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Better Call Saul S5 E9 and E10



I saw the silhouette BJ was talking about at the gate. It's just Nachos own shadow, checking if the coast is clear to run. Does look like Gus' body shape but it's Nacho. Tricky Ricky! Great episode and reaction!!

Rue Surnameunimportant

Gus is soooo cool. And Mike. Lalo, even. They're all bad in their own way. Saul is a little bitch haha.

Michael King

How is he a bitch? Whenever it’s something important, he takes a beat down and keeps on getting back up. He might avoid conflict when it doesn’t matter but that’s hardly a bitch. I always think it’s funny when people say “oh Jimmy/Saul is so bad because _____, and then say “Mike is so great!” I mean, Jimmy has done some things that skirt the line of legality or crossed it a few times, but Mike has LITERALLY murdered people.🤷‍♂️ and not just a few, lol. More people than most serial killers. I like Mike too, but I don’t get why Jimmy, who usually does what he does to help people, sometimes himself, but mostly others, always gets the criticism. With Walt in BB it made sense, but the only times I feel Jimmy REALLY crosses the line is when he screws over Kim or Howard those times Howard’s really trying to help Jimmy or is just being an all-around nice (weird, but nice) guy.