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--AN) Chapter 2 part 4 looked lonely so... here is part 5... --

“Noelle Alastor!” Ryan yelled at my full name as you normally did. He never seemed to enjoy yelling it any time he was mad.

He walked right up to me, stopping only a few inches away, which made me frown. “Did you not shower and brush your teeth this morning? You stink.”

“You!” Heh, I guess he was not expecting me to say anything back since I would normally cower in his presence.

“What about me, Young Thatcher? You come over yelling at the hand that is feeding and clothing you. Do you not know that even dogs know not to bite the hand that feeds them? You really do not seem to be very loyal when you act in such a manner.” I smiled mockingly at Ryan. I can not even remember how many times it has been that he would hit me. I still remember being punched and kicked by this bastard since I was young.

I might have cowered to him before, but not anymore. I want him to be angered to death or lash out like he used to. I want to see if he can keep his head held up high when it ends up being shared millions of times on the internet.

“So you know how to speak now? You say that I am biting the hand that feeds me?”

“Are you not? Everything you have right now is on my money. You have to remember little boy, you are not related to me by blood, neither is father. Everything will go to me in a few months.”

“Even if that is the case does that give you the right to hit my sister!?”

“Hit her? I am sorry I have no idea what you are talking about. When I left this morning your dear sister was still sound asleep.”

“Liar!” I watched as Ryan’s face began turning red with anger. I only chuckled and gave him a teasing smile.

“Am I? I wonder? If I was lying, do you have proof that I did hit Maria?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. I had not planned to step out in the open like this, but since he had decided to make such a grand stage for himself, I really do wish to see how far he is willing to go. If I can get him to raise his hand to me I can slap him stupid.

“Apologize!” Ryan’s face was filled with hatred as he made his demands, but I could only let out a soft chuckle.

“And what am I apologizing for? You came up to me making such a scene without any proof or evidence! If you ask me who are the people who should apologize? Why don’t you act like you do at home? Don’t you usually call me a waste? A bitch? The slut’s daughter? You have so much to say at home but here you are acting as if I am the enemy. Even if I did hit Maria, she would have deserved it. But sadly for you I did not raise my hand to her.” I was not lying; I did not raise my hand to her. I only grabbed her by the ankle and dragged her out of bed. She hit her own head on the floor. It’s not my fault she can’t protect herself.

“You Bi…” I watched as Ryan gripped his fist and bit his lip. He was trying so hard to protect his image.

“If you have nothing else to say, then I need to go to class. Unlike some, I do care about my grades. So have fun, dear brother.” I gave him a sweet smile before stepping to his side and walking past him. The veins in his forehead were popping out. I am sure this will spread throughout the school soon. I am sure I will be yelled at once I get home, but since I am not realizing how much of an upper hand I have I can use it to my advantage.

I keep thinking I need to stay low, but in truth, I can still stick it to them as I slowly set things up so that they all have a horrible end. Why should I endure when I can have so much more fun?

I do have to admit that being able to break out of my shell is now allowing my true personality to surface. And to be completely and utterly honest, I am loving it! I have never felt so free.

Afternoon classes went by smoothly yet very boring. Having to relive this part of my school life was no fun. I do, however, wish to go to college, so I will endure and make sure I still end up at the top of my class.

As I was exiting the building a certain class bully stood in my path. I had wondered where he had run off to. But here he was, staring at me as if he wanted to eat me. It truly is amazing how much I am sticking out today. I looked at Billy, crossed my arms in front of my chest, and asked: “What now? Was the floor not fun enough this morning? Do you want me to make you eat the cement too?”

“You changed.” Billy suddenly spoke which made me slightly confused. But when I think about it, going from an introvert who was meek and let everyone bully her to an extrovert who doesn’t give two shits within a single night can be a bit much for a simpleton like Billy to take in.

“Not so much changed, but more like you all forced me out of my shell. Years of bullying can do that to a person. Anyway, I am in a hurry so unless you are here to eat cement let me pass.” Just like Ryan, I stepped past Billy and kept walking. I don’t want to deal with unimportant people.



Thanks for the chappie


Thank you for the chapter!