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Better Call Saul S5. E7 and E8



This is my 3rd time watching episode 7 and I just realized that, Gus is the higher than Madrigal. I always thought Madrigal got into the business and had Gus running the business, but Gus's business got so big, that he needed more than just 1-2 restaurants, he needed to get a whole international corporation to launder his money. Crazy!! I hate that this whole BB/BCS universe ended without them giving us a series or even a little miniseries about who Gus really is and what happened in Chile.

David Cansler

You'll never drink apple juice again...LOL


I wouldn't say he was higher than Madrigal. More that he went into a partnership with the company's (CEO)?!? If you notice, Gus is trying to convince "him" not to crack under pressure. More because I believe to a degree, Gus is protected as long as the CEO doesn't fold. They obviously knew each other for a while, and even did some dirt back in the day implying that this guy was probably more fearsome than Gus back then. Time caught up but, both found a way to make even more money through the illegal drug trade. This episode speaks silent volumes in my opinion, because it really tells you that doing the math on everything Gus has his hands in, would already make him a quadruple billionaire (mildly exaggerating but the point stands). In reality, his funds coupled with the CEO's backing is what is allowing all this to happen.

Michael King

Gus is probably a war criminal from Pinochet’s regime who changed his name and got the hell out when it collapsed. Just like the high ranking Nazi officials who changed their names and moved to various countries when the war ended. I doubt there are many people who are more fearsome than Gustavo Fring. It’s possible the CEO was connected to Nazis who fled, maybe a son. But I’m not going to go that far. He’s chickenshit though. Gus was probably high ranking and responsible for a good chunk of the genocide there.

Eligh Te

its actually genius how they thought of a way for peter schuler to be dipping potatos in condiments at madrigal, a good way for viewers to connect the memory of him taste testing the sauces at madrigal in breaking bad. also lydia talks about shanking people in prison to deal with them, which she does to eight people in two minutes with walt.

Eligh Te

love how they show jimmy washing his shoes with his only water lmao

Daniel Moskowitz

Just smoked a spliff. Spice curls sound mighty fine to me too. Also, I have heated floors.

Daniel Moskowitz

Your piss might taste good at a certain point of dehydration