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Chapter 31

“I thought he wasn’t arriving until tomorrow.” I said as I shuffled behind my grandfather and my mother.

“Keep quiet. Right now we just want to pay our respects and leave.” Anadonis gave me a grim smile. “Do not use magic.”

Our anchors had to stay in the  front lobby.

I watched as all of the noble mages moved as a group through a long hall. Every five feet stood an anchor with a weapon on their back or hip.

If the king ordered it, we would have all been lambs to the slaughter. There would barely be time to react before those anchors started cutting deep into the noble class.

Simply, it was a show of force and an attempt to cow the nobles. If any of us so much as drew on our magic, those anchors would cut us down to protect the king.

I was immediately judgmental of the king.

“Power is addicting.” My mother said softly. “Consider it a drug and it all makes far more sense.” 

I clamped my teeth to keep from laughing out loud amid this show of force. Right, power was the king’s drug and all of us either had some or could take some from him.

He was threatening us like an addict clinging to their stash of silverweed.

It made the situation far more humorous to put it in that context.

“By the way, Ard. I’m sorry for what was done the other day.” My mother continued to keep her voice low.

“I understand the necessity.” It was easy to try and dismiss the comment. I really did not want to talk about what had happened.

“When this is over, you can go where you want.” She promised.

“I’m going to Chillwind and doing my duty. Besides, I’ll treat it like a trip to catch up with Melida. No one would dare strike the fort.” I smiled at her to hide the hurt from the way people had been looking at me lately.

“We’ll find a proper vacation for you after.” She ignored my words. “Perhaps we can put you on a trade vessel this summer and you can see the world.”

“That would be nice.” I glanced up to see the procession of mages turn the corner and enter the throne room.

One after the other, every noble house from the largest to the smallest walked up and greeted the king.

I couldn’t hear their words, but I had no doubts that each of them were saying some variation of ‘I wish you good health, long life and all the concubines you could want’. Well, maybe that last part wasn’t standard.

But if I was being honest, the man looked like he could use some cheering up.

The gloom that came from the throne room was almost physical.

“No more talking and stay quiet when we enter.” Anadonis lightly reminded me. “Gwen I’ll start and you can finish.”

I kept my mouth shut, Emlyn would be impressed. Yet, I knew the significance of what my grandfather was doing with Gwen finishing. It meant that he was passing the baton of House Aldis.

The procession continued forward. One house after the other professed themselves to the king again.

I couldn’t hear a word though and getting a good look at the king through the crowd and distance was hard until it was our turn.

“Come on.” Anadonis strode in while Gwen rolled.

I walked behind them, easily spotting the King on the throne. It was a gold monstrosity that had been carved to death as if each and every stroke on it added to the prestige of sitting in it.

There at least were big blue cushions to make it less uncomfortable.

The King himself had an expression that didn’t flicker in the slightest. He’d be a damn good card player. His default expression left something to be desired though. It was flat, and emotionless. Yet somehow it issued forth an air of desolation and despair. It was like he was trying to project his negative emotions onto those in front of him.

The princesses and a few young princes were arrayed beside him. Carmilla sat on his left side.

“Welcome House Aldis.” The king’s voice might have once been light, but it now held a deep weariness.

I dipped my head like I was supposed to.

“Thank you. House Aldis is happy to see your health an—“ My grandfather started.

“Are you going to disrespect me and remain seated?” The king interrupted Anadonis and I glanced to see him glaring at Gwen.

Rather than acknowledge his rather ridiculous request, my mother continued on with her part. “We’re happy to see you in good health and wish the best for you continuing forward for your health is a symbol of the kingdom’s. House Aldis greets their king back to the capital.” She inclined her head towards him.

“Stand when you visit me.” He glared from the throne, planted in his own seat.

Carmilla stood to the side with a slow smirk rising on her face.

“The muscles in my legs wasted away during ten years of being unresponsive.” My mother sighed and met the king’s eyes, which I had been told we were very much not supposed to do. “Yet, I am to be the next leader of House Aldis. I hope you can become accustomed to this.”

