved half covered in windows that let in a large amount of light. The room was some strange mix of lounging and business.

It seemed to be Wenxi’s office, yet it had a daybed in the full sun, like she took warm naps on it.

I raised my wrist. “All done. Which means we can start the next stage of the plan. But first, who else lives here, Wenxi?”

She sighed. “Only about a dozen staff. When Quexi left this post, she took everyone loyal to her. I have two Ying family spies among the staff, one from the pavilion, and a number of newer folks. Ginsu, the butler you just met, is the only one I really trust.”

“And how is this post supposed to serve your family?” It seemed terribly understaffed.

“It lets me keep an eye on the Jungle of a Thousand Paths and warn the main family if someone else starts using it heavily. Every hundred years we go through the paths of the jungle to bring new labor up from the mortal world.” She winced. “Sorry, I know it is a sensitive subject.”

I wasn’t happy about it, but it would take a bit more before I was ready to make right of it. Until then, the power still sat with those taking advantage of newcomers to the immortal world.

“Just that? Seems like a boring post if there’s only action every hundred years.”

Wenxi’s face agreed. “I can keep busy with a few other things. The engagement to Guo Ying was at least something, even if he was an ass. I helped him manage some of the Ying family affairs; their fingers are far deeper in Murdock than mine.”

Kat’s arms stretched above the back of one of the lounge chairs facing the bright windows. Her voice came from the other side as she groggily stated, “Don’t worry, we’ll make this place more exciting. What were you thinking, husband?”

“I was thinking we need to meditate and talk with the rest of the family. I want to have them extend the offer to come to the Immortal World to other sects. We can talk about details with Michelle. But after they set it up, I’d like them to come here, and we can retrieve them from the jungle.”

“You can use the manor for a base of operations. Truthfully, I have too much space here as it is.” Wenxi offered.

“Thank you. I won’t be shy about taking you up on that. My wives will need a quiet place to recover as they are hit with the immortal mana.” I looked about the room to see if any of them had anything to add. It was the barest start for a plan, but it would have to do.

“Oh, while we are working on bringing them over, can you gather information on the Ying family?” I looked to Wenxi as I sat down on the daybed and crossed my legs. “We are going to come into conflict with them soon, and I’d like to know what I’m up against.”

Wenxi nodded. “You need to reach the fifth rank, but you’ve been at the peak of the fourth rank since you arrived in this world. Besides the Patriarch at 5th rank and having an ancient bloodline, you have a few dozen 4th rank immortals among the Ying Family. None of them have shown a hint that they possess the family bloodline. Many are likely not true blood relatives.

“Likely they are all distant branch relatives or adopted into the family. If you can defeat the Patriarch, they are liable to scatter.”

“Once I bring my family over, we will focus on my cultivation to the fifth rank.” I promised, and with that, I settled in for meditation.

As I went into my soul palace, I heard Rachel asking Wenxi for directions around the house. I was glad they were getting along.

Rising up off the throne, I sent a pulse of mana throughout the shared soul space, calling each of my wives to me. It was time for a family meeting.

My four mana beasts were the first to arrive, coming down from their soul palaces. I noticed we had a new soul palace. Above Diana’s ornate soul palace, floated another fourth rank mana beast.

I was glad to see she’d reached the fourth rank. Nikki had been having a great time rubbing it in when she’d hit it first. But I had a feeling Nikki would still hold it over Diana’s head for years to come.

Celina came out of her soul palace next and dashed into my arms. I caught her twirling her and kissing my poison master wife.

“You’re ready for us to come. I can feel it!” There was a glee in her voice that lifted my heart.

“Way to spoil the surprise.” I teased and put her down, my lips tingling from her kiss.

“Is it true?” Michelle called as she walked up.

All of my wives had gathered quickly; they must have been eager to come.

“It is. I’ve removed my servitude and made allies with the Su family. They will shelter us until we can get our feet under us.”

Michelle made a wry grin. “Allies, huh? That wasn’t quite how Kat described it.”

Nikki made some thrusting motions behind her for a moment before Diana startled her with a slap on the ass. “Sounds like you really worked your magic and locked down some allies quickly. Who knew you were born for a brothel.”

I rolled my eyes. “I had no intention of that while I was working off my debt.”

Michelle put a hand on my chest. “Please husband. They are just teasing. Kat talked to us about them. You have the family's approval, when you are ready.”

With a grunt of understanding, I put that topic to rest. “I have one thing I need you to do before you all come to the immortal world. I want you to spread the word. Let’s open up our mountain for others to join us here in the immortal world. Send offers to Jonny and Steve; they can bring their sects. Extend that offer to our other close allies, the Thousand Blossom Valley and the fallen Ice Mountain.”

“Are you sure?” Michelle hedged.

