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Dar and Mika devoured the fish. As they finished, Mika stood up, walking towards the water. Curious, Dar watched as she waded into the water, pausing before diving and submerging below the surface for only a few seconds.

When she came back up, she held a handful of fish eggs.

Standing up, water dripped down her blue hair and toned body as she looked at him with eyes that smoldered as she took in his perusal of her body.

Knowingly, she swung her hips slightly as she walked out of the water, holding out the eggs to him. “Here, these should help your idea for your inner world.”

Dar smiled, opening up his inner world and pulling them out of her hands, enjoying the expression on her face as she exclaimed, “That’s so cool! It’s like a spatial pouch.”

“Really?” Dar hadn’t asked much about how Sasha’s pouch worked.

“Yep. Do you think that with all those enchantments on you, one could be turning your navel into a spatial artifact?”

Dar paused. He’d never thought of it that way, but now that he considered it, it could be possible.

But as he considered it more, he realized one flaw. “There’s still the fact that I can enter it when I sleep.” 

Mika tilted her head as she thought about it, nodding, but clearly not dismissing it entirely. “How many enchantments are on you? Maybe another one is doing that? But I have to admit I’ve never heard of a spatial ring that living things can reside within.” Her face puzzled, and Dar could tell that she really wanted to figure out the mystery. He’d grown used to not being able to understand all the intricacies of what Lilith had done to his body.

Knowing they wouldn’t be able to get any real answers without their maker, Dar changed the subject. “Thanks for the eggs. We’ll see if we can’t grow a nice stock of fish inside my inner world, but I also want to create a fish farm for the village too. We can use the method you described.”

As Mika nodded, Dar looked at where the sun was in the sky. They should keep moving if they were going to make it to Bellhaven. Walking over, Dar made sure to smother any of the remaining embers before turning to Mika and holding out his hand. “Ready to keep going?” 

She put her hand in his in a heartbeat. “Of course.”

They walked through the water, back to the boat. Mika pulled herself up on the boat and stood to the side of the wheel, leaving the spot open for him as he got up on the boat.

He looked at it questioningly. “Don’t want to drive?”

Mika just smiled wider and shook her head. “Go go ahead.”

Dar took the wheel and throttled it out into the river while Mika hung off his arm.

It wasn’t more than a minute into the trip before Mika leaned closer, first starting with a single kiss on his arm before they turned into slow trailing kisses moving up his arm. Soon, she was at his shoulders, kissing along to the back of his neck. Dar worked to stay focused on the water ahead of them, but it was proving difficult.

“Careful, you’re going to make me crash.” But she only seemed further encouraged by his statement as she crept onto his back, positioning her mouth by his ear as she nibbled on his earlobe.

Pausing, she whispered into his ear. “Then you better work on your focus, because I’m not going to stop. And there’s no way little ol’ me weighs enough to throw you off.”

Dar had to admit there wasn’t any physical problem. But the desire to close his eyes and let his head fall back to enjoy the moment was pulling at him. He growled playfully in response.

“Oh, so scary.” She whispered into his ear before nipping it harder.

Dar cranked back the throttle in response and pulled her off, positioning her facing him, stuck between him and the wheel with his arms braced on either side of her as he drove.

“Careful or the boat might crash.” She wiggled, trying to break free from him, causing the boat to veer a bit in the process.

As she squealed, he corrected it, keeping her pinned between him. When he got it settled and looked back down, she was grinning like a little nymph. Shaking his head, he leaned down to give her a quick peck before watching the water again.

Pretending to ignore her, he stepped a bit closer, pressing his body against her as he looked over her head. When she gave a small gasp, he knew that she could feel how hard she had made him in the process of her teasing. Smiling, he continued to look ahead at the water as he reached back and let the anchor drop while turning off the motor, slamming the boat to a stop.

Mika lurched against him, but he held her upright. A gleam in his eye as he finally looked back down at him.

Her eyes filled with challenge as she ducked under his arm in one fluid motion and ran away, but he grabbed her, carefully pulling her down to the floor of the boat.

“What if somebody comes and sees us?” She asked, her voice breathy.

“Then they see us. My attention is all on you.” Dar couldn’t hide the hunger in his eyes as he looked at her.

Leaning down over her, Dar went to kiss her again. She tilted her face up, eagerly accepting his kiss. Lowering his body slightly, Dar got free use of his hand and let it roam her body, cupping her ass and pulling her up into him.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and she arched herself into him, her nipples hardening as they pressed into his chest.

“Someone’s excited.” Dar commented as he came up for air. Putting his body directly over her, he lowered them completely against the floor of the boat. She wrapped her legs around him in response.

As Mika kissed at his jawline, moving to his neck, she whispered. “Maybe, I am.”

Moaning, Dar started slowly rocking himself against her, feeling his member slide along her crevices, with just a few layers of wet clothing separating them.

Letting out breathy noise herself, Mika reached down, slowly exposing one of her breasts and looking up at him. Taking the hint, Dar leaned down, nipping and sucking on her breast while Mika pressed her head back against the floor, making more small moans as he worked on her bud. 

