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“Fueewh!” Tomoya laid her head on Mari’s lap while her legs rested on Shino’s lap. The two girls were very accommodating.

“Hey Itami, does it seem fair that Tomoya can just lounge on the girls while if we did that, we would get hit?” Takeo had a grudge against Tomoya after being tricked down the well. He had been complaining about everything she had done since leaving the burnt-out village.

“Can you stop complaining? If you are heard, you might get stuffed down a well again.” Itami really was getting sick of hearing it.

“I was just saying…” Takeo was actually kind of scared of this happening.

“Anyway, we will be stopping in Kuda before heading back to Alnus.” Itami changed the subject. He knew in the upcoming town there was another one of the girls that he was not allowed to touch. Tuka was the first. Then, the next town would be another girl. Then, another would appear when they go to fight a dragon. He was quite nervous about fighting a dragon, but Tomoya promised it would be okay. After all, in this world, her powers seemed to not be restricted.

“We are arriving in Kuda in three minutes. Tomo, you need to get up if you wish to go meat that person.” Itami reminded. He was a true bro.

“Hmm? We are almost there? Then I will need to be ready. I will translate for you before that, though, so you do not need to work too hard.” Tomoya’s main job was to be a translator for Itami, after all. “Ah, right, Itami. Make sure you have your weapons ready for later. I will take care of any issues, but we need to make sure that we save as many lives as possible since we do not know what may happen.”

“Got it. We will do a double-check before leaving Kuda. But are you sure you can handle it, Tomo? You said it would be a hard fight.” Itami knew Tomoya was strong but he still worried.

“It’s fine. It’s just a little dragon.” Tomoya waved it off, not caring about the strange looks on their faces.

“Umm, Sir, can you please tell me we are not going to be fighting any dragons.” Man B asked. He was not ready for this kind of commitment with dragons.

“Man B, if you talk like that, no girls will ever like you.” Tomoya chuckled as she said this.

“I have a name it’s….” Man B never got to finish his words before Tomoya cut him off.

“Yes, yes, you must have a beautiful name. If only you had the screen time for people to remember it.” Tomoya waved him off as she laid back down. Her tails swished at him as if saying: what got something more to say?

“Sir, please do something about this damn fox!” Man B gritted his teeth. The entire time, she had not once tried to remember his name!

“You want me to control her? You are barking up the wrong tree, Man B. Just accept the fact that your new name is Man B. I will be sure to ask the higher-ups to do a name change for you then, you won’t need to worry about her not knowing your name.” Itami actually found this very amusing.

“Sir, please don’t!” Man B began begging for Itami not to do just that. While the truck was filled with laughter at everyone’s antics, they finally arrived in Kuda.

“So yeah, a dragon is around and has attacked an elf village not far from here. You need to get the villagers together. You can follow us, and we will escort you to the crossroads near Alnus.” Tomoya explained everything in detail. Luckily, the people of Kuda took these things seriously.

“Things will take some time.” Itami sighed. There was a lot of work to do, so they could only try to protect the people here as best they could until they began to move.

“Just sit tight and wait. I promise you that no matter what dragon appears, I will take its head before it can even look at one of the citizens here, but if something strange happens between then and now, we will need to deal with it.” Tomoya was trying to reassure Itami that things would not be as bad as they thought.

“Like what kind of strange happenings?” Itami had a bad feeling and probably would need to wish he never asked this question.

“Mmm, like a god attacking,” Tomoya replied. She wondered if she was stronger than the gods of this world.

“I knew I shouldn’t have asked.” Itami sighed before turning to the others. “Help with what you can!”

“Sir, why is Tomoya not doing anything?” Takeo asked. He was not going to let the damn fox girl off so easily.

“You are right I do have a job to do. I forgot I promised to teach you how to jump out of a well.” Tomoya grinned and then disappeared. Itami and the others only heard a loud splash and Takeo cry out. Tomoya looked down at him and smiled brightly. “Now jump!”



Thank you for the continuation of amusement!


Jump, Well boy!! This may be my favourite world so far, Toni’s complete lack of giving a crap is hilarious!!


she is starting to learn she can really do as she pleases. the biggest thing though is that Tomo and Itami are like two peas in a pod. the mesh well together.