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I am hoping I can get some of you to jump out of your comfort zone a bit and try giving a read of the ten chapters I have posted so far for the novel under the star system tag. I really need input on what you, as a reader, think of this novel.




Miles Carlson

While I don't really read music focused novels much, it's definitely a good read so far. The pacing is pretty good and the characters are likable. Sorry I can't offer much more helpful feedback than that.


No, this is what I am looking for. I know 10 chapters is not a lot to go off of, but it does help to get first impressions. Thank you!


I'm not good at wording things but I like the pacing before the system is introduced, good balance of showing his normal life before and getting to the meat quickly. Kane is the type of person I would hate to interact with IRL... which is exactly the response i've had to every aspiring actor or musician i've met so id say you've done a pretty good job with him. As for the rest of the characters, still not really enough time for me to form proper opinions on them, but so far they are looking good. Hope that helps and is what you were looking for (if you want more detail on anything just ask, but it will be far more unintelligible and like crazed ramblings)