“To sit while speaking to the king.” Carmilla inflamed the situation with a gasp. “This is disrespectful to the utmost. Do you think you are his equal?”

The king held up a ringed hand for Carmilla to stop. “You are unfit to lead House Aldis.” He spoke to my mother.

There was a moment so thick with tension, I was tempted to open up my spheres and fill my soul with magic.

The king waved his hand for anchors to come over. “You will stand.”

I couldn’t see my mother’s face, but I could imagine how hard she was trying not to spit on the king.

Two anchors came from the sides and took Gwen’s arms to raise her out of the chair.

“And then you will kneel. For House Aldis is but a mere noble house and in front of Royalty. You must show deference to your betters.” The king’s face remained completely impassive through the entire situation

The two anchors placed their arms on my mother and lifted her, holding her up for a moment.

“Continue.” Carmilla sneered and met my eyes. “The King did not hear your pledge before.”

My mother’s voice was calm. “We’re happy to see you in good health and wish the best for you continuing forward for your health is a symbol of the kingdom’s. House Aldis greets their king back to the capital.” She repeated, though this time she was staring at the King.

“Kneel.” The King demanded.

The two anchors pushed her down to both of her knees and dipped her head as my grandfather and I performed a far more graceful kneel to end the small ceremony.

“Wonderful, you three are dismissed.” He waved his hands to the side and the anchors unceremoniously dropped my mother on the floor. “Next.” He called to hurry us out.

I rushed forward to help my mother back into the chair as Anadonis held it still for me.

To use magic here would be the same as throwing our lives away.

My mother was silent, but her eyes seethed as I got her into the chair and went to exit to the side of the room.

“Mo—“ I started only for that glare to shift to me.

“Wait.” She snapped.

I pushed her chair out of the hall to the mass of carriages waiting for everyone.

Our anchors rejoined us.

My grandfather waved to the driver and dismissed him, making his own sheet of ice to lift us up and over the crowds. “That was humiliating.”

“I’m going to kill Carmilla.” I agreed.

My mother glared at me. “You will not interfere with the Elder Trial. Father, I’m going to meditate for the rest of the day and make sure my mind is clear for tomorrow.”

“Of course.” He nodded to her. “Don’t let her get under your skin. Ard, stay in the manor today and we’ll all head to The Enclave together tomorrow.” My grandfather glanced at my anchors. “Keep him busy.”

“It went that badly?” Zuri asked.

“The King had anchors lift my mother out of her chair and then drop her because the King refused to let anyone sit in his presence.” I grit the words out through my teeth.

They gasped.

“We aren’t fleeing a murder are we?” Emlyn asked, suddenly more on edge.

“There would be more commotion if we were.” My mother deadpanned. “Maybe we will be tomorrow.”

“You cannot kill Carmilla.” My grandfather admonished her. “You can injure her, but nothing that the life mages can’t heal.”

“She should die.” My mother was angrier than I’d ever seen.

“We cannot create such disturbances in the kingdom during a war.” My grandfather was still just focused on protecting the Enclave from the Royal Family’s influence.

Once again, I thought his take was naive. The Royal Family would just keep trying, and I quietly agreed with my mother.

Instead, I changed the subject. “Is Sienna back at the manor? I want to make sure she stays safe.”

“She is. We’ll keep all our important guests on lockdown. Find something to entertain yourself.” My grandfather gave me a look.

“He means go make babies if you have to in order to not do any rash.” Emlyn was only too happy to spell that one out for me.

I rolled my eyes. “Zuri, how packed are we for the fortress?”

“Very.” She said quickly.

“Good, let's make sure we are ready to go as soon as possible.” I said.

“What about the ball?” Maribelle’s eyes snapped to me. Of course she wanted that collar.

“We’ll plan for it. I’m just making plans B through F as well.” I smiled at her as I remembered that I needed to figure out a way to smuggle a battle axe into the ball.


