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“How can we trust you!?” The young black man asked. He did not take his gun off me for even a second.

“How did you all come together if there was not any trust? Humankind is not all bad. And I can help you live somewhat ordinary lives again. But you need to first give me that one ounce of trust.” I raised my hands to show I had nothing in them as I stepped forward. The young man kept the gun trained on me the entire time, but I did not flinch in the slightest as I stepped up to the barrier and smiled. “Look at me. I am not even sweating. This should prove I have a method to keep you all safe.”

The young black man was a bit shocked when he finally noticed what I said was true. He slowly lowered his weapon and stepped back. “Tell me, how can you get us out of here? We have two people who are pregnant. And a few elderly.”

“Are there any doctors here?” I asked. If there were girls who were pregnant, then we might be in a pinch if they were to give birth. I am not sure if my mother could handle it.

“No….” The young man shook his head.

I sighed and forced a smile. “My mother is a scientist. She is not a doctor doctor, but she might be able to help when the time comes. I am searching for survivors to bring back to my base. Humanity must not fall.”

The young black man looked at me and then at the people behind him, who ranged from all ages. And knew it must have been hard on them to stay alive all this time. “As long as you can get the women and elderly out we men can stick it out for a while longer.” 

“I can not only get them out but all of you,” I replied with a smile before turning around and leaving a mark on the ground outside the barrier. “I am about to open a portal to the base. I will go through it first and then return here. Once I do, you can all go through it one by one. If you prefer for me to go through it with someone and then bring them back, I can do that, too. This way you can trust that what I am doing is safe.”

“I will go with you.” I could tell the young man was skeptical, but he also seemed to be grasping at straws. I could tell he had a lot of questions, but there was no time. So, I was only going to give them this option.

“Then please come here.” I opened a portal in front of me, causing the group behind me to gasp in surprise. I only smiled at them before looking at the young man. “My name is Ai. What’s yours?”

“Ice. My parents were loyal fans of the rap singer. So they named me after his stage name.” Ice replied while scratching his nose. I guess he felt the need to explain himself. He was around twenty years of age. Decent build and is quite handsome. If I was not gay, I might have gone for him myself. 

“Alright. You can hold my hand if you want while we pass through.” I offered my hand so he could have some security.

“No, it’s fine. I should do this myself.” I nodded and stepped through the portal. When I came out the other side, I turned around to see Ice also right behind me. He looked around at the base and shivered slightly due to the cold air. We were currently on the other side of the base where newcomers would be going. 

“This place is?” Ice asked.

“A base I built. Things will be explained later. For now, we need to get the others here.” I had to rush. I did not want to leave those people hanging. I quickly went through the barrier with Ice. When we arrived the people who were waiting all seemed excited. 

“It’s safe. We can go there and live. But be warned, it is cold. But cold is better than heat.” Ice’s words made almost everyone there start crying. I quickly opened a new portal and let Ice lead the first batch through. I waited until everyone passed through before walking through myself. There was a total of thirty people. This was much more than I had expected in this one spot, but this was also good. 

When I passed through the portal, I saw everyone holding their bodies. “New clothing will be brought over soon. I will say this about this base. There is a drone that will fly these halls. Anyone who causes trouble will be reported immediately. Those who commit serious crimes will be killed without trial. Other than this, the drone will not go into your new rooms. Which will be allocated per person. Families will get two rooms. Once more of the base has been expanded, I will make full apartments for you all. I do not wish to harm anyone. I just want to help humankind survive this bullshit invasion. I believe with all of us here we can work together and make a community for us to live well. 

“This hall has a total of over three hundred rooms. Four kitchens and a living area. You can pick and choose your rooms as you want. Each room has its own bath. But remember to keep them clean. Soon food and clothing will be brought over. Each person will get three sets of clothing. A washer and dryer can be found in the kitchens. Each kitchen has two washes and two dryers. Please do not fight over them. 

“Any and all other questions need to wait. I need to head back out and look for more people.” I then turned to Ice and said: “Ice, the drone is here to keep you all safe, but I am counting on you as their spokesperson to keep things going in an orderly fashion. There is plenty to go around, so no one should be fighting for anything.”  

“Don’t worry. All of us are grateful to have such a place to stay. We wouldn’t have minded if this was just a big room. Anything is better than that heat.”



Thank you for the chapter!


Thanks for the chapter!