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let us try something,

̶i̶̶ ̶̶w̶̶i̶̶l̶̶l̶̶ ̶̶f̶̶r̶̶o̶̶m̶̶ ̶̶n̶̶o̶̶w̶̶ ̶̶o̶̶n̶̶ ̶̶p̶̶o̶̶s̶̶t̶̶ ̶̶e̶̶v̶̶e̶̶r̶̶y̶̶ ̶̶d̶̶a̶̶y̶̶ ̶̶a̶̶ ̶̶m̶̶i̶̶n̶̶i̶̶u̶̶p̶̶d̶̶a̶̶t̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶s̶̶p̶̶e̶̶c̶̶i̶̶a̶̶l̶̶ ̶̶f̶̶o̶̶r̶̶ ̶̶y̶̶o̶̶u̶♥

̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶n̶̶ ̶̶a̶̶ ̶̶w̶̶e̶̶e̶̶k̶̶ ̶̶l̶̶a̶̶t̶̶e̶̶r̶̶ ̶̶i̶̶ ̶̶w̶̶i̶̶l̶̶l̶̶ ̶̶p̶̶o̶̶s̶̶t̶̶ ̶̶i̶̶t̶̶ ̶̶f̶̶o̶̶r̶̶ ̶̶t̶̶h̶̶e̶̶ ̶̶f̶̶l̶̶u̶̶f̶̶f̶̶y̶̶ ̶̶a̶c̶̶c̶̶o̶̶m̶̶p̶̶l̶̶i̶̶c̶̶e̶!̶

Well this is "Bullshit" and i always said No bs! 

So i will now start making those posts also for Fluffy accomplices, and go back to the way i handled it with the fluffy friends before, you will get a Private message or special poll from time to time and a special place in my heart♥


But Important!

The First Part of every Post is Technical Stuff, you can read it and still be surprised on what Frost is going to be,

The second part is Spoiler territory!

If you care about that you should NOT Read Beyound The Spoiler warning further down in this post!

Technical Things:

Last time a have asked you what feline you would like to have in the next release i am currently working on,

The Panther and SnowLeopard have won,

So i added the new Fur to the Panthress and found a problem...


She is waaay to dark...

And this is not as simple as you meight think, you just can not make her lighter and call it done


This just looks wrong, the fur is way to dull and maybe good for anthoer feline but not for a panther, they need to be dark and mysterious...

But Luckly there is something i implemented on the old Shell Fur that can give very detailed lighting with low cost on the hardware,

Spherical Environment Mapping:


It adds more Light and can be controlled by a simple Texture

This is The Shader for the Indiviual Hair strands:


And this is the Material Function:


And this is the Texture Used as Spherical environment for the Pantress:


If someone is interested in this technique, tell me and i send you the Shader with some instructions on how to use it.




Now to something i an currently working on,

as you know i currently working hard to get the delayed release out to you.

For that i made a part of Frost (The introduction) where you meet Mistress Frost and her Bluefox Friends.

This replaces your old and dirty Sleepingbag from the Minigame with a Huge and Fluffy Bed with Two Living Pillows to keep you warm :3



It is Placed in a Tower, with no way to escape?


Altough you may not want to flee this place because you need to cuddle with your new "Pillows".

The Plan is to have you decide who is in your "Home" bed, so it needs to be big and have space for at least three chracters, so you can collect your favorites there.

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SPOILER END!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So thats it for now i think, i will continue today getting the release done, still need to make the Animation blueprint for the bed and polish the animation transitions,

Tomorrow i will tell you about how i do animation sets!

And a few extra images of the panthress :3





Edit1 Added Image Links and Attachenment