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“Monday the 14th, March 1993. The eerie silence that has over taken the town disturbs me. Luckily I was able to get a good amount of food and water while we wait out this strange virus. But the things being said on the news are starting to concern me. There has been reports of the dead coming back to life.”

“So is he someone from this house or was he the husband from the house we just came from?” Angel seemed very curious.

I was curious as well. There were quite a few entries in the journal so I decided to take a small break so we could read through it. “Let’s take a seat and I will keep reading, unless someone thinks we should keep going.”

I looked at the others only to see their expectant eyes, which told me they really wanted to hear more. I smiled and turned to the next entry.

“Monday the 15th, March 1993. I heard a scream today from down the street. My wife is worried. She has been huddled in our bedroom with the kids. But kids, being kids, they want to go out and play, so they keep making a fuss, which has been setting her off. I keep telling her to let them just play around the house, but she won’t listen.

“Monday the 16th, March 1993. It’s messed up. In a single night, all hell seemed to break loose around the world. The news was currently showing what seemed to be zombies running around attacking people. The police and army do not seem to be able to stop them. This has only made my wife’s worry and mood swings get worse. She keeps spanking the kids when they make any noise. It’s almost as if she is worried their voices will call zombies to the house.

“Monday the 17th, March 1993. Six days have passed since the first signs of this strange virus. I got no sleep last night. I sat in the living room with the lights off, staring out the window. The zombies had started appearing in my neighborhood. I watched one of my neighbors being torn to shreds by his wife. Then, not even thirty seconds later, the husband got up off the ground with his intestines hanging out and began walking around. They were an old couple, and it was only the two of them, but I do wonder how they contracted the virus.

“Monday the 18th, March 1993. I began blocking off the windows only leaving a small gap for me to look out of. I still have not slept, afraid that if I did, a zombie would break into the house and attack my family. My wife seems to have fallen ill. I think it’s due to her worrying all the time. Luckily, the kids are also staying quiet. They are all playing in their room.

“Monday the 19th, March 1993. My body seemed to have given out at some point because I woke up at 3 am this morning to screams coming from upstairs. I rushed upstairs with a baseball bat in my hand, only to witness two of my children eating and tearing their mother apart. I was too stunned to do anything until I heard my oldest daughter scream as she came out of her room. I guess the scream had woken her up as well. It was then that things just kind of went red for me as the two children turned around and raced past me, attacking my oldest daughter and pushing her back into their room. I could not react fast enough. But by the time I realized what was going on, my daughter was already dead. I panicked and closed the door, locking them in before doing the same to my wife’s door. I ran downstairs and grabbed my journal. I am a coward.

“Monday the 26th, March 1993. I decided life is no longer worth it. I failed to protect my family. If someone finds this journal, I wish you good luck in the hell hole of a world. I would rather die than become one of them, yet sadly I am too much of a coward to kill my own children and wife. They will forever be stuck as ruthless zombies… If you are reading this. Go across the street and please bring them peace.”

“So he was unable to do anything out of fear.” I muttered as I sat back on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. I am really glad that my world was not going through some zombie apocalypse. The idea of losing Angel is not something I could handle.

“I feel sorry for him but at the same time I want to punch him!” Angel pouted. I could see tears brimming in her eyes.

“He was a man who had fear over take him. He did not even react when his daughter was targeted next. But this does raise a question. They ran past him who was quite so can they not see at all?” Sonya asked.

I thought for a moment before trying to give an explanation based on some games I have played before: “We can only hope they can not see and only rely on sound. Any sound might be a trigger like some kind of sonar so it might look like they can see you but in truth they can’t they just map out a route to you once they hear a sound that bounces off the objects.”



Thank you for the depressing journal entries!


Thanks for the chappie!