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Inside Eden, a certain fire dragon was not having a good day. “Lizzy, fetch!” A tree soared through the air. The fire dragon’s name was now Lizzy, named so by the one and only Yue. When the fire dragon entered this place, it thought it could get some revenge on the scary fox girl who had beaten it, but as soon as it stepped through the portal, it was met with a terrifying aura. A bunch of rabbit men had walked by right as it appeared, and their eyes were so scary that the fire dragon peed itself right on the spot.

Then, two girls who had the same scent as it appeared. The fire dragon thought it was saved but instead, they both suddenly stuck this big metal collar thing around its neck. But that was not the scariest part of all for the fire dragon. It was a small girl with red eyes. She had given the fire dragon a strange name, Lizzy! It was an all-powerful fire dragon! Why did it have to be named after some lower life form!?

When the fire dragon tried to reject such a horrid name, the small, puny human girl with red eyes suddenly slapped it, and it went flying through the air and crashed into the ground. This feeling… the humiliation—was the same. It had come to a place where monsters like the fox girl lived by the dozens. Now, it could only wag its tail and chase after sticks to entertain the smaller puny beings that were being carried by the very beings it used to once call food.

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“Rory, your cheeks are so soft.” Tomoya was pinching Rory’s cheeks, which made the newly awakened Tuka and the jealous Lelei both shiver in fear. This was Rory Mercury! She was not someone you could touch as you pleased, but.

“Feuwwah Feuware Feuw Feuwing?”(What are you doing?) Rory did not seem to be upset at all but instead was trying to return the cheek squeezing, but the fox girl was too quick at dodging!

“Hehe.” Tomoya was really having fun with Rory. She was very forward in her actions. The more she flirted with the golthloli the more she flirted back. The two looked more like a couple every second.


Both Rory and Tomoya stopped what they were doing and turned to look at Lelei. The pen in her hand had snapped. She only took a glance at Tomoya before snorting and looking away. “Ohho? Tomo, it seems someone is jealous. What will you do?”

“Pat her head?” Tomoya replied as a third arm came out of nowhere and reached over and began patting the top of Lelei’s head. The puffed-out cheeks she had going, quickly relaxed as she melted under Tomoya’s Head Pat EX skill.

“Now this is quite interesting. You can do this with every part of your body?” Rory asked as she looked at the new appendage.

“Yes, without it, it would be hard to keep all my wives happy,” Tomoya replied. She had not hidden the fact that she had many wives to Rory. But Rory still had not accepted her confession yet so she was not allowed to enter Eden just yet.

“Interesting.” Rory smiled and snuggled up into Tomoya’s chest. The girl really liked playing with this fox.

“Tomo, can we braid your tails?” Shino asked. She was already in the process of doing it, so there was really no point in asking. Both Shino and Mari were happily braiding away without a care in the world.

“Sure.” Tomoya chuckled and turned to see Tuka staring daggers at her. “Tuka, would you like a head pat too?”

“Can I? I mean…” Tuka blushed and lowered her head. Tomoya extended another new arm and began patting the elf girl’s head.

“Jealous! So Jealous!” Takeo cried out. He was in the front seat, staring at what was happening behind him. He really wished he could join!

 “I would get those thoughts out of your head unless you want to end up like that dragon,” Itami spoke up as if reading Takeo’s mind.

“Geh…. Why is she so strong?” Takeo asked. He was very curious about Tomoya’s origins. “Where did she come from? I mean, she was here before the gate opened, right?”

 “That is not something you need to know unless she tells you herself. To be honest, I think you have a better chance of jumping out of a well than you do having her tell you anything about herself.” Itami replied. He was not trying to poke fun at Takeo. Not fully, anyway. What he said was basically the truth with a jab added in.

“But it still makes no sense. Why did you and her become friends? I mean, from what I know, you were both going to the event, right? The way you two communicate is almost as if you have been friends for ages.” Takeo really did not understand. It was as if the two were childhood friends or something.

“You don’t need to know that either. Just know that if you cross her, I can’t be held responsible for what she does. After all, if a dragon can’t stop here there is no way in hell I can. We are about to reach Alnus. Get some rest while you still can.”