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Sketch number 3 won the pull on all platforms, and it's time to choose the characters. They can't be Astra+Fina or Jill+Sam, but there are other fun options.

I haven't include variant Jenna and Juliette, because I think number 4 will work for them a lot better in the future. I also think in the future Alice+Astra scene Alice should be working on Astra's ass ^^

Characters are listed from the left to right.



Shane there's no Jill and Samantha

A Name Apart

Agnieszka for the win!


Honesly.... Astra with Jill when Eric doesnt have time that night.


All of these choices need to happen. 😂


oh man i would so love if the astra and agnieszka pairing wins out. that sounds amazing


I wish I cud put all my points in Sister Elizabeth and Jenna


No love for Diana... oh well, maybe we'll get a different scene with Diana + Boob Bandit in the future


I think if anything, the excitement for just about all the options coming from so many, goes to show the desire for (likely due to the lack of) girl/girl action.


Since "Jill and Carla" is clearly going to win, let's toss out some ideas for scenarios. The idea which immediately comes to mind is that this could be how Jill pays her bar tab. Since Jill is drinking in the tavern everyday, that would make it a repeatable event. On the same day every week, Jill "pays her tab".


Uh, why no Fina+Astra or Jill+Sam?


Then I guess Jill should pay her bar tab more than once a week.


He said so. "I'm not listing what characters can be on these sketches this time. Feel free to leave suggestions in the comments. But keep in mind that it can't be Sam+Jill or Fina+Astra. And girls only ^^"


While Astra X Agnieszka remains but a dream, I take heart that we reached third place and will continue my crusade to make it happen.


with the combined results here, on boosty and substar, number 1 won :)


i could hardly remember who Diana was, she's kinda out of the way in the current game so i havent really unlocked any scenes for her yet