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“Care to explain to me why your charge is basically immortal?” An old man with white hair and a long white beard asked. He sat on top of a tall pillar looking down at the Goddess of Wrath before him. Next to him were shadowy figures also sitting on top of tall pillars but what they looked like for real was anyone’s guess.

“Hmm? Was there any rule that says how much power we can give to those we decide to bless? Are you afraid she will make it to the top of the tower and you will be forced to tell her that….” The Goddess of Wrath’s voice muted. She glared at the old man on top of the pillar.

“You are right. There was no rule banning the amount of power you can give to your charge, but if any of the other gods and goddess find out what you have done…” The old man narrowed his eyes. 

The Goddess of Wrath finally got her voice back as she smirked and said: “Then there should be no problem then if I were to descend and keep an eye on her, no? I would like to watch firsthand how she is doing. Of course, my real powers can be sealed while I am there, so even if I were to climb the tower with her I will be limited in what I can do. This way, no matter what happens, I can always cover for her. right?” 

The old man stared hard at the Goddess of Wrath before nodding his head. “You will go and guard her. As you said, your powers will be sealed to that of just under hers. As you will be in mortal form, dying is not impossible.” 

“I understand.” The Goddess of Wrath watched as the old man stood up and waved his hand. Before she could react, her vision went dark….

- - -

“Why would the second floor boss be a big ent?” Myui sighed. The second floor boss room was made of all wood and really did not give her much of anything that was worth anything. Even after it burnt to a crisp, it wasn’t even worth mentioning. She picked up the loot that was still useless and took the stairs leading up.

When she got to the third floor, she was met with a message in front of her. 

[Tower Floor Quest: Find And Activate The Twenty Obelisks Hidden On The Floor.]

“Now it’s a search and find?” Myu pursed her lips as she looked around. The third floor, from what she knew, was massive. It was as big as a continent, and people could spend days here. Myu, who had long forgotten that she was supposed to return in three days, stepped forward and walked down the long dirt path. This floor was basically a world of its own with its own history. The remains of a civilization long lost could be seen scattered across the floor, old ruins that were filled with undead and monsters of all kinds.

“Ouch!” Before Myu could even take ten steps, a small female figure suddenly landed in front of her and was currently rubbing her butt. “That damn old man! He had to just go and drop me…. Geh! My voice!” 

The small female figure stood up and looked down at herself and kicked the dirt in front of her and shook her fist at the sky while cursing some old guy. Myu tilted her head to the side and wondered why she felt a familiarity with this girl, but she soon shook that thought out of her mind since she never really got along with the other kids in the slums and did not know anyone else her age who had awakened and entered the tower.

Deciding to ignore the girl, Myu stepped to the side and began walking by her. But she only got two steps when a hand came out of nowhere and grabbed her shoulder. “Are you not going to ask if I am okay!?”

Myu turned to look at the girl who was about her age, with black hair and golden eyes. She was quite pretty but still had no idea who she was. Scratching her head, she looked around her to see if anyone else was around that she could pawn the girl onto, but sadly, it was just her standing there. “Ummm…. No?”

“You!” The girl cursed. She wanted to yell out: after everything I have done for you! But could not, as she could not reveal who she truly was!

“You what? I am kind of busy so….” Myu’s shoulder flared up in flames causing the girl to quickly retract her hand and start blowing on it. She had to curse the old man once again to see her own powers being used against her! What’s more, she had to curse the impatient little girl who did not even give her the time of day! 

The girl watched as Myu walked away without much care and clenched her fists. “Do you think you can escape me so easily!?”

As Myu walked, she noticed another foot of footsteps behind her. She picked up her pace but so did the person behind her. Frowning, Myu broke into a full blown run, and so did the person behind her.  She ran for almost an hour but still could not lose the person. She stopped and looked at Tilly, who only shrugged and seemed not to want to get involved in the strange feud going on with her contractor and the new girl. 

Sighing, Myu finally turned around to see a girl who was completely red ion the face and breathing heavily while kicking the dirt in front of her and causing to the sky once more. “Stupid mortal body!”

“Umm… why are you following me?”


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