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EDIT: Added a new final version with a less claustrophobic crop and (slightly) more detailed setting, among other minor changes.

[Description in main post]

TIMELAPSE VIDEO: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/m6z3lpax6e8ypo0wlrxlq/linda-25jul23-t30s.mp4?rlkey=0vv3fnfotq29erry746uext5l&dl=0

(Good news! I've got a timelapse feature on iPad. But timelapse videos may still be partial if split between iPad and Desktop, such as this one which was completed on desktop... but vast majority was on iPad!).



Viro Veteruscy

Time-lapses seem to be restricted now without permission


I honestly can't figure out why this is happening... recent-ish update caused this, but my settings show anyone with link can view. If I can't solve this "verify your identity" popup thing I'll have to find a new solution for file-sharing. Ugh.