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--AN) In the end, my lack of sleep is taking over. So only the one chap.--

The whispers and stares I got as I walked through the halls were no different from usual. I walked towards the library which was on the first floor of the school, down the winding halls until I finally arrived at my destination. I passed through the door and went right over to the shelves, searching for what I was looking for.

“This aisle.” I found the row that would have what I needed and began browsing. I was happy this was a school for the rich since there was a decent choice of books here. But I only needed one to confirm my thoughts. A college entry-level book on business that one would need to read.

I flipped through the pages one after the other with what I know to be a silly grin on my face. The book was indeed the same one from my dream and I knew everything in it. “Life has given me a blessing. The Thatchers think they have me under their thumb… hehe…”

I couldn’t help but giggle. I wonder what they will do when I begin to manipulate the market. Although I will need one final confirmation. Sadly its still a bit early to be going to class.

If Billy really does try to trip me today, then I will act as if I know the future from this moment on. This also means I will be able to give David a kick to the face once I see him. Heh, just thinking about it makes a wide grin appear on my face. I can’t seem to contain it. Luckily, my hood was still up, so no one could see me.

I guess it was a good thing that it is currently fall or else I would not be able to hide from the sun. If I am recalling correctly, I remember my mother not only had wide-brim hats but also sunscreen. I wonder if this is some kind of condition? Either way, my current self is stronger, faster, and instinctively reacts on its own.

The first bell rang, so I grabbed my backpack, stuck the book I grabbed from the shelf inside, and made my way to class. No librarian was on duty, so taking a book or two wouldn’t harm much of anything.

I had a locker, but I never used it. It kept people from destroying my things. I used to keep my books in there, but for some reason, they decided my books were in need of a bath and would flood my locker all the time. The teachers did nothing about it, which is the main reason I carry my books in my bag.

Although, I do not think I will need them with how I have already learned everything in the books. I might have been almost ready to graduate with a master’s degree, but that did not mean I had forgotten my senior-year curriculum. I could skip college this time, but I do not think I will be done with my playing before then. I need to make sure they think their plans are all set in motion beforehand. I also wish to find the people who kidnapped me in the first place.

The key to all of this is to make sure that that good-for-nothing father of mine and his entire family are wishing they never crossed me. I need them to be at the very top before they fall. I will need to make sure the lawyer in charge of the estate still turns over all company shares and rights to me as soon as I turn eighteen.

I will be sure that I let that idiot still run the company. But only for a short while. I will slowly make the company sink under his name before bringing it back up once again. My confidence has never been so high. With the company in my name, I can easily sweep in during my second semester and take a bunch of contracts and kick the shit bag out.

My smile was once more creeping up on my face. I really wanted to yell out in glee. Just thinking about how their faces will look once they have realized they have lost everything. I will take care of them and anyone who dares to help them. I want them living in a dumpster, begging for change on the side of the road. I want to look down and step on them as if they were nothing more than trash, and as for that bitch… heh… I wonder how she will cope with having nothing? Will she sell herself? Will she try to get a job? She will charge at me and try to kill me again? Whatever she decides, I will be waiting.

“Shes here.” A voice entered my ear. I looked up slightly, making sure my hood didn’t reveal my face, to see Kelly Carter, Maria’s best friend, whispering into Billy Harris’s ear. He gave a slight nod before looking at me with a mocking smile plastered on his face. I wonder how long he can keep that smile for?



Thank you for the bonus chapter! Go to bed and have a good night!


Thanks for the chappie