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Here is the variant of blacksmith elf illustration where she's biting her lip, which somebody requested, as well as some other expressions :) I have decided that her name will be Rayna. It's the name of a valkyrie in the book I liked when I was younger.

I'm working on the adding new scenes in game so there won't be new illustrations for some time.

I made a couple of pixel animations for Rayna to make her actually work in the smithy and not just walking around. Similar to Kestia in the orc camp Krowly will be able to help her in the smithy. For now he will be getting only gold for this, but in the future we may get other rewards ;)

She will be also buying futa elf sperm, similar to how Leaf buys fairy dust, to use it for metal hardening. I think it will be funny :) 




Excited!!! I will sell her some... Bottles. Nice job mate.


That is a nice looking smithy, and it sounds like she makes some interesting tools.


Awesome! Best New character in a long time


she buys bottles of cum for... metal hardening! yeah, definitely just metal hardening...


Metal isn't the only thing that Futa Sperm makes hard.


По-моему, она не должна испытывать нехватку в эльфийской сперме. Ну в смысле... Разве орочья или минотаврья не было бы более логичными в качестве более редкого для ЭЛЬФИЙСКОГО кузнеца ингридиента?


На этот вопрос Кроули я уже придумал обьяснение которое она даст :) Другая сперма тоже будет, возможно более редкую она будет покупать дороже. Фута орчих в игре пока нет, сперма минотавров есть, но у нее нет источника, кроме как покупать у Мейбл


That's a cool name BG 👍 and Im happy to hear that krowly can work with her.


10/10 damn i cant wait for her to be in the game. She is so hot!!!


Excellent, truly a work of art 🖼




every time you release a new image of her i like her more tbh... she and fina could double team me any day. ;)


A rope and a whip in the bedroom? Oh my, oh my...


Can't wait to see what kind of scenes you do with this beautiful buff elven goddess


Was wondering what kind of kinks you are going to do with her

Hank the Bobcat

Oh man, is the going to be in the next update? I am really excited about this!


Love her already!


will she create items for Krowly since she is a blacksmith , and sorry if this is a dumb question

Arsalan M. Waziri

THAT LIP 💋!! Sandra was talking about dressing up as her...with her Horadric Malus. Tonight's gonna be fun lol !! We love the pics too!!


Yes, she will be in the next update, but it may take time till she will get sex scenes :)


I don't think game needs armor/weapons for Krowly, but she mey be used in some quest related tasks


Is she already in the game or is she coming for the upcomings updates?


In the next update she will replace that elven milf in the tent in the elven camp :)