Sienna traced lazy circles on my chest as Selina refilled a glass of water for me. “That sounds awful. What a rat bastard for the king to do that.”

“You don’t have to tell me.” I murmured, still panting. I accepted the water, only to drain the glass as life magic coursed through me.

“Ard.” Emlyn barged into the room and didn’t bat an eye at either naked woman. “Get dressed. We need to get going.”

I glanced towards the window. There seemed to be more sunlight than I remembered before the last round. “Is it morning already?”

The response I got was a wet rag thrown into my face.

“Let me help you.” Sienna sensually started to scrub me down.

“Don’t work him up into another round or I’m going to let Maribelle in here.” Emlyn threatened.

None of them wanted to deal with Maribelle and hurried up to scrub me down and then themselves down with the rag and a wash basin.

Sienna was still lots of smiles and touches as we got dressed in attire fit for an audience with the king.

“You look good.” Emlyn straightened my collar. “Don’t let the looks get to you.”

“I’m an evil villain.” My practiced scowl appeared and I did my best evil laugh.

“Cut that out. We all know you saved those two.” Sienna kissed my cheek. “It’ll all be fine when you go to the fortress. Melida will tease you and make you run laps.”

“Maybe being feared is better.”

“Too late.” Emlyn pulled me with her and kissed my other cheek. “We all love you too much to fear you. Now, let’s get moving. We have to go get a good spot on top of the Enclave’s roofs.”

“It’s huge. How do we have to jockey for spots?” I asked as we stepped out of Sienna’s room to find Maribelle with a big basket in the crook of her arm. There was a blanket over the top.

She snuck me a biscuit out of it while we started moving.

“Because this isn’t just a ball or some other weekly or monthly event, Ard.” Sienna said. “This is a once in a decade event. More so, the first princess is part of this event.”

“My mother doesn’t attract a crowd?” I asked, crumbs falling out of my mouth.

“No. She’s a dark horse in all of this to most people. We are just in the know.” Sienna glanced at Maribelle.

My maid ignored her and recovered the basket.

“She might need something to eat.” I offered.

“Your grandfather has the house servants preparing some refreshments.” Maribelle said and held her basket closer. “This is for you.”

I gave Sienna an apologetic glance as we continued through the manor, down the stairs and out the front door.

The whole family was gathering in the garden.

Aurelia was easy to pick out with her bright red hair. Next to her was Vivi, Eva and Zuri. “There you are.” Vivi waved and bounced on her heels.

The gesture was the kind of greeting that immediately put a little extra bounce in the step of whoever was on the receiving end.

Which was good, because as she called out to me, other members of my House noticed me and turned dark glares in my direction.

“Ignore them.” Emlyn said as we stepped up into our own group.

“Hard to ignore all of them.” I waved my hand and made a platform of ice for my group to step on. “Let’s get going.”

“Ard.” Emlyn put a hand on my shoulder.

“It’s fine. I’m feeling impatient anyway.” Lifting up the platform, I got our group moving only to see a few other Aldis platforms take to the air behind me. Then an absolutely giant platform lifted up and transformed into a small castle of ice in the air as it rapidly caught up and swallowed the other platforms.

I glared at my grandfather who only smiled as he caught up to me and landed my platform on a terrace to the side.

At least it was a private terrace.

Hecate appeared behind us from a set of stairs. “Your mother and grandfather would like to invite you to be with the rest of the house.”

“No thank you.” I waved her away, yet she didn’t move.

“The Ard that I’ve met so far, and gotten to know, values family quite heavily. Unless a few months of people being upset with you will make you shed your family entirely.” She smiled lightly toward me.

“I’m just going to restrict the time I’m with everyone to the bare minimum until this passes.” I promised. “When we get there, I’ll sit with everyone else.”

“Wonderful.” Hecate dipped her head and went back down the stairs.

“This will pass.” Sienna promised me, even though she had no control of it.

“Send me letters if people cause you trouble while I’m gone.” My grandfather’s palace of ice landed on top of The Enclave’s giant square rooftop, sending a few anchors scattering to get out of the way.