Mika reached down, trying to pull her clothes off but failing with Dar’s weight against her. Grumbling angrily, she continued trying and Dar couldn’t help but enjoy her moment of clear sexual frustration. Lifting himself off her slightly, he watched as she quickly peeled her wet top off her body, exposing herself to him.

Cupping her chest, he tweaked her nipples, playing with her handful of soft cushions. They weren’t overly large like Sasha’s, but they fit Mika’s toned, athletic frame.

“What are you thinking about?” She bit her lip, looking hungrily back at him.

“How sexy you are, and the logistical challenge of getting my pants off.”

“Oh, we can fix that problem.” Shifting her legs around him, she hooked her feet into his pants and pushed them down. “See? Fixed.”

Dar couldn’t even respond as his cock finally sprang free. The feel of it in the open air was quickly replaced as Mika used her legs to pull her body tight against him again.

As it pressed against her, Mika bit her lip harder. “I had hoped, but…” She let out a soft whistle in place of any words.

“Glad you like it, but we still have one barrier.” Dar was close to destroying the simple layers of fabric that separated him from her. Trying to keep his control, Dar waited to see what she wanted.

But instead of doing anything to remove the fabric, Mika just smiled. “If you move the skirt out of your way, you won’t find any resistance.”

Brow raised, Dar held himself with one arm as he slowly worked her skirt up her thighs, exposing her full sex. His hunger surged at the sight. He wasn’t sure when she’d taken them off, but in that moment, it didn’t matter one bit.

Looking up and meeting her eyes, he saw everything he needed. He lowered himself back down, lining himself up at her sex, teasing the entrance slightly. The wet heat coming off of it told him Mika didn’t need any help getting ready. Looking into her eyes, Dar slipped just the tip in.

“Oh. Yes.” Mika cried out, her fingers digging into his shoulders as she lifted her hips to get the angle just right. As she pulled on his shoulders, Dar followed the motion, pushing himself more deeply into her.

Her sheath was tight, but thankfully it was soaking wet enough for him to slide in to the hilt. 

Dar took the moment to enjoy the feel of her body wrapped around him, her wetness coating him and even covering his balls. Enjoying the moment, Dar’s focus was broken as he felt nails rake down his back and her body shift into him. Looking down, he was met with a hungry scowl. “I finally have you. Get moving.” She playfully slapped his bare ass, and Dar chuckled, happy to oblige.

Pinning her hips against the floor, he thrust up harder into her, eliciting gasps. “Yes! Fuck me.”

Continuing to pump deeply into her, Mika held her hips up against him, holding onto his shoulders like she was clinging on for her life.

Mika didn’t hold back, screaming out her pleasure as he moved, undulating her body to his motions and adding to the friction.

As they moved, a new sensation flooded Dar. He realized that she was controlling her body, undulating against him as he slid inside of her. As he thrust in and out, her body stroked him internally, adding an additional friction element to the moment.

“I don’t know how you’re doing that, but it feels fantastic.” Dar grunted as she squeezed him and coaxed him towards his peak.

“Harder.” She bucked against his hips, and Dar started slamming her hips into her as she screamed in release, her sex working him further and bringing him to the edge of his own orgasm.

Wanting to drag her orgasm out, Dar kept pumping hard, chasing his own release. Unable to hold back any longer, Dar painted her insides with his seed before they both collapsed against the ground.

“Whew.” Mika let out a rush of breath. “That was fantastic.”

Still coming down from his own release, Dar just grunted against her shoulder.

She wiggled to the side, shifting him off her. Looking over, her face turned to surprise. How is it still hard?” She reached over, taking him in her hand as she stroked him further.

“The girls didn’t tell you?”

“No…” she kept stroking. “Is it going to start hard?”

“Yeah. So, all the enchantments on me... one of them apparently gives me quite a bit of… stamina.”

Mika gave him a wicked grin. “Fuck, really?”

“Yes. But I do think we should continue our trip, don’t you?” Dar paused at her pout, not wanting to ruin the progress they’d made. “Tonight, maybe you sleep in our hut?”

The smile she gave him nearly blinded him. “I’d be delighted to… Does this make us dao companions?”

“I’d like that if you would.” Dar answered honestly. “Sasha and Cherry have already accepted you.”

Mika smiled, grabbing Dar’s face and pulling him to her for another kiss. “Yes! Now, let's finish this trip.”

Mika grabbed her clothes, slipping her top and bikini bottoms back on and hurrying back up to the wheel to get them moving.

Dar just shook his head, unable to hide the giant smile on his face. He’d had no intention of getting that far with her on their trip, but it just felt right. Putting his pants back on, he wandered over to help Mika raise the anchor.

“What do you want to do at Bellhaven, my companion?” Mika asked, her lips curling up as she said the last part.

Dar took the wheel after finishing with the anchor, enjoying as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “I just want to see if the group from before made it down there and get a feeling for the city.”

“And maybe see if they are going to be able to come look for us?” Mika asked, clearly having a sense of where his thinking was going.

