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A tall cedar wood gate stood in front of the black Mercedes I was riding in. It was connected to a rock and mortar wall that had a cedar plaque with the name Alastor burnt into it. Night had already consumed the sky, so the moon was now giving off dim light that barely illuminated the dark winding path as we drove down the drive way that took about two minutes to reach the house.

When we stopped in front of the house, Tom seemed quite happy to see me go. He had not made a fuss at all since I got into the car. Even now, he was doing his job properly and opening the door for me. I am sure he already complained about me to Linda. Not that I care. I really want to see them yell at me. My new pen was sitting nice and snug in my new pair of jeans pocket. I stepped out of the car and grabbed my bags before walking to the white double doors of the brick mansion of the Alastor family, the place that was supposed to be mine completely but currently had squatters living inside it.

I went to open the door, turning the brass knob, only to find that it was locked. I did not have keys because this door should never be locked in the first place unless it was past ten at night. There were maids who worked until that time, so there was no need to lock it before then. So, to have the door locked now meant that these bastards dared to lock me out of my own home.

“Since you wish to lock me out how about I make a grand entrance?” I narrowed my eyes as I lifted my foot, the bags in my left hand shifting ever so slightly. I then kicked out with all the strength I could muster, although I kind of wish I didn’t since a loud boom echoed through the air as the doors and part of the wall exploded and shot inward.

“Ahh!” A cry was heard as I stood there, feeling slightly dumbfounded at my own strength. It seemed that Margret was standing on the other side of the door and was caught up in the blast as well since she was sent flying.

“What is going on!?” Linda was the first to arrive. She looked at the mess around me and then at me before her eyes landed on Margret. And prim and proper face showed a sign of shock and also hatred. “Noelle! How could you do this!?”

It really blew my mind. She acted like the door had not exploded and then blamed me instantly for her maid’s injuries. While it was true that it was my fault, she should not think a skinny girl like me could do such a thing. Although, I am a little regretful. One of the vases that stood at the double grand staircase at the main entry was destroyed in the process. Margret had destroyed it with her butt, it seems. The vase was quite pretty with its pearly white color with blue paintings of horses and warriors on it. Even the poor red plus rug that stood out on the black tile of the front entrance now had shards of debris in it.

“Do what? Do I look like I have some means to do this? The maid you are cradling was probably the cause. I mean, first off why the hell was the door locked? It is not even ten at night yet. The rules of the house have been passed down since my mother was here. The house is not to be locked before ten at night and unlocked at five in the morning. So tell me what the hell is going on? Why am I locked out of my own house?” Since I knew a fight would be starting, there was no need to hold back with my questioning.

“What are you talking about? The doors are always locked at six at…” I quickly cut her off.

“Do you think I am stupid? Linda I think you need to choose your lies carefully. You people forced your way into my home when I was young, not even a year after my mother’s death and even made me move into a maid’s room to live for the past almost ten years. So tell me one more lie.” If I could, I would just slap this woman silly, but I had to hold back until the time was right. Word battles are okay, but physical violence was another story unless they try to hit me first. It had to wait.

“Bitch you dare talk to my mother like that!?” I knew he would show up sooner or later. Ryan walked right over to me and raised his hand to hit me. His face was marred with hate. He was still wearing his school uniform which made him look less of a man and more of a boy who was throwing a tantrum. But this was what I was hoping he would do in school. I had hoped he would try to hit me in school. Sadly, he had more self-restraint than I had thought. At least, it seems I will still get to floor him today. It must be a happy day. I will egg him on more.

“Going to hit me? Fine let’s see if you can do it.” I smiled mockingly at him, which seemed to make him even more angry.

“You dared to talk back so much today lets see just how much you talk back when I am through with you!” And here it comes! I was a little excited to see that hand falling to my face. But just before it could make contact, a hand came from behind me and grabbed Ryan’s wrist.

 “What are you doing!? You want to hit a girl and your sister at that!? Are you even a man!?” My good-for-nothing-father seems to really enjoy ruining my fun. Did he really need to come home all of a sudden? He glared at Ryan, who still had a pissed-off look on his face, before turning to me with a doting look. “Elle…”

“I already said not to call me that. Only my mother can call me that.” I stepped back, avoiding his outstretched hand. I did not wish for him to touch me. I turned toward Linda, who was still holding Marget, keeping her mouth shut, and snorted. “That maid locked the door and has abused me for many years. I want her fired here and now. I do not want to see her in my house ever again. And Ryan, lift your hand to me one more time and you will follow her.”

“El-Noelle, relax. I do not know what is going on but kicking your brother out and firing…” I turned and glared at the good-for-nothing.

“Weston Thatcher, I think you need to remember who owns this house. I am trying to be nice to you on account that you raised me but for the past almost ten years you have turned a blind eye to my plight. I will not allow it to go on any further. Enough is enough. Do as I say and kick that woman out or else.”



Thanks for the chappie


Thank you for the chapter!