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“Yuki, do not forget to make sure her foundation is solid as well.” Delia reminded. She did not want Yuki to rush Chi and have her forget about building the girl’s foundation.

“I know. Currently, Chi is still in the body fortification realm, so I will first need to help her get to the fate start realm.” Yuki replied.

“Not fate star, you want her to get to the qi gathering realm instead. Since she is still in the body fortification stage, she can start directly on the correct cultivation path. If you do not mind her going demonic cultivation, I can give her a proper cultivation manual. To help her. Once she races the ninth stage of qi gathering and breaks through to the qi condensation realm, she can start dual cultivation.” Delia explained.

“Ah! I see….” Yuki was now remembering that the true cultivation path was much more like the books she had read about. It was just that someone had changed the path at some point for some strange reason. “I wonder why everyone moved to a different cultivation path….”

“I am not sure it appeared a few thousand years ago. And for some reason the old cultivation methods and techniques were wiped out. I spent most of my time cultivating alone, so I never had an issue since I already had everything I needed, but the old path at some point disappeared and was replaced with this much weaker path.” Delia could only sigh while, yes, it seemed the current method of cultivation was strong, but that was only when you compare it to the lower levels of the path. But when comparing the old and new, the old path is much stronger.

“Then we will have Chi cultivate the old path. But that also makes me wonder why the old path disappeared. Who made it disappear?” Yuki really wanted to figure this out.

“I want to know as well. After spending so many years uncovering ancient texts, the idea of some huge conspiracy to change the way we cultivate really is hard to pass up.”  Selene was having trouble hiding her excitement.

“We will just add it to our to-do list. We still need to finish training our magi qi. Once we learn that, we will be able to wield even greater power without the need for techniques.” Yuki was determined to figure out how to truly make use of spiritual qi. 

“Looks like we will be doing a lot of training before we all breakthrough.” Nana was excited but also a little nervous. “Umm… what should we do if one of us accidentally ascends before the others?”

“Don’t worry about that.” Delia cut in. “If anyone ascends before the other, I will go to the immortal realm with you. This way we can set up a small base while we wait for the others. I can also keep you safe since I have seen some people who will try to camp at the ascension points. What happens to those taken after they ascend is unknown though. But last I know, they set up a guard station at each ascension point.”

“Ascension points?” Silvia and Yuki asked at the same time.

“When you ascend you will end up at one of the five points. Each point is in a different location. And they are all near a town. Normally, these towns have lower cultivation so it is safe. Well… should be. I haven’t been there in a while.” Delia explained.

“I see… Well, hopefully, nothing bad happens. But that also means we can end up in random places as well when we ascend. How are we going to deal with that?” Yuki asked.

“Ah! Umm…” Delia suddenly felt stupid. “Don’t worry, I will make sure it doesn’t happen. When everyone gets close to ascension, I will make some plans of my own on the other side. I can go back and forth easily, so it shouldn’t be a problem.”

“Then we will leave that problem to you.” Yuki smiled. But she felt things would not be simple even if Delia made plans.

The girls chatted for a while longer before they decided to get some rest. Only Yuki stayed by Chi’s side. She did not want Chi to find herself alone when she woke up. As the night slowly passed by, Chi, who had been asleep this entire time, suddenly stirred and began to whimper. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Please don’t hurt me! Mom! Dad! Yuki! Help!” 

“Chi!” Yuki hugged the poor fox girl, who seemed to be having a nightmare and gently stroked the top of her head. “Chi, it’s okay. I am here. I am here. You are safe now.”

“I’m sorry… I’m sorry. Please don’t hit me anymore!” Chi cried out as her eyes shot open. She was shocked to feel herself in someone’s warm embrace. She was about to try to fight them off, but when she caught the scent of the person hugging her, her eyes began to well up with tears. “Yu…. Yu… Yuki? Am…. Am I dead? Am I finally dead?”

“No silly… I am alive and well, and so are you now…..”



Thanks for the chapter!


Yay happy foxes 🦊