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Giraffe mom all dressed up as Krystal for a videogame convention! 

I originally wanted this to have a bright daytime convention-like background, but after doing some lighting effects meant for a darker background, I unintentionally made this image committed to having a dark background...

But that said, this is a kind of "prequel" for another image coming soon! I plan on completing an image where GM will wear this outfit again, in a brightly-lit convention center, and giving a fan the "ultimate autograph"... right in front of everyone. Y-you'll see.

More to come on this subject! I think seeing GM cosplaying as Krystal is a lot of fun. As for the alt from the sketch-phase, I do have plans on doing that too, but for the sake of time I finished the base image now and will work on the alt later... the alt requires a substantial amount of redrawing, you see... 😅




She looks fantastic!! and whoever gets the ultimate autograph from this gal must be the luckiest person at the con 💦


I think this background works well, gives the feel that she's on some stage/set for taking nice clean cosplay photographs. :3

Cosmos Arts

oh my god she looks amazing! she would be the start at a convention (like comic-con) if she went there whit her kids matching cosplays


Oh I like this take! I was just sitting here thinking of the logistical reasons the dark background happened, but it rather goes with her deliberate posing as well. But the next image will be more based on the environment, hehe.


Thanks! And yup my headcanon is that her kids have something to do with the cosplay, heh.