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The next morning, Liliana was passed out on the bed as Tomoya got dressed and made her way out to the room. She did not want to wake the girl since she had just fallen asleep no more than three hours ago. As she made her way downstairs, she saw a blue object bouncing towards her. “Tomo, save me!” 

Tomoya chuckled as she caught Remmi in her arms to see Shea not too far behind. “Remmi, it was my turn to squishy squishy!”

“Shea, what is going on?” Tomoya asked.

“We were all taking turns squishy Remmi since it’s addicting when she ran away.” Shea blushed as she put her hands behind her back and used her foot to twirl circles on the floor.

“I see. So, in other words, you were harassing her. You need to ask Remmi if you can touch her before just doing it. It’s not fair to Remmi if you go and start pulling on her just because she is a slime. What would you do if I started pulling on your cheeks as far as they could go?” Tomoya’s sound argument left no words for Shea. Even the girls who were hiding behind the corner all began to realize they were in the wrong. “The same goes for you too, Yue, Shizuku, Kaori.”

“We are sorry!” The girls came out from hiding and bowed. 

“It-It’s fine.” Remmi let out a sigh of relief. She was glad Tomoya came when she did.

“Now then…. Remmi, we should head back. We will come back later tonight.” Tomoya did not want to make the people of Remmi’s world worry, so this was the best option.

“What about Gina?” Remmi asked out of concern. She had not seen her since last night.

“She is still passed out. She mumbled something about sleeping on the cloud and eating clouds. I had to take the pillow away she was chewing on so she wouldn’t eat it.” Kaori explained.

“Thanks for looking after her, Kaori. Tell her I will come by later After I break free from the things in the village.” Tomoya Gave Kaori a kiss before telling her to get everyone who was awake so she could say goodbye. Tomoya did not care if she had hundreds of wives; as long as they were her wives, she would do her best to always give them a kiss goodbye to prove that she did not forget them.

After giving everyone a kiss goodbye, Tomoya left Liliana n Yue’s hands since Kaori was busy with Gina, before heading back to the village. When they appeared back in their tent, Tomoya sat on the straw bed and asked: “So? What  did you think?”

“It was nice. Everyone was kind and welcomed me warmly. Well, maybe a little too warmly. But they were very kind, and all of them seemed very happy.” Remmi could tell. Each of the girls in Tomoya’s harem was very happy. 

“That is because my wives love one another as family as well. I do not like contests between wives. I do not give my favor to just one of them but all of them as equally as possible. Tonight, I will bring Gina into the fold. So you will be there too.” Tomoya wanted Remmi to get used to the whole having sex thing.

“Do I need to be?” Remmi was not not curious it was just embarrassing.

“Yes. Because you need to be ready for your future, I am your destined one, after all.” Tomoya grinned and rubbed the top of Remmi’s head. 

Remmi could only sigh in her mind and ask her skill what she should do, but the answer she got: “Get an eye full and use it as a reference for later.” was not the answer she was expecting. Remmi was starting to think her skill was working for Tomoya and not her.

Afternoon came, and Tomoya went back to Eden to see Gina, who had just woken up. “YOu slept well.” 

“Mmm…. It was amazing. I have never slept in such a soft bed. I couldn’t help but want to stay wrapped in my blanket.” Gina replied; her hair was all over the place, but she did not care.

“Come here. I will brush your hair.” Tomoya sat on the bed and waved the elf girl over. She crawled over and into Tomoya’s lap and let Tomoya do her thing. “Tonight, Remmi will be in the room with us. Are you okay with that?”

“It’s fine. I know I will end up in a whole group at some point, so I can think of it as getting used to things.” Gina leaned her head back and smiled at Gina. 

Her cute little grin made Tomoya lean down and kiss her lips. “I will make sure you do not forget your first time with me.”

“It will be my first time altogether. So I hope I don’t forget it.” Gina replied with a teasing grin. She then closed her eyes and puckered her lips, asking for another kiss. Tomoya smiled and kissed her once more.


[Gina’s Affection: +40 ]

[Current: 65]

[Affection Status Changed: More Than Willing]

In another section of the house, Liliana was stuck in bed with her legs spread out while Yue massaged her thighs. “Does it feel better?”

“They are still stiff. Is this what it will always be like afterward?” Liliana asked with a pout. She couldn’t even get out of bed to take a bath! It hurt too much!

“You will get used to it. You must have really got Tomo going. Otherwise, she would not have been so rough with you. After a while, your hips will get used to it, and then you will be able to go for a few days straight.” Yue replied.

“A few days….. I don’t think I could ever last that long. By the end of it I was so tired Tomo had to hold me up so that she could finish. I had no energy to even moan….” Liliana was so tired she did not even care that she was saying such embarrassing things.

“Well, you will get used to it. She does the same to all of us.” Yue replied with a sigh. She could tell Tomoya went a little wild. 



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