“Something like that. They are a danger to us, especially if the Duke is dead now. If Mark successfully took over, I’m worried that the prince and his guard might be killed or absorbed into the city’s defenses.”

Mika bobbed her head, squeezing him tighter. “Then to Bellhaven we go.” She leaned up, giving him a kiss on the cheek before looking forward with him as they started moving.


“Here?” Mika asked, holding the anchor again.

“Perfect.” Dar said, his statement punctuated by the plop of the anchor and the rope running into the water. “We’ll get out here and cut through these woods to reach the northern side of Bellhaven. I don’t want to expose ourselves by going all the way down to the delta and the open ocean.”

Mika nodded. “Should one of us stay with the boat?”

Dar paused. He hadn’t built any sort of key into the enchantments, but he also doubted someone would be able to get them started without instructions.

“Let me just make it so no one can steal this.” He went down to the motor and with his dao of granite, he shifted some of the conditionals in the enchantment so it wouldn’t function. Someone could try to row the boat, but they’d have to bring their own oars, and they’d need a lot of people to power the massive thing.

Dar laughed as he realized that even if they did that, he was pretty sure Mika would hunt down anybody who tried to steal it.

“Good to go!” Dar jumped off the boat with a splash and held his arms out for Mika, who jumped into them gleefully.

Stepping out of the water and using heat to dry their clothes, Dar and Mika trudged through the forest towards Bellhaven.

It was far more lively than their southern forest, reminding him once more of the plague the ettercap were to their area. He couldn’t wait to deal with them as soon as he had enough firepower to take them on.

“Mika, you wouldn’t happen to have other lesser daos, perhaps one related to fire?” Dar figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.

She cocked her head to the side. “No, I have the wave dao, and I’m close to forming a dao of rain.”

“Oh.” Dar was surprised that she was so close to another greater dao. “Do you have the lesser dao you need?”

She nodded, keeping her eyes on the ground as she picked her way through the forest. “Three lesser now. I just need to build them into what I believe will be the dao of rain.”

“That’s incredible!” Dar couldn’t help but be impressed. He knew how long it took for most ancients to build up that much power.

“Nowhere near as incredible as you and your fruits. It’s taken almost 200 years to get here, and you’re going to catch up to me in a few months.” She shook her head. “If more demons knew about the speed you are growing along your dao path, they might act to prevent you from getting a grand or a celestial dao in the next few years.”

“It’s not that bad.” Dar tried to downplay it.

“Dar, I’m not sure you understand. It is terrifying. You might be physically a great fighter, a great leader, but what makes you overly strong is your ability to grow is far beyond anyone else. And at the speed you do it, others will see a need to act quickly before you grow too strong.”

“I’m overpowered.” Dar suggested.

“Yes. That.” Mika agreed. “Your ability for growth is overpowered.”

Nodding, Dar was going to continue the discussion as they stepped out of the forest, but the shock of what they saw cleared his mind.

“What! How’s the wall almost done?” Mika nearly shouted.

The wall outside the farmland had been nearly a quarter finished when they had fled, but now it wrapped around almost the entire city in a second tier.

“They must have conscripted the entire city to get it done this fast.” Dar stated, amazed at the progress. He couldn’t think of another way they would have been able to build it so quickly. It didn’t look like it was made of anything different from blocks of stone carved from the quarry.

Although they had likely had great incentive from all the devil attacks.

Dar couldn’t quite see the west wall in its entirety, but he could see the top of the gaping hole in the wall. “What the merchant boat said was true.” He pointed to the hole.

“I’d hate to see what could take out a chunk of the wall like that.” Mika shook her head. “A devil with a grand dao. I haven’t heard of one of those in a long while.”

“Lilith kept them at bay, but she’s gone now.” Dar stated, remembering what she’d told him. “Now it’s up to us to deal with them as her work fades.”

Mika nodded slowly. “I see. I guess it is good you are so overpowered then.” She smiled up at him.

“Yeah, let’s hope it’s enough to take on their numbers when the time comes.” Seeing the damage done by what they guessed was a grand devil, Dar couldn’t help but feel the weight of responsibility settle on him.

He’d been focusing on getting the village ready for winter with the promise that then he could then focus on his personal power. He still thought it was the right order, but part of him was excited for winter to come so that he could pivot to focusing more on his dao.

“The city seems fine.” Mika broke him from his thoughts.

“No mass fires or charred buildings that I can see.” Dar agreed.

The city, besides the hastily thrown wall and massive hole, seemed the same as when they’d left it.

Further south, Dar could see the docks and the prince’s river boat he’d seen before rocking in the bay.

“Do you want to get closer?” Mika asked.

Dar paused, trying to decide. He had no doubt the city guard would question them if they approached. And some might even recognize him. He had a feeling his exit wouldn’t get him welcomed with open arms.

Looking at Mika, he realized she’d quickly be a target, as well. “Lets circle around to the east side and see if we can’t find anyone near the quarry to ask a few questions.” He had a feeling they might be more talkative, and it would keep them away from the city, where they might have more issues.

“Sounds like a plan.” Mika stated.

They circled around Bellhaven for the quarry on the north-east side.


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