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Well, this is a ghost crab that I originally planned to complete around Halloween time. I thought it would be cute to draw costumed small crab 👀  

Since the end of the year is coming soon, I thought about small party hats and a festive atmosphere.  I may draw it that way, or not. Because the crab itself is perfect.

 I heard that in English-native countries they are nicknamed ghost crabs because they are mainly active at night. In Korea, they are called 'jingling crabs' (달랑게) , which comes from the fact that they walk around with their claws dangling. Isn’t it a very cute name?

Ghost crab, master of dancing 

The editing with sound from the beginning to 40 seconds of this video is so fun. The interview in the second half is an expert's opinion that their population is rapidly decreasing due to coastal development. I heard that ghost crabs not only in Korea but also around the world are in the same situation 😣

They live on coasts all over the world, and coastal holes are their homes. They can run at very high speeds.

Nature: Ghost crabs 

Their eyes are really stylish.

Crab size is so cute too . Measuring up to 3 inches (2-5 cm).

Ignore the blue line crabs. As some of you may have noticed in the time lapse video, I have a pen pressure issue. I dropped my Apple Pencil a few times and I think that's probably why 🥹.....

These three are the ghost crab's biggest extroverted characteristics. I drew with this in mind.

Fiddler crabs are their relatives, and I would like to draw them too in the future.

Thank you!



So cute so cute!!


This is interesting. I realise I saw ghost crabs while backpacking around Australia years ago. I was fascinated by the neat balls of sand they dropped as they fed!


Oh, yes, I also saw a video of them eating. I'm jealous that you got to see them in real nature. It's so cute that they make a bunch of little sand dumplings.