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Michael Paddon

Info dump for you. Closest star to Earth is the Sun. Next nearest is Proxima Centauri at about 4.2 light years away. A light year is measured by teh speed of light. So it would take you 4.2 years travelling at the speed of light to get there. Sadly, based on our current understanding of physics speeds up to and certainly exceeding light speed aren't possible. This is partly due to the effect of time dilation (time slows the faster you go) and energy needed to propel you to those speeds. As to your other question at the end. The guy on the last planet we can assume has died at some point in the years that have past. The first planet they went down on put them into the time dilation field of the black hole (gravity can slow time effectively) and 28 years had past by the time they came back to teh ship. Add in the ten years the original mission had been gone for, plus the age of the person (say 30) and they would be around 68 years old if they didn't go into their sleep pod. Could have died to any number of reasons over the years too.

Dan Gershgol

Wow. Wonderful movie. I always heard it was good but I never got around to seeing it until now.