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“Run! Run! Run!” Shizuku yelled out. Miyumi was right behind her. Mei was leading the charge. The trio were currently on the fourth level of the dungeon. 

“Why the hell are ‘they’ down here!? I thought we were in a different world!” Miyumi cried out. Her labored breaths showed just how tired she was.

“I have no idea! But those things…. Hell no! If I wasn’t out of blood, I would destroy this entire dungeon! I just don’t get why there are so many after killing so many!” Shizuku felt her skin crawl just thinking about them, but now she was being chased by dog-sized versions of them.

“Why are you so scared of coc….” Mei was confused as to why the two girls were so scared, but she could not even say the name of the monster before being yelled at.

“Don’t say it! Don’t ever say their name!” Shizuku cried out. A little while later, there were once more on the third floor. Luckily, they all stopped at the entrance of the fourth floor. “Safe!”

“Hah! Hah!  I can’t breathe. What was that? Why were there so many!?” Miyumi fell to the ground and lay on her back. She was so tired she just wanted to sleep.

“I have no idea, but I am all done with this place. I am fine with all bugs except those things. I used up ninety percent of my blood and then some since I used what I had in my staff as well and still could not kill them all. Or more like they just kept coming!”  Shizuku sat down and let out a sigh of relief. She could have just reused the blood she had sent out, but because of the kind of enemy it was, she refused to touch it!

“Master, why are you so scared of those monsters? They appeared from time to time in the slave tents as well.” Mei was really confused. Those kinds of monsters were not all that harmful and were easily killed.

“Mei, you do not know that one or two are harmless, but if you see even one, that means you already are infested with them. They will just keep coming back and then they will keep reproducing and reproducing until they are crawling over everything. Your food, your walls, your toilets. Just thinking about it makes me shiver.” Shizuku explained.

“I see…” Mei still did not get it. She decided to leave it alone. She knew she would not understand even if they did explain it more to her.

“Anyway, we have been down in the dungeon for almost two days. Let’s clean up and eat, then head out.” Since they were in a boss room, they were safe. This dungeon had a boss on every floor. However, they did not get many good drops. Mei got a new chest armor, and Miyumi got shin guards, while Shizuku got nothing. If they went deeper, they might get more, but since the fourth floor had those things, that was a no-go. Other than that, they only got a few things to sell for money.

Shizuku and the girls cleaned up and had their meals before washing up again, thanks to Shizuku wanting to have her meal in a more sensitive spot. She said it was for stress relief. After they washed up once more, they left the dungeon, but what they did not expect was Lishia standing outside the dungeon as if keeping guard.

“Welcome back!” Lishia had a big smile on her face when she saw the girls. “I really want to ask where you guys went, but I will save it for later. Instead, I will ask, how did you make out?” 

“Don’t ask…. Who allowed such creepy disgusting things to infest the fourth floor?” Shizuku replied with a pout. She really hoped she never came upon such a dungeon again. 

“Ah…. Yeah… the fourth floor.” Even Lishia seemed to shiver when the fourth floor was mentioned. “You really need people good at dealing with those things, and they come in the thousands too, so you need a lot of area of effect damage, or else it's a hopeless floor. And if you do not kill fast enough, they will spawn more and more and more and more….” 

“Lishia, it’s okay. I did not mean to bring back any trauma….” Shizuku gently patted Lishia’s shoulder. Shizuku understood her pain.

“Thanks…” Lishia let out a long sigh. “So we already finished up. If you girls are good, we can leave now and begin our journey. If we are lucky, we can make it to the nearest town and get a room. Would be nice to have a hot bath.”

“A hot bath does sound nice.” While they could wash up, it was not hot. It was just cold water and wiping their bodies. So Shizuku was all for a hot bath at this time. “We can go whenever you are ready.”

“Then let’s head out now.” LIshia smiled and stood up. She looked at her companion and felt a little sorry. “I know the trip was cut short, but we are not getting much done here. Let’s head to Fallen territory it should be better.”

“Okay.” The girl smiled and nodded. Her green hair swayed just enough to expose two brown horns that were hidden in her hair. 

“Hmmm?” Shizuku noticed the girl quickly adjusting her hair to cover her horns. It seemed Lishia was already helping a Fallen from another race. Shizuku was not curious as to which race she was.



Thank you for the chapter! Poor roaches... no one ever appreciates them. Except for people like me that raise reptiles and amphibians. I have several colonies to feed my lizards, turtles, and frogs.

Kill.Me = Killian Merphy

We do not speak of the "G"... To speak of them is akin to summoning them... While there are some do/don't care about them... I've lived in a barracks that were infested with them while overseas... and it is completely an other worldly experience when you put on your boots and feel something wiggling and wriggling around before watching as it crawls out from between your laces...


Thanks for the chappie!