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--AN) made some errors now is fixed --

In a large bath, fifteen girls, plus Tomoya, were all soaking in the hot, steamy water. “I can never get tired of this. But… is it really necessary for Remmi and Yue to glare at each other like that?” Kaori asked as she looked at the slime girl and vampire fighting over Tomoya’s lap.

“Well, when it’s just Yue, she always sits in Tomo’s lap unless she gives up her spot, but now Remmi seems to be taking up Yue’s spot, which she is not used to. What’s funny is how hard it is for Yue to win against Remmi.” Shea replied. “Yue has a thing for smaller cute girls. So Remmi is her weakness, and since Remmi is not willing to give in easily, Yue will have to fight her wanting to cuddle Remmi to her position in Tomo’s lap.”

“It is quite the sight. It makes for good entertainment. But is it just me, or are both girl’s faces turning red?” Tio had noticed the slow change in the girl’s expressions.

“Tomo is doing something.” Kaori pursed her lips, then suddenly felt something tickling her down below. She looked up to catch Tomoya’s grinning gaze.  “Tomo! What is this!?”

“Hehe…. You can thank Remmi for my new body. It’s a slime body, which means….” Tomoya grinned, and then the sounds of girls crying out in surprise filled the air. “I can pleasure each one of you and fill each one of you with my seed.”

Each girl sat there as they felt something thick yet familiar entering their pussy. Tomoya had turned her hands into tentacles that stretched out through the bath with a replica of her click on the end of it. 

Shuna, who was sitting next to Tomoya, couldn’t help but say under labored breaths: “Shion will get jealous when she hears about this….”

“She already knows I would be taking you by yourself. After the war. We did it again after you passed out last time.” Tomoya explained.

“Oh… Then all is well…. Ah~!” Shuna moaned softly as she felt Tomoya pushed deep into her pussy. All the girls were slowly moving close to Tomoya while Tomoya used her new skill to the max. Each girl had been feeling lonely since they got pregnant, so this was a much-needed stress relief and confirmation that Tomoya had not forgotten about them. It was also a nice surprise since this meant that Tomoya could do them all at once from now on. 

As the girls crowded around Tomoya, they began making their own little groups. Suzu jumped on Haurna while Yuka was already making out with Aiko. Shea and Tio teamed up on Kaori, while Remia and Gina teamed up on Noint. Shizuku while only being teased was gently kissing Liliana’s neck while massaging her perky mounds. 

Yue and Remmi where now kissing one another while Tomoya watched on with a bright smile. Just seeing her girls all feeling good and loving each other was good enough. She turned her head to see Shuna looking at her and smiled. She leaned over and began kissing the horny oni.

Luckily, Myu was asleep, or she would have witnessed something she should never have witnessed. The bath had a low-lying god rolling over the water as the moans filled the air. Tomoya was reaching her limit with all the stimulation. It was fifteen times greater than normal. She soon released her yuri milk in each girl filling or spraying on their waiting pussies with as much as she could before finally slipping out of them and returning her hands back to normal. 

With her wives all out of breath and half lying in the water, Tomoya got to work pulling them each out and drying them off. Liliana had pursed lips as she rubbed her stomach while Tomoya was drying her hair. She seemed jealous that the others were already pregnant. Tomoya sighed as she said: “Your time will come. I promise.” 

“Mmm… I know. I can wait. Just slightly jealous, is all. I know you love me. I know you love us all and think only for our well-being.” Liliana forced a smile. But Tomoya knew she was feeling down. She wrapped the girl in a hug and kissed her cheek. “I promise I will turn you into a baby factory in a year, okay?”

“Okay.” Liliana nodded and hugged Tomoya back. She felt her heart growing very warm. Although she had no idea what she had gotten herself into since in a year’s time, she would be begging for a break.

Although her wives were all satisfied, Gina, Remmi, and Shuna were not going to be given a break. After they were dried off, they were taken to the special space Tomoya created, where she planned to keep pumping them full of her Yuri milk until they were all pregnant. She felt it was fine for these three to get pregnant now since they could have the babies before any of the other major events happened in the story. 

Rome was not built in a day, after all, and the city would take a while to build up. With everyone working together, Tomoya figured it would be around half a year until it was fully functional when Milim appeared. And even then, things would be safe for a while within the city. So, she was not too worried about them giving birth safely.



Thanks for the chappie!


Thank you for the chapter! Not that it really matters but Remia got pregnant already on her first night (with Gina). Also, a question on Shizuku's status, was she receiving as well? The last we heard, she still wasn't quite comfortable with the idea of having sex yet so she was still waiting.


no she is not there yet but she did participate in the grouping of liliana :p this was why I had her with liliana. i will make it more clear. and the remia thing was a mistake I never noted she got pregnant in my list. thanks. I will change what is needed later today