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Warlock and boobs v0.351

Version 0.351 with RTP .


WaB Guide 0.344.0.3 by Harmless Arachnid

The saves from the previous version will work.

Thanks to the people who helped with this update: 

Anonymous – english text fixes

Criss — Sister Elizabeth’ cleavagefuck pixel sprite, fixes of the sprites 

I can't really post many screenshots here, in the public post, since they are very NSFW

What is new:

Nipplefuck quest now can be finished. Talk to Sandra during the tea party, after fucking Velena in the nipple. (you may need to talk to her several times, her dialogue is randomized). More spoilers are in the attached file.

If you don’t have the quest started, you can start it by chatting with Carla (relationship 25 or higher, Jill is in town, not a Friday)

New miniboss enemy. More spoilers are in the attached file.

Agnieszka’s cumflation. Krowly now can cumflate Agnnieszka with your sperm. Drink “big load” potion, and fuck her. She will get big inflated belly that stays on for 3 days, or forever if you activate a special cheat in the cheat room. 

New scenes:

  • Naked Agnieszka. Her house at Wednesday morning. 
  • Topless Sandra. During the tea party.
  • Spa manager fucks Krowly. During the quest and the repeatable variant via flirt menu.
  • Krowly nipplefucks Carla. After completing new quest, via flirt menu.
  • Mini scene during the quest. Repeatable.

Updated scenes:

  • Jenna ridding Eric now has Erica’s variants with boobs, longer hair, big and huge lips
  • Agnieszka’s sex scene got inflation option
  • When you look on Jill’s butt in the tavern, if it’s a morning and if it’s raining then she will have no panties on.

New pictures:

  • Carla’s nipplefuck + 7 variants and small see-through picture of Krowly’s dick in Carla’s nipple
  • Spa manager fucks Krowly +3 variants
  • Agnieszka’s naked and cumflated variants. 8 variants total
  • cumflated variants of Agnieszka’s scenes. 3 variants
  • Sandra topless.
  • Illustration for mini scene during the quest

Updated pictures:

  • Jill’s naked butt

Small things:

  • Protective circle and concentration can be used outside the battle, as a preparation. Circle stays on till you move, concentration – 30 steps
  • New naked statues in the dungeons
  • English text fixes by anonymous
  • Sister Elizabeth’ cleavagefuck pixel sprite, fixes of the sprites by Criss

UPD: I have uploaded a hotfix 0.351.0.1, it fixes the new quest not working on the old saves




Grandma A update woooooooooooooooooo


Так, так, таааак...


Hmm... a part of dialogue with Spa manager is missing, I will add it in the hotfix soon


Неплохо неплохо, ещё один квест. С нетерпением жду продолжение квеста на увеличение лаборатории.


"У довольным мурчание эльфийка проникает в ваш задний проход..."


Если утром в среду будет идти дождь, то в доме Агнешки будут две Агнешки.


The only thing missing is the translation into Spanish 😍🤤🤤


Так. Я трахнул сосок Велены, поговорил с Сандрой и Кроули сказал, что нужно поговорить с Веленой. Но с Веленой поговорить нельзя, у неё повторяющийся диалог после секса. Я подумал, что может с ней нужно поговорить в следующий визит. Но она опять ничего не говорит.


А у тебя квест начат? Что отображается в меню квестов?


Я сейчас, прошёл в боковой проход у ведьмочек, так меня телепортнуло в подвал, дали 200 опыта и Кроули сказал, про зелье увеличение груди Мелиссы. Как буд-то это было в первый раз.


It looks like there is a problem with the new quest on the old saves, if the quest was already started. I hope to make a fix soon.


I have uploaded a hotfix, it fixes the new quest not working on the old saves


В сцене с грудастой эльфийкой, когда ей проигрываешь, написано, что её груди начинают источать молоко. Но на иллюстрации этого нет, непорядок:(


А как запустить квест Элизабет Дарквуд?


В субботу, если отношение с Элизабет Дарквуд больше 11 и квест "Futa music" завершен нужно поговоритьс Карлой или Менеджером спа


Вот добавлю молоко, и скажут, что на сперму похоже :(


А как попасть в комнату чаепития если я уже выполнил этот кв?


Каждую среду днем можно присоединиться к Мелиссе и отправиться на чайную вечеринку


how do you get back to the tea room i ask Melissa on wednesday but she says there's nothing to talk about (unless i'm doing it worng i can't actualy remember how you repeate it) Sorry


Boobsgames, can I ask you to add Krowly a new costume, please?🙏 In most scenes, Krowly is either naked or in a jumpsuit, i.e. the presence of underwear on him does not affect anything. Honestly, I've been tired of running in the same suit for so many years. I want to put something sexier on Krowly than a work jumpsuit, but not as revealing as underwear. I remember there was an idea to give him a maid costume to work in a tavern. Or maybe some alchemist's costume, a wizard's mantle. At least something new.


