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The person speaking was an old man in his sixties. He had on a black suit, and next to him were two burly men, presumably bodyguards. Jackie looked at the old man and wrinkled her brow. “Why do you want to know? Who are you?”

“Haha! Where are my manners? My name is Kevin McDowell. I run a small music company and was wondering….” Before the man could finish, Jackie raised her hand, interrupting him and causing the old man to frown.

“No thanks. If this person were to sign to a company, it would be my family’s company.” Jackie announced firmly. “At least then they would not need to do unethical things behind closed doors. Am I right, Mr. McDowell?” 

“You… Who are you?” The old man’s smile disappeared and was replaced with a cautious expression.

“You do not need to know. Just know that if you dare to harm anyone around me, I will be sure to have my father end your little facade. I know you heard our conversation since you were not standing too far away. You probably already planned to ask one of us to join your company as a ‘Model’. But in fact, she would be coerced into signing a contract that would require her to do some videos that have nothing to do with modeling. If you do not wish to lose everything you have built up, I would suggest you disappear and never appear in front of us again.” Jackie’s gaze turned cold. Her entire person gave off a different aura. It was as if she had become a major CEO of a company and was looking down on some small time firm trying to take part of her gold.

“I… I see…. Then I will take my leave.” The old man did not even dare to ask anymore. He quickly turned away and began walking as fast as he could. But his expression was enough to scare kids into crying. He was so angry at this moment. Never in his days did he think that even a young girl would look down on him. “When we get back, investigate that girl. If she really is part of some huge conglomerate, we will leave it be. If not, we will force all three of those girls to make videos.”  

“Boss, one of them looks underage.” One of the bodyguards cut in.

“So what!? What do you think makeup is for? Do you know how many girls we have ‘starred’ that are underage? With a little makeup, these girls look eighteen. Just take care of it!” The old man did not care about laws. As long as money was good, he would take it.

After the old man left, Jackie took both Stacey and Jasmine by the hand and dragged them along. They had already gained too much attention. She dragged them to their destination, which was a high-class restaurant in a five-star hotel. “Young Miss.” The host was all smiles, seeing Jackie walk in.

“Is the room ready?” Jackie asked.

“Yes, the private room is read. The chefs are awaiting your orders.” The host replied.

“Thanks. Also, do me a favor….” Jackie took Stacey’s phone and sent the recording to her own phone before handing her phone over to the host. “I want you to send someone out and get this copyrighted right away. Have the lawyers get the paperwork ready and come here for my friend to sign it. This has to be done today.”

“Understood Young Miss. I will get everything done.” The host bowed his head and took the phone. He was someone who always got his tasks done and done quickly. He waved the server over and said a few words before walking away.

“Young Miss this way. I will lead you to your room.” The young woman said with a smile and motioned for the trio to follow.

Stacey pursed her lips and asked: “Was it okay to give him your cell phone?” 

“Yes. He was not the hotel’s host but the general manager of the hotel and is a close friend of my father’s. He will get things done quickly. And….” She turned to Jasmine and pointed her finger at her. “You! I want you to sign with my father’s company.”

“Ummm? But I have not even finished a song yet, nor am I well known….” Jasmine was a bit taken aback. She had never thought of signing with a company. She was planning to start things slowly and make her voice heard.

“Then finish it! It doesn’t matter. I promise we will give you a contract that will basically give you all the freedom you want and then some!” Jackie was a businesswoman at heart! She had been trained every day since she was old enough to walk. She knew a star when she saw one. And her father had thought about entering the entertainment industry.

Stacey’s eyes lit up. She never thought Jackie would suggest such a thing. “Jas, do it. It will be worth it. Jackie is not one to lie. She has always been honest with me about everything.” 

Jasmine chewed her lips for a few seconds before saying. “I would need to see the contract. Such a thing is a major decision. I am not even sure if I am good enou….”

“Stop!” Jackie shut Jasmine up. “Don’t even say stuff like I am not good enough. Do you realize the moment I heard your song, I was dragged into your love?”



Thanks for the chapter!


Thank you for the chapter!