I nodded. “The world here is massive; they could each scatter and make their own empire, and we wouldn’t butt heads. And we could use some more allies here in this world. But most importantly, now that we know they are being sold into slavery, I’d like to help them with an alternative option.”

“Nevermind then. I’ll send Sam out to go speak to our allies. Should we keep some of our elders to protect the sect?”

I started to dictate what the sect should do before I paused. “Let Rob take over. This will be his first decision.” He was the firstborn between Michelle and I. Having grown up looking out for his younger siblings, he’d molded himself into a fine leader. “I think it’s time we stop hovering over him and the others. Plus, I’m sure they are more than eager to pick up the sect’s leadership and shoo you off to the Immortal world. They might even welcome it.”

My wife gave me a knowing look. “And more than a few of them might try to sneak their way to the immortal world.” She shook her head. “Oh, the trouble they’d bring.”

“Their choice; they are all adults now.”

“The problem with being immortal is we didn’t really grow older with them. It still feels like they are my little babies. But I understand.” She turned to my other wives. “We have one last thing to do. Send word to the other sects and invite them to come with us to the Immortal World. We’ll stay to have those conversations, but we will join our husband in four days.”

I pulled Michelle close, spoiling her commanding aura. “Thank you for taking care of this. All of you. Four days. I’ll be ready.”

Kat was there, nodding along with me. We had four days to get things situated, which meant we had a lot of work to do.

I had four days to figure out what was needed to break through to the fifth ring. “Okay. I won’t hold you all any longer. Four days ladies. I can’t wait to see you in person.” I reminded them all with a smile.

“No sex?” Aurora pouted. “I flew all the way down from my mountain and there’s no sex.”

That made my wives chuckle, and I slapped her rear. “I’m sure there will be plenty more soon.”

They all started to disappear from the shared soul space. I gave each of my mana beasts a kiss before returning to Wenxi’s sun room.

“So interesting.” She wasn’t far away, observing me as I meditated. “I can’t detect a thing from you.”

“It is like we share soul palaces now. There’s no technique besides entering my soul palace and conversing with them.”

“Shared soul.” Wenxi tapped her lip and looked at Kat as she roused. “Terrifying.”

“Yes, she is. Don’t get on her bad side.” I teased.

Kat perked up. “What was that?”

“You’re lovely as always, Kat.” I deflected and smiled before addressing both of them. “In four days my wives will come. And shortly after that, more trusted cultivators from my world will start arriving.”

“You are going to make quite the splash.” Wenxi pulled a spare piece of paper and started to write. “How many?”

“A few hundred, at most.” I hazarded a number. “I am spreading the word to allies to see if they would like to come. Many will, just for the opportunity to continue their cultivation, but I’m not sure how many.”

“That’s not going to go unnoticed.” Wenxi reminded me.

“Even more reason for me to figure this out.” I pulled the scroll she had given me that morning out of my spatial ring. “Time to understand what I need to get ready.”

She stared at it hard in thought for a moment. “I already know what’s in there, so I’ll tell you now that you need a ton of mana crystals. More than what you have on hand from the auction house spoils. You’ll need to sell the goods as well for enough to cultivate that technique.”

I sighed. That was going to be a complication. Everything I had to sell was stolen. The moment I started to sell these in Murdock, the Ying family was going to find out and track it back to me.

“I can’t even move it through the Su family, can I? You said there were two Ying family spies here.”

Wenxi nodded. “Yes, I could help. It would take time to move it to Blueheavens, but the family could sell it there for a price. However, the moment I try to move all of it, one of those spies would tip off the Ying family.”

“Why haven’t you gotten rid of them?” Kat asked.

“Because it gives the Ying family comfort knowing what I’m doing. And I know which two are giving them information, allowing me to hide small things if needed. Besides, if I fired them, the Ying family would just send more. Better the spy I know.”

If I couldn’t even move the goods through the Su family… then what other options were there?

The broker would need to have connections outside Murdock if they hoped to sell these, and they’d need to not be afraid of the Ying family. And that left me with one option.

I sighed. “I have to go back to the Orchid Pavilion. Madam Orchid is the only option we have for moving these quickly.”

Wenxi’s mouth opened to comment and hung open for a moment before she also realized that was the only good option. “You’re right. She’s our best answer. I can deal with her if that makes things easier.”

“She wasn’t bad. In fact, she even knows my mother.”

That comment made Wenxi’s brow furrow deep as she tried to understand what that meant. I decided it would be easier to explain it to her, sitting down to tell her about our conversation with Madam Orchid and a bit more about my mother.


Daniel Glasson

After rereading the first trilogy and now all these chapters, I really can't wait to see Isaac's mother

Leonardo Bastos

So hyped for more of this story, I am loving this series.


Thanks ^^. I love cultivation. Read far too many translated Xianxia novels not to give it a swing myself.