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The next day, Jasmine had breakfast with her grandparents as per normal. She did not like breaking this routine. They were the only blood-related family members she had left. After chatting with them a bit, Jasmine went back to her apartment with Jackie and Stacey. 

“I think I might quit school….” Jasmine suddenly announced.

“What!? No!” Stacey and Jackie both yelled out at the same time. 

“But… I don’t really need a high school diploma. I mean. What’s the point? The contract alone has already put me in a spot where I can get by for the rest of my life. Both condos are also under my name. I can produce music and make more money. I know it sounds kind of bad, but I believe my future will always be in music. If I need to, at some point, I will get my GED. But until then, there is no need for me to keep going to school to learn things that will never help me.” Jasmine had thought about it all morning. She had no reason to continue going to school. While yes it would make her parent proud, but it would make her parents even more proud for her to follow her dream and succeed. She wanted to throw her entire being into music now.

“Gah! Why do you make such a good point!” Stacey frowned before staring at Jasmine for a moment and finally sighing. “If this is what you want, then I won’t stop you. But are you sure? You graduate in just a few months.”

“Mmm… I will talk to the principal and ask if I can just take the test. This way, I can just study for it in the meantime. My grades are good. So, if he lets me take the test, then I will graduate. If not…. Then forget it. I would rather write music. I want to show the world who I am. I want the world to hear my songs. Hear the meaning behind my words. To allow my music to touch everyone.” Jasmine really wished for people to hear her songs. “I want to basically shut myself in the studio and not come out until I have my first single fully ready. One that can be posted to the world.”

“You are really….” Jackie sighed. She looked at Stacey, who also seemed to be helpless and knew she could only go with Jasmine’s whims. “Do as you said. If the principal lets you, you will then allocate two hours a day for studying. I will get you some tutors. But Jasmine, you will be under our watch. If we say bathe, you bathe. If we say eat, you eat. If we way sleep, you sleep. Got it?” 

“Mmm..” Jasmine smiled brightly, making both girls blush. For Jasmine, to have both of these girls care so much about her, she couldn’t help but feel her heart melt for both of them. “I love you both. Ah~!” Her sweet smile caused Jackie and Stacey both to jump on her and kiss her face over and over. 

After a few minutes of rolling around on the floor, Jasmine walked to the studio, where she fell in love. All kinds of instruments were in front of her.  A full studio with a sound room and everything. Everything she could dream of was now in her gasp. She only needed to reach out to take hold of it.

That day, Jasmine did not go to school. The girls also did not bother her. When they did check on her, Jasmine was already writing in her notebook, working on her song.


Because of you….

I wrote this song.

I strum this guitar.

I sing the words I am now.

Because of you….

I am able to smile when I see you smile.

I do not know what came over me.

I do not know how it came to be.

But as soon as I saw you…..

My heart wouldn’t stop beating…

That was When I realized…. 

That I….

I love you….

I love you~

I love you so much…..

You gave me a reason….. 

A reason to keep going~


To chase after my dreams even more

You make me want to soar through the skies so high igh igh~

Oh Yeah~

I see you.

I want you..

I need you~ 


As Jas sang, at school, Stacey lay sprawled across her desk in a bit of a gloomy mood. “Do you really think Jas will quit?”

“I hope not. My father also knows she has school, so we should go over and talk to him today and see if he can get her to change her mind. I know Jasmine’s dream is to sing, but sometimes life is more important.” Jackie replied.

“But to Jas, music is her life. So life to her is music, us, and her grandparents. She has everything she needs. Your father set her up for life with a single contract. Jasmine is very cheap. She won’t spend money unless she has to. She yelled at her grandmother for cooking too much meat. Well. Not yelled, but got anxious over it. I think she could live off a hundred grand for forty years without ever worrying. Never mind the amount she has now.” Jackie knew Jasmine well. She was a girl who would rather shop at a thrift store than to buy anything at full price.

“Let’s just talk to my father and see what he says. But let’s not mention this to anyone else. Jas should tell her grandparents on her own.” Stacey knew it was not their place to tell them. This was something Jasmine had to do.

“Umm… Stacey, a senior, is here to speak to you.”



Thanks for the chapter!


Thank you for the chapter!