The game is gigantic. There are already quite a few quests in it. There are more than 250 scenes in it already, I lost count when I tried to count.🤯 The passage takes more than 10 hours. But so far Krowly has only 2 suits.


Что-то у меня не получается затриггерить квест с нипельфаком Карлы. Сандра ничего про это не говорит, кроме как что ей представление понравилось. Раз 15 уже пробовал. И не могу понять как менеджера на фак тоже затриггерить :(


С менеджером просто пофлиртуй, если Фину уже спас. Если еще нет, то по ходу квеста откроется возможность. По поводу ниплафака. Ты версию с фиксом скачал? У меня до фикса тоже такое было, на старом сохранении. А квест в списке есть, т.е. ты уже Карлу трахал в сосок без заклинания? Нужно её трахнуть, условия не помню, проверь в посте с обновлением когда эта сцена появилась.


Yeah I'm stuck at finding the hidden path. I don't have eye of the beholder and Iss is refusing to help me lmao


Well, that means that you ether need to learn "eye of beholder" or to improve relationship with Iss. The spell can be learn by studying books in Melissa’s tower. (same looking book as in Krowly’s bedroom). After doing it 5 times Krowly will learn the spell.


Как попасть на чаепитие ваще? если я там уже был давно по другому квесту


Приветствую! Во-первых, хотел поблагодарить за очередное обновление которое несмотря на окружающие нас события вышло в срок и выразить надежду, что мы и дальше сможем продолжить наблюдать за развитием твоего проекта! Также хотел узнать есть ли в планах дальнейшая локализация (перевод) проекта, в частности по критичности интересует раздел квестов, а также боевых навыков и кулинарии. Думаю для новых пользователей, которые как я вижу нет-нет, но пишут в комментах, не всегда понимают куда идти и что делать, а также какие заклинания лучше использовать для тех или иных врагов в боях! Заранее благодарю за ответ и желаю творческих успехов и крепкого здоровья!


How do you access the cheat room?


Я хочу выразить огромную благодарность за твой труд и энтузиазм, чувствующийся в проекте. И это очень вдохновляет, спасибо тебе большое) И есть ещё вопрос, была одна сцена утренняя с Элис, которой очень нуждается в визуальном дополнении, мы её увидим как-нибудь или есть другие планы на ближайшее будущее?)


how do i get to sandra?


I just finished playing the new version, for reasons of time I couldn't do it sooner, however a beautiful job as always, and I have some suggestions :D 1. I love some hidden scenes, and wanto more, for example, I could put the "accident" one while you massage Astra's butt or the last one with the boss and I would like you to add more scenes like that, I like that, it feels like hitting a wall in Elder Ring and discovering what's there a secret room, only instead of being a room, it is an illustration that you make and that we have to discover :P these do not have to be specified in the post or marked as "spoilers" 2. I see again people who say that it is difficult to navigate the game, and and personally I don't find it that difficult, but I don't think it is because of the mission book or the use of many variables, but that many scenes are spread out and are not part of a mission as such and it seems to me that they need "a hand", in this case, I came up with an idea and I don't know how difficult it is,what about if the eye that is in the basement, that currently we use it to recharge mana and unless you are going to use it for things in the future , I thought that it could serve to be a kind of guide in the new content, something where the player (Krowly) can ask him and that he will give him little advice, for example, say something like "I have a feeling that the Spa manager wants to talk to you" or "you should visit the Spa manager" something that gives him clues that the player need to do or what he should do, so that he is not resorting to the cheat room a lot, to see the scene. 3. Another way that occurs to me to help and that I don't know if it would be difficult, would be to create a kind of gallery, it could even be a map where each scene is represented with a torch and that the ones that have been seen are turned on and the ones that not turned off and that those that are turned off give you an indication of what to do or how to get them. I'm not referring to the cheat room, because in that one you go straight to the scene. 4. As always you are great and I really like your style, I have a lot of to learn from you and please don't stop drawing :3 P.S. :3 more Jaina scenes, if you can ty :P


1. Occasionally we might be getting scenes like this, but not very often. I want to be able to post my drawing an it doesn't often leaves the room for surprise. 2, 3. I will be working on improving the quests and making them as less confusing as I can, but there is no such goal as showing every scene to every player. I don't want the game to be a set of checkmarks. It also kinda conflicting with what you were suggesting in the number 1 :) 4. Thank you!