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--AN) This is a part I want to expand before Tomoya heads out toward the capital, where she meets Sushie and Yae. So any quest ideas or side plots you all can think of, I am all ears. - -

The adventurer guild is a place where those who have registered with the guild can take on requests and then gain rewards in return. Now, you could not just take on any request. You needed to be a certain rank to take on certain tasks. And currently, Tomoya and the girls were getting a rundown on the ranking system.

“Guild ranks work like this. Starting from lowest to highest, Black, Purple, Green, Blue, Red, Silver, and Gold. If you ever become a Silver or Gold rank, then you will no longer take requests from the board but directly from the guild itself. Are there any questions?” The guild receptionist asked.

“Yes, you said that the ranking system has you take on requests of your level, but let’s say myself and two of the girls with me were Blue rank, and the rest were black or purple rank. What requests could we take on then?” Tomoya asked. She had to make sure she understood everything since this was going to be her livelihood for a while.

“At that time, you could still take on a Blue rank request, but it would be advised not to do so unless you were absolutely sure your teammates could handle it.” The guild receptionist replied.

“Alright, thanks. Unless the other girls have questions, I can say that we are ready.” Tomoya was handed a form to fill out along with the other girls as well. Once they finished everything, they were given their new cards and given another explanation. “The guild cards are registered to you. While in your hand, it will always be black or your respected rank color, but if someone else holds it, it will turn grey after ten seconds.”

The receptionist displayed this by taking Tomoya’s card and holding it for ten seconds before giving it back. “If you have any other questions, please ask. Otherwise, you can take a request now if you so wish.”

“Thanks, we will do that.” After giving her thanks, Tomoya walked over to the request board with the others. “What do you think will do?”

 “What about this one here? It’s a request to take down ten lone-horned wolves.” Elze asked.

“That works. It’s a bit of a walk but we should be able to finish up before the end of the day.” Tomoya was a little surprised since the request was the same as in the original works, but the number of wolves had increased.

The four girls took the request and headed out of town. Tae now had a wand in her hand and was looking around curiously. She had ridden in a carriage on the way here and was still trying to wrap her head around everything, but now she was doing much better. This was mainly because of Linze and Elze helping her feel welcomed in this new world. She still had no idea what she was doing since she had not learned how to cast any spells yet, but this was also her first real-life adventure. She couldn’t help but be a little excited.

Tomoya, on the other hand, yawned as she walked forward without a care in the world. She had taken a chance while cleaning herself off to tell her wives she was fine, but sadly, that stupid god called her and told her she would need to refrain from entering Eden for a while. He said it would not be good if others found her missing and could disturb this world. The only reason he allowed her to enter Eden in the first place was because he was not so mean as to not let Tomoya tell her wives that she was fine.

Of course, this ended up with the Tomoya cursing the stupid go. But sadly, there was nothing else she could do about it at this time. “We are here!” Tomoya announced as they reached the forest in which they were to find these wolves.

“Now we just need to find these wolves.” Elze smashed her gauntlets together. She was a bruiser-style fighter. She used her fists to do most of her damage and sometimes her feet.

“Shouldn’t be too much of an issue,” Tomoya replied. If they found them in the original work, then they would find them now. Luckily, Tomoya could still use all the elements of this world in magic as well as all null magic, just like the original MC could. This also went for Tae as well, but in order to help Tae get used to this new world, Tomoya had her only work on her light magic. This way, it would not look weird if two people had the same abilities.

“I think you are right. Incoming!” Elze rushed to the front while Linze got into position in front of Tae to protect her while she got ready for battle.

The wind blew, causing the leaves to rustle while the girls were all in a firm battle stance except the confused Tae and Tomoya, who looked the most relaxed person there with her sword resting on her shoulder. A howl was heard and then another rustle in the leaves before a group of wolves suddenly appeared out of the tree line around Tomoya and her group.

Tomoya smiled as she said: “Let’s make some money!”


Mort Imer

Iirc the original story has the party grind some quests for experience before going on a delivery trip to the capitol. So far Tae hasn't really done anything so maybe she needs to train with Linze and Tomo for a bit? Hopefully Tae isn't going to keep being a blank NPC?


yeah that's the plan but i need more than that because it would take much longer before they would go to the capital. i think they even ranked up to purple before that but there was no side chapters of what they did during that time. so I need to come up with quests.


Thank you for the chapter! If I recall correctly, way further into the books when they are building the adventurer school, they talk about some of the beginner quests. They said the wolf hunts were the highest danger level of the beginner quests. Most others, such as herb gathering and chores around town, were designed to slowly teach newbies how to handle the forest and deal with the local clients.