The Enclave was one giant square, with nine visible squares from the top.

Each of the outside squares represented one of the elements that a mage could control. The center was a massive park with a clock tower that always had water pouring out of it in one corner.

That water ran through the center of the park in a small river before draining into the ground.

My grandfather had chosen to land on the roof of the square that represented the ice element of the fox sphere. It was likely purposeful, since House Aldis specialized in ice magic.

There was a thin layer of ice on the rooftop and piles of snow down in the park.

I couldn’t help but rethink the central square.

It had always been open and I had accepted it as a park. Yet with the infinite water running through it, I wondered if it represented something else. Water was an element I could in theory touch with soul magic. Or at least magic beyond the spheres.

Was the clock tower and the river a statement? To say in the midst of all the magic we had with spheres there was more to magic?

My thoughts were shattered as a giant phoenix of fire soared through the air.

“Is that how big a phoenix really is?” I asked Aurelia, pointing at the one flying here.

“There’s only one entry in the bestiary, and it was described as making a mountain look small.” Aurelia nodded towards where her family made their entrance and the giant bird of fire landed next to the ice palace.

It let out a rush of fire and in its place was House Virel with their three elder mages. Uncle Silver stood in the back, and his eyes shone when I glanced in his direction.

Nope, going to ignore him.

“House Strathmoore.” Sienna pointed as another large house walked in with practically an army of mages. House Graystone floated in on a small castle. “Everyone is showing off.”

“Now, that’s impressive.” I pointed to the castle.

“To each their own.” Aurelia crossed her arms. “I think the phoenix was the best.”

“You’ll soon be an Aldis. Perhaps you think the ice castle was nice?” Maribelle needled her.

House Trevis came soaring in on dozens of flying beasts made of lightning before crashing down on the other side of House Aldis.

“Lines are being drawn.” I realized.

Brighthaven came in on floating shields of light, like they were escorting the even larger group behind them.

The king rode a massive throne of light. Each of the mages of his family were lined up like they were carrying the throne on a palanquin.

Carmilla rode at her father’s right side, staring out over the square with a smug smile on her face.

Rather than land on the roof, the Royal family floated their gaudy light magic forms over the center of the square.

“He’s not going to do it. No way.” Sienna gasped.

“What?” I turned.

“The Elders are the ones that start the trial.” Sienna sounded angry.

One look at my grandfather’s face showed that he was livid. Yet glancing over at the Virels, the old woman just leaned on her cane with an impassive face.

“Everyone!” The king stood, throwing his arms out and his voice magically amplified not just over the Enclave, but the city as a whole. “Today we seek to fill an empty seat of the Heldrin Enclave. The elders lead the Enclave and thus the mages of our kingdom. Today is a momentous day as one of the Royal Family takes her seat.”

I choked on my own snort at his words. It was like he was already declaring the seat hers.

“Now! Today Carmilla Thyrendor, my wonderful daughter who is most favored, will descend and defend the clocktower from all who dare step up. This fight is for the leadership of one of the most powerful organizations in our Kingdom. Punches will not be pulled for participants who will be going all out. Please, for everyone’s sake, do not enter rashly.”

“Well, I hope he doesn’t mind if Carmilla gets hurt.” I muttered to my group. “Let’s go down and be with the rest of my family.”


Matthew Frasier

Ok I liked this series I really did. I'm getting to the point of not caring anymore. Way to much political hovering and no one dealing with the royals. Screw the war at this point. The country would be better off without the royals in charge. Just kill them an move on already. The damn princess should have died many times over by now and I'm about done with this series honestly.

DJ Johnson

Soooo the king can do whatever he wants and brake rules? What kind of bullshit politics is this? I though the royals, nobles and the commoner factions keep each other in check but here you showing that isn't how it is.... Kinda kills the hype. Also I thought Ard's grandfather was smarter then this. Chaos is in the kingdom no matter if Camellia dies or not, nothing will change the power plays that's going to happen because Camellia is too ambitious.