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Yi Ning’s eyes lit up as she looked at the girl in front of her. Her lips curled up into a bright smile as she asked: “Do you like me?”

“Huh? Yes, I like you?” Xia Min was slightly confused by  Yi Ning’s question.

“I see, so you like me. Then we should first start by dating to nurture our feelings, and then we can get married.” Yi Ning felt like this was the right path.

“Huh? Dating!? Married!? No, no, Second MIss Yi, I meant I like you as a person, as a friend! Why would I want to date a woman!?” Xia Min did think Yi Ning was very beautiful, but that did not mean she wanted to date a girl!

“Ah?” Yi Ning’s expression fell… Her hopes were crushed once more. First, she missed her chance with the beauty in the window, and now she was rejected. Today, her first day in this world was already pretty bad. Only her little beauty was nice to her.

“Why do you look so disheartened!?” Xia Min was starting to feel bad! But this came as a revelation to her. Yi Ning did not seem to like men! This was much different than the rumors she had heard. People kept saying she was a girl who would chase after any good-looking man. That she only chased after Young Master Li, Li Fu Yang, because he was good-looking. But this now seemed false. If anything, she would be more willing to chase after beautiful girls!

Xia Min pushed her assumptions aside first since she was not one hundred percent sure. She paid for the meat skewers, looked at Yi Ning, and asked: “Just so I can clarify things, are you umm…” She leaned in and whispered: “A lesbian?”

“Mmm…. If you do not want to be friends with me because of this, it’s fine.” Yi Ning did not hide anything. She actually liked Xia Min’s personality. She was quite the straightforward girl. 

“Why would I not be friends with you?” Xia Min was very open minded. “But just so you know, even though I want to be friends with you, I will not swing that way. I like handsome buff men who can fight!” As a daughter of a general, she loved strong buff men!

Yi Ning’s mood lifted a bit as she nodded her head. “It’s fine. I do not try to force things that people do not want.” 

Xia Min smiled and handed Yi Ning the skewers before turning around to order more. “By the way, why isn’t your maid not back?”

“Now that you mention it….” Yi Ning frowned and turned her head. She had gotten caught up in the moment and forgot to check on her little beauty. Luckily, she was smart and left a marking on the girl before they left. She was in a new world and did not know how things worked, so she was very cautious. Since her little beauty was very kind to her, she would want to protect her. “Hmm? She seems to be running…”

“Huh? You can tell? Hey, wait!” Xia Min saw Yi Ning take off at full speed and quickly followed behind. The stall owner who was cooking Xia Min’s skewers face turned sour. He did not understand why these people kept messing with him!

Yi Ning rushed towards a back alley, where she saw three young men cornering a girl. Seeing her little beauty with tears in her eyes as she hugged her chest angered Yi Ning to no end. “How dare you touch my little beauty!”

“Who the fuck are you!?” one of the young men turned around to see a figure suddenly flashed in front of him. When he saw the beautiful face whose eyes were as cold as eyes, he couldn’t figure out if she should be enamored by her or scared! The next thing he knew was that his face hurt really bad, and he felt the world leaving his feet. 

Yi Ning was not kind at all. She had punched the young man directly in the nose and then flipped him over her shoulder before pivoting her left foot and swinging her foot around to kick the young man who was close to her in the head, sending him to the ground as well.

“What!?” The biggest of the young men, who was standing in front of Bi’er, was startled at the girl’s sudden actions! She was ruthless! “How dare you!” Of course, being a street thug, his entire life did not stop him from turning around and attacking Yi Ning. But to his surprise, not only did Yi Ning dodge each one of his punches, but she had suddenly disappeared from view. The next thing he knew, he felt a sharp pain in his chin, and the world around him went dark.

Yi Ning ignored the men on the ground and ran to Bi’er’s side and looked her over. “Little Beauty, are you hurt anywhere!?”

“Young Miss…” Bi’er tears streamed down her face. She had been running to the bank that was only two blocks away when these young men suddenly stopped her. She tried to get ignore them, but one tried to reach out and grab her. She had no choice but to run away. It did not take them long to corner her. If her young miss had not shown up just now… thinking of this, Bi’er’s tears flowed like a waterfall as she hugged Yi Ning. 

Yi Ning began to panic and tried to calm her little beauty down. XIa Min, who had witnessed the entire thing, was shocked at how swiftly Yi Ning took care of things. But she knew now was not the time to be amazed. She walked over to one of the young men, raised her foot, and aimed for a certain part